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Thread: ALERT: U.S. News.....Terrorism

  1. #1
    ptbyjason Guest

    ALERT: U.S. News.....Terrorism

    This is off subject, but everyone needs to know about this.

    I figured I would start a thread about the terrorism that is going on right now. Most of us live in the US and this affects us as much as anything.
    As of right now the World Trade Center twin towers in Manhatten have both been hit by planes and there has been an explosion at the pentagon.
    Ok, now one of the twin towers just collapsed. If you don't know about this turn on your tv. I will try to keep this post updated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind

    HOLY $H!T

    i JUST SAW IT MAN, WHAT KINDA CRAP IS THAT??!. It just shows you and everyone else, that's it not all fun and games in USA like everyone thinks it is...

  3. #3
    ptbyjason Guest
    Yeah I know man, I can't believe this either. One of the twin towers is gone. It totally collapsed! I still am not sure about the status of pentagon.

  4. #4
    ptbyjason Guest
    The second twin tower just collapsed. A hijacked plane from American Airlines was one of the planes that hit one of the towers.
    Another hijacked plane is heading for Washington now. They think it is heading to the capitol.

  5. #5


  6. #6
    ptbyjason Guest
    Large plane crashes in Pennsylvania. Don't know if it is related or not.

  7. #7
    ptbyjason Guest
    I'm about to butcher this guys name, but he needs to be butchered if this is true. The guy that is always involved in terrorism, oh hell, I will look it up.
    Ok, Osama bin Laden warned of an attack on US interests three weeks ago. He said he would attack in a big way.
    I hope I picked the right name. They all sound the same.
    This info is from a newspaper in another country. Don't go around telling everyone this is a fact. That's how rumors get started.

    Update: the two planes that hit the World Trade Center were a 767 and a 757 with passengers aboard each.

  8. #8
    ptbyjason Guest
    92 people on first plane that hit trade center. Not much info, just want to keep everyone updated.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    This has got to be the worst act in a long time, someone will pay!


  10. #10
    ptbyjason Guest
    Ok, I found a news source that is not overloaded if you want the latest news. Go to the Drudge Report. I have used this site before and the site usually tells you things the major news stations won't.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    For sure keep this updated. However, try not to worry about it is my advice. Yes, it is a tragedy and I feel very badly for the families of the victims, but unless you're directly involved then just relax. Things will get worked out eventually. Sucks though and it is kinda scary. It just drives me nuts when everyone overreacts. That was why the terrorists did this. Oh, and I heard that there are parades and shit going on in Pakistan. THAT is messed up.

  12. #12
    ptbyjason Guest

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    my guess is that its not finished

    my guess is that its not finished, i dont know for the plane crashes but this thing has preparing itself for months now if not years.

    wouldnt surprise me if there are bombs that go off tonight.

    I bet that this is just the start, these bastards are crazy.

    Wishing luck to everyone in that US and hope that bush retaliates fast enough.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Thumbs up nathan thats funny

    I was reading your post and saw the signing at the end mouhahahaha Vaginas are your friends. now thats funny man hehehehehhe

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Calgary Canada
    My condolances to you bro's to the south.

    This is the biggest news that has happened in my lifetime. pretty much all work has stopped at our office.. people just listening to radios and the net.

    Stupid though, you don't want to piss off the US government. There will be some serious payback. George W. seems like a pretty right wing eye-for-an-eye kind off guy.

    heads will roll, literally, on this one.

    I wish you good luck hunting down the mofo's reaponsible.

  16. #16
    ptbyjason Guest
    Just trying to keep everyone updated
    2:00 summary

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    i know i live in toronto but i was listening on the way to school downtown. Shit the subways were rammed. This kinda shit makes me sick, especially the fact that the palestinians (spelling) were dancing in the streets. How can they find joy in this, fuck i hope bush goes full out to launch an attack on their ass! For once it is good that Bush is so pro-army and national security

  18. #18
    ptbyjason Guest
    Yeah I would like to see "W" take them out. I think more people were killed in this attack then there was on Pearl Harbor. This is unbelievable.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    bush should bring out a super army of juiced up MOFO's and send them in to kick their ass! maybe he'd legalize it to ! lol

  20. #20
    ptbyjason Guest
    The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine has claimed responsibility for the attacks on the World Trade Center, according to the BBC and Abu Dhabi television. However, DFLP sources have denied any involvement.
    Source of info: The Jerusalem Post

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    those MOFO's, takes a lot of guts to go around boasting about something like this. Tis time for a full out nuclear strike!

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I'm apalled, I'm shocked, I'm saddened and I'm sickend by this cowardly act. It makes no sense at all. If these slimy cowards wanted to attack the worlds greatest superpower they should have attacked a military target. Pearl Harbour was a sneak attack but at least it was a stratigic attack against a miltary stronghold (I'm not downplaying the tyragic loss of life in Pearl Harbour). These bastards attacked a civilian target and slaughtered 1000's of innocent people. I really don't know what to say...

  23. #23
    Mike Guest
    Ok for all you with the upmost faith in George Dubbya - I am happy that you have that capacity - personally I just don't - I don't have much faith in him as our pres but yes he is an eye for an eye kind of for the count...10k....holy shit......

    Edraven - i dont think there will be bombs tonight - acts of terrorism like this especially on the US have to happen all at once for the most part. Historically speaking terrorists rarely commit acts of terrorism sequencially in such short intervals - with US beefing up security there wont be another act for a while except possible anarchist internal copy cat acts.

    God this is messed up....My company is based out of's nuts over there

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    heading west
    It is somewhat upsetting to acknowledge that our federal government was deploying its manpower and money to seize our dbols and little vials of oil while these terrorists were busy planning and successfully executing an attack on our country. What a shame - all that money and power being directed against us instead of for protecting us.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by Full Intensity
    bush should bring out a super army of juiced up MOFO's and send them in to kick their ass! maybe he'd legalize it to ! lol
    Hey, where do you go to school if you don't mind my asking? I'm at U of T.

  26. #26
    i think everyone should take a second out of there time and have a moment of scilence for the inocent people that have lost their lives today...
    god rest there soul!


  27. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Its always those God damn ***** and ******. Fuck the whole
    Middle East. I say we blow up the whole area and steal it.
    President Bush needs to issue Anadrol 50's to all citizens to
    make us stronger and more pissed off. Were too nice to everyone.

    **(this post was edited by a mod)**

  28. #28
    Mike Guest
    Too nice? What do you know about being too nice?? I WILL NOT tolerate racism or narrow minded bigotry here - for all those members on this board who are arabic I apologize for Toddy's comment.

  29. #29
    ptbyjason Guest
    Yeah, I'm with Mike. This is a tragedy, but there is no need to hate an entire race or region of the world for somthing that only a few select group of people knew about before it happened. If an entire race/nationality knew about this attack and supported it, somehow it would have been leaked.
    I know on the EF board today there have been a lot of racist remarks, arguing, and hate messages. I don't want that on this board. This is a time of grief. There is anger, but it should be pointed to it's proper recipient, not everyone.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Jason, I agree with you 100%. There were similar threads on the "Anabolex" board, so I have decided to stay off that board completely for the time being. Like Mike, I DETEST bigotry, ignorance and narrow-mindedness. I understand how an event like this can bring out a range of emotions, rage being one of them, but there is no need to bash an entire race of people because of the acts of a few, regardless of history.


  31. #31
    Mike Guest
    Very true - nobody ever took it out on white folk when Timothy Mcveigh did his deal did they? Seriously guys - it would really impress me if we were the only board to NOT put up with the racism - I will be deleting ALL racist narrow minded posts - it's silly and based in stupidity.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Building #7 of the World Trade Complex has just collapsed, 47 stories. This is sickening!!

  33. #33
    ptbyjason Guest
    What is building #7? I haven't heard anything about that building.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Building number 7 sat adjacent to the two towers. It was part of the World Trade Complex.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    hey Nathan i'm at U of T to brotha, what college? i'm at St. mikes have u been at the school gym lately? i've been there the last couple days in a row, i am studying Computer Science.
    Last edited by Full Intensity; 09-11-2001 at 04:21 PM.

  36. #36
    ptbyjason Guest
    Newest Update:
    Explosions in Afghanistan (probably not directly related)
    5:15 ET update
    Bush Will Address the nation at 9:00 ET
    Long gas lines and gas prices soaring

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by Full Intensity
    hey Nathan i'm at U of T to brotha, what college? i'm at St. mikes have u been at the school gym lately? i've been there the last couple days in a row, i am studying Computer Science.
    I work out at Goodlife down on McCaul St. near Much Music. It's close to where I live. So, I haven't breen to the U of T gym at all. I may start going soon though as they don't have any dumbells over 100lbs. at my gym and I could use 'em. I'm in astrophysics - most classes I have are in MP. What year are ya? I'm third.

  38. #38
    ptbyjason Guest
    Update News:
    7:00 ET update
    'Bullseye' say Egyptians as they celebrate anti-US attacks


    Gas News:

    KMBZ radio in Kansas City, Missouri, is reporting $5 a gallon for gas...

    MO atty gen Jay Nixon says that the prices up to $5 a gallon in KC are the result of opportunistic gouging and are illegal and that he will prosecute...

    Rumors of $5.00 per gallon in Detroit...

    Gas lines formed all afternoon throughout Tulsa, blocking major streets and intersections. Tulsa County Sheriff had to ask for calm...

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    i am in first year, the biggest dumbells i've seen at the gym here are 120's. Don't quote me on that one. But i am from Woodbridge, so when i'm here i work out at fabulous fitness. But my membership ran out last week, so i am going to sign up at Hi Tech, its a new place, b/c i have to work out on weekends and i ain't gonna drive downtown to work out.

  40. #40
    ptbyjason Guest

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