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Thread: Fuck Terorists

  1. #1
    Mike Guest

    Fuck Terorists

    Ok just a quick note to say FUCK terrorists - I am PISSED. Until we kill someone I am just gonna stay pretty fucking mad - if I knew any better I would think this had something to do with the damn brits - I know how Big Al's temper gets when he's on test LOL just all seriousness I know this is the wrong forum but shut up. I'm pissed and I am gonna vent........If we do confirm that this was an act of terrorism from afghanistan then all members of that origin will be immediately banned! LOL

    I dont have a TV here at work and I am kinda pissed so someone keep me in the loop - where I left off the south tower of the world trade had just completely collapsed and the other was still standing - One plane was hijacked out of boston to NY (767) and hit the first tower.....but then there was a second plane hitting the other tower...why don't I know where that plane was coming from or what kind of plane it was? I find it odd that nobody knows a thing bout the second plane....was someone important on it??? Hmmm...

    Then apparantly there was another plane crashing into the pentagon and then a fire at the white house - as of now all major depts are being evacuate (white house, treasury, state dept) and stock trading is suspended..

    That's all I know - keep me informed ya'll

    (And I am sincerely sorry for anyone who may have friends family or relatives in the manhattan area etc)

  2. #2
    ptbyjason Guest
    I'm with you man. This is totally fucked up. I don't understand terrorism. War is a lot easier to understand than this, and sometimes I don't always understand that. I don't know if we should ban the members, but we will suspend those with the same nationality.
    I don't know of a fire at the white house, I can't confirm that (I sound like a reporter). They thought the second plane that hit the twin tower was an airbus.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind

    Thumbs down You know what?????????

    This is fucking ludicrous. Complete Bull$h!t. Do not worry my friends, we are going to get these mother !@#$$% back, I can not believe they would go after our innocent fucking friends at the trade center. We'll get 'em. Trust Bush.

  4. #4
    Mike Guest
    LOL yeah I was kidding bout the banning thing......kinda...not really LOL

    Yeah whats up with that? You cant confirm that?? LOL Listen to you! Well I am not sure there was a fire just smoke in the east wong I believe.

    Man this is's a sick world - I will say this though - international terrorists make our US terrorists look like pussies LOL I mean Ol Timothy is looking like a pussy cat now!

    Hey does anyone know if the US has ever been involved in any major acts of internation terrorism? I mean have we had terrorists over in other countries doing shit remotely similar to this? Cant think of any right now but maybe I am just ignorant....

  5. #5
    ptbyjason Guest
    No, I think we only attack ourselves. We should have thought of this a long time ago. Our terrorist are stupid. They attack us and other countries attack us. Ok terrorist, I want a response. What gives? Why does everyone attacks us?
    Mike you think terrorist frequent our board? I wonder if I will get a response.

  6. #6
    ptbyjason Guest
    Man I just heard on the news that they shut down our airport. I live in Houston now. What a reality shock, we could actually be attacked to. I have only been here a couple of weeks. I never thought about this being a downside of living in a large city. This is crazy man because now I don't know how safe it is to leave my house.

  7. #7
    Mike Guest
    No our terrorists are stupid - and gutless - I like it that way

    LOL he said "Trust Bush"

    PtbyJason - ALL airports in the country have been shut down - so don't be flattered

  8. #8
    ptbyjason Guest
    Thanks for the update man. The problem is there are possibly two or more planes that have been hijacked. No one knows where they are or where they are going. I know LA and San Fran have been put on alert. There are buildings being evacuated in Houston right now, and some of students are allowed to leave right now.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Man This is Fucked up, all our tele is now the news, I've been on CNN and they got video stream of the Trade centre, I beleive pitsburg and the pentagon have been attached and you guys on standby, with figher planes in the air. I have also heard there is a plane on the way to the Whitehouse which they may shot down.

    Hey bro Brits are you allies and will Kick some butt over this, out of interest London Parliment has been evacutated so has the London Stock Exchange.

    With the IRA over here we deal with a lot of terriosist attacks, I can't remeber anything like this sense Carnary Wharf was blown up.

    This is gonna cost Billions.

    My sympathy to all of you.


  10. #10
    Mike Guest
    Ok apparantly there was 7 total planes hijacked - 4 accounted for now and we have released fighter planes - one plane (hijacked plane) is believed to be headed towards the pentagon

    The plane over PA I believe was United Airlines and the rest seem to be American so far...

    The terrorist PtbyJason referred to in the other thread is Idslama Bin Ladin (wrong spelling) of afghanistan and he was the one responsible for the first world trade center bombing......?? And is under high suspicion to say the least.....

    fuck...this is sick - I am honestly sick to my stomach over this - I just dont understand people

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    A friend rang my g/f from louisanna ans she reackon's there are car bombings and I school had been attacked.

    I've heard that it is the US support of Iraesl over the land argument with Iraq that is the cause?

    I hope I can still come to LV bro's!


  12. #12
    ptbyjason Guest
    What school? And where is she in Louisiana? I am from there, nothing is happening over there is it?

    Hey Mike, thanks for the spelling correction.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    flying overhead in my fina-jet...


    What's up everyone, haven't been around in a while, personal problems...anyway. I live in staten island, (new york city), and I saw this shit on tv from the timne the first plane hit. What a horrible disaster. Was on the phone for two hours, making sure friends and family in the city were OK. So far so good, thank God. Everyone watching thought that the first plane crash was nothing more than a terrible accident...our mouths dropped as we saw the other plane approach from the right of the screen and go through tower no. 1. This is worse than Pearl Harbor...they should round up all the palestinians in this country and put them in internment camps like they did to the Japanese.
    By the way as of now, both towers of the world trade center no longer exist, trade building no.7 is on fire and may collapse, and the city is SHUT DOWN. No one in through any bridge, subway, boat, or otherwise unless emergency personnel, of course. Also heard reports that people in the city were grabbing arab cabbies out of their cars and beating the crap out of them...I LOVE N.Y.!

    Mike you got mail bro, sorry about the mail, I didn't forget about you!

  14. #14
    Mike Guest
    Thought you forgot bout me baby

    Hey I wish you the best with friends and fam in NY - as for the comment - I hope that your comment about palestinians was out of concern for their well being and not narrow minded racism - The camps set up for the japanese were never a good idea - it was a horrific thing for someone to go through and I hope to god nobody ever has to again - I feel badly for all people who just happen to be palestinian or arab etc ect that will be hurt now (hence the cabbies) I dont feel this is right - would you wanna get your ass kicked just cause lil timmy blew up a building and happened to be white? Is that a statement on other white people??

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal

    Angry Terrorist should DIE

    This really pisses me off. Why didn't we do something to this ben-ladwhatever before? He declared war on the us 2 years ago and we just ignore it. He bombed those embassies still nothing. Then he bombed the trade center the first time still not one damn thing or at least not enough. Now the f***er needs to DIE!!!!!!!!!! We can't stop at him we need to bomb all those terrorist camps. We know where they are lets just kill all those cowards. Doesn't matter if they were involved. Make people afraid to be terrorist. F**K how this is viewed by other countries instill fear in the middle east.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    flying overhead in my fina-jet...


    Didn't forget about you bro.
    And what I meant about the internment camps was for their benefit, after what happened to the cabbies. I have a friend who is Palestinian and I sure as hell wouldn't want her in one of them if it could be avoided. Tradgedy any way you look at it. Building no.7 definitely collapsed by the way, saw it on TV finally, and here's the kicker...that was the location of the offices for the Emergency response crews. All the bridges are still blocked off, as I tried to go into Brooklyn over the Verrazanno bridge, and met up with a mile long line at the entrance, not letting ANYONE through...I'll keep everyone updated.

  17. #17
    ptbyjason Guest
    Thanks man, It's good to have a source close to the action. Wait, well it's not good, oh hell you know what I mean. Anyway, keep us updated.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    flying overhead in my fina-jet...


    Yeah bro I know what you meant...
    I'll keep you guys updated if I hear anything new. Hopefully some sort of good news this time.

  19. #19
    CYCLEON Guest
    I know some of you are not fond of President Bush - You will be happy to note however that there has probably never been an administration who are as hawkeyed and warlike as the people who currently surround Bush - Cheny, Rumsfeld, Rice, Armitage, and Powell is the nice guy!!! You may rest assured that this will not be an excercise in words - These people have been struck at home and they (Bush included) are not the type of people who back off. - these are not touchy feely people like the Clinton/Gore crowd. They dont care to "feel your pain", But they will be hellbent on inflicting some.

    You must understand that if congress gives them that three letter word (war) and it is declared against an organization, country , etc. then that equates to a liscense to kill, with no questions asked - hunting season is open and God help ANYONE who is in their way or that they think is responsible.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    It's time to bomb some mother fuckers boys. People from my town were on those planes. My friends manager died on one of those planes. She called and was all upset. My condolences to those of you on the east coast who knew people that died there. I'm praying for those people. Bush is going to fuck some shit up. He wont tolerate this shit! God, I want to fucking kill some ragheads. Sorry if I sound racist, but fuck this man. I need to go lift or something. Anyway, my prayers to everyone!

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    If anybody is juice-free right now they should go donate blood.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    This is fucked up. I'm from NY and most of my family lives in the city, so I gave a call and luckily no one was around there. I couldnt stand when they were showing video or Iraq cheering for the attack. I was thinking how the hell can they be so excited when were just gonna blow the shit out of them. Lets see how happy they are when thier parents head is laying on thier lap. Oh its not to fucking funny now bitch You nknow this sucks I cant fly a plane or drive a tank theres nothing I can do!! I cant even donate blood because of juice but I do have a solution .... Why dont they just fly the american population over there with no guns, knifes or any weapons at all and we just beat the living shit out of them. I'll consider it roid rage, then we'de have to take a shower because we would stink like curry. ahh just a little venting.

    Fast R
    Last edited by Fast Results; 09-12-2001 at 02:08 AM.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    That is the craziest most fucked up shit I have ever seen. We'll get the persons responsible.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    i live in lousiana, nothing serious has happend here in the bayou. Nothing to worry about PTJason.

  25. #25
    Mike Guest
    Oh no,,,

    FR - do I have to look at your Bush avatar?? LOL

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    flying overhead in my fina-jet...


    Just keeping everyone of late last night the toll of missing and presumed dead read as follows:
    250 NYC Firemen
    50 EMS workers
    78 Police Officers
    I have family on the police dept. and I work for the FD so I know alot of the missing...this is a fucking nightmare.
    Early this morning six people were found in a void in one of the buildings. One Port Authority cop and FIVE fireman! Thank GOD. All will survive and are in the hospital as we speak. Waiting to get called, may go in this afternoon for relief purposes to try and help with the cleanup and salvage.
    The list above is absent of the over 5,000, yes 5,000 that they believe are also trapped or dead (civilians)
    And just in case anyone is wondering, this WILL be considered an act of war, and I will bet that ground troops or planes are flooding whatever third world country is either responsible for the action itself or harboring those responsible, by the end of the week...

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2001


    Ok heres what I've just heard. The FBI just raded a hotel in Boston band made a few arrests for people involved and that in Fla a few exchange students were being questioned because they helped with a certification for a plane. Even thoe its a beginners license you dont need to land or take off so steering it is easy.

    Fast R

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