Ok just a quick note to say FUCK terrorists - I am PISSED. Until we kill someone I am just gonna stay pretty fucking mad - if I knew any better I would think this had something to do with the damn brits - I know how Big Al's temper gets when he's on test LOL just kidding....in all seriousness I know this is the wrong forum but shut up. I'm pissed and I am gonna vent........If we do confirm that this was an act of terrorism from afghanistan then all members of that origin will be immediately banned! LOL
I dont have a TV here at work and I am kinda pissed so someone keep me in the loop - where I left off the south tower of the world trade had just completely collapsed and the other was still standing - One plane was hijacked out of boston to NY (767) and hit the first tower.....but then there was a second plane hitting the other tower...why don't I know where that plane was coming from or what kind of plane it was? I find it odd that nobody knows a thing bout the second plane....was someone important on it??? Hmmm...
Then apparantly there was another plane crashing into the pentagon and then a fire at the white house - as of now all major depts are being evacuate (white house, treasury, state dept) and stock trading is suspended..
That's all I know - keep me informed ya'll
(And I am sincerely sorry for anyone who may have friends family or relatives in the manhattan area etc)