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Thread: Nostradamus

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001


    This gives me goosebumps:

    "In the year of the new century and nine months, from the sky will
    come a great King of Terror...The sky will burn at fourty-five
    degrees. Fire approaches the great new city... In the City of God
    there will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by Chaos,
    while the fortress endures, the great leader will succumb. The third
    great war will begin when the big city is burning."

    ~ Nostradamus

  2. #2
    Mike Guest
    It is kinda creepy - as well that Sept. 11th happened to be the day Quaid-e-Azam Mohammed Ali Jinnah died in 1948. The "Father of Palestine"

    Quaid-e-Azam Mohammed Ali Jinnah became the first head of the new state of Palestine, which was essentially created by him. He took oath as the first governor general on August 15, 1947. Faced with the serious problems of a young nation, he tackled Pakistan's problems with authority. He was not regarded as merely the governor-general; he was revered as the father of the nation. He worked hard until overpowered by age and disease in Karachi. He died on 11th September, 1948 at Karachi...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Just to qualify my post...I don't lend credibility to Nostardamus' predictions (the man made tens of thousands...eventually he would have to be close on one or two) nor the old testamnet for that matter. However, that particular passage just seemed very creepy in it's similarities.

    New Century (the new century began on Jan 1, 2001 not Jan 1, 2000) and 9 months (September), from the sky (airplanes)...The sky will burn at 45 degrees (NYC lies between 40-45 degrees lattitude)...two brothers (the trade towers or possible the Israli/Palestinian conflict) torn apart by chaos...while the fortress (Pentagon) endures...the great leader (Bush?...I'm not sure about this one but that's not a judgement to be made by me since I'm Canadian)... is interesting

  4. #4
    Mike Guest
    Good insight and excellent interpretation - but yes you are also correct in your earlier comment - I was opening this post to make JUST that comment - that if the man made thousands of predictions wouldnt it be safe to assume one or two may be close to the truth? I mean if I wrote books of predictions today I bet if people really wanted to believe there is an answer out there (and apparantly that is basic human nature, hence religion) then someone one day will find a way to interpret a prediction to make it match up with reality. Just inevitable. But yes - I dont disagree it's kinda odd....

  5. #5
    Mike Guest
    "In the year of the new century and nine months, from the sky will
    come a great King of Terror...The sky will burn at fourty-five
    degrees. Fire approaches the great new city... In the City of God
    there will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by Chaos,
    while the fortress endures, the great leader will succumb. The third
    great war will begin when the big city is burning."

    ~ Nostradamus

    I see where you are coming from when you state the date prediction, that is clear. King of terror seems a bit mighty of a term to describe an airplane but I can see this being the view of a man that was making this poredictions HUNDREDS of years ago - that the thought of an airplane would be that 'mighty' so that I can understand, the sky buring at 45 degrees you pointed out that NY was between 40-45degrees in lattitude which wasa very good insight, fire approaching the great new city may be NY but I am not sure. As for the City of God, I don't believe this is in reference to NY.

    "In the City of God there will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by Chaos, while the fortress endures"

    I believe the city of god where there will be a great thunder and two brothers torn apart by chaos while the fortress endures.....the fortress may very well mean the pentagon - as pretentious as that is - but I think the city of god and two brothers, and thunder would be talking bout perhaps Israel?? And the chaos between Palistan and Israel? After all it is said that America will enter the third world war late in the game - after the Eastern world has begun - this would dictate to me that the 'war' has begun, as predicted previously by nostradamus, in 1999 and this just happned to awake everyone that yes indeed it is a war going on over there that should not be taken lightly...

    LOL I am not a firm believer in this man - nor am I a believer in any religion but I just thought it would be fun to pick apart that passage

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    flying overhead in my fina-jet...


    that is some scary shit...although the similarities and interpretation by Pete are pretty much dead on, I read a few books about Nostradamus' predictions and although some are eerily close to the truth, some are so far off base it's rediculous.
    Point being- take it with a grain of salt.
    Interesting reading though

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Good call Mike...I wouldn't expect you to be any less than thorough in your disection of the passage. Yeah "The City of God" thing does seem pretty far off base and I'm sure some of your would question the term " Great Leader" in regards to Geore W. That being said, when those responsible are brought to justice, I think that President Bushs' ultra conservative ideologies will influence the course of action that is to be taken against the offenders. A swift, brutal, precise strike against the enemy will be appreciated, I'm sure, by liberal and conservative alike. As liberal as I am in my views I want nothing more than to see the most powerful Military power in the World exact it's vengence upon those who perpetrated this attrocity.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Canada Eh!
    heres a freak

    September 11

    Ninth month, eleventh day

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Well my friends...I've been taken for a little ride. But I still think the points made in the thread were valid regardless of the authenticity of the passge.

  10. #10
    Mike Guest
    Well if you think thats freaky check this out.....

    Flight #11 = September 11, the day it all started (911)
    Flight #93 = September 12, 9+3=12
    Flight #175= September 13, 1+7+5
    Flight #77 = September 14, 7+7

    Flight 11 actually being the very first plane to take off

    And the date 9/11 also happens to be the date that Quaid-e-Azam Mohammed Ali Jinnah died in 1948. The "Father of Palestine"

    Quaid-e-Azam Mohammed Ali Jinnah became the first head of the new state of Palestine, which was essentially created by him. He took oath as the first governor general on August 15, 1947. Faced with the serious problems of a young nation, he tackled Pakistan's problems with authority. He was not regarded as merely the governor-general; he was revered as the father of the nation. He worked hard until overpowered by age and disease in Karachi. He died on 11th September, 1948 at Karachi.

    I am not one of those that plays number games with dates and figures in relation to big events - just thought if we were gonna note the odd I may as well throw that in there

  11. #11
    Mike Guest
    LOL how funny

    To think we wasted perfectly good intellect on that - shame on you Pete

    As I said though - i am not one to believe that crap - just like the analytical/intelectual side of disecting it

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Same with me my friend. I love to disect and question the validity of religion and theology. I have a close friend who was several months away from being ordained as a Catholic Priest (he pulled out, fell in love, got married and started a family) and he is still a very passionate proponent of organized religion and faith. Some of my most enjoyable moments came from staying up into the wee hours of the morning and intelligently debating the topic. We are so different in our views but forever remain close friends who respect each others beliefs. It is in this spirit that the threads posted in the past few days have been presented and responded to. Passionate, but intelligent, opininons put forth by the board members without disrespecting your fellow members. I for one am very proud of the decorum showed on our board.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I love Nostradamus. What a great man he was.

  14. #14
    Mike Guest
    member him?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Im debating if I should pay my mortgage, if the 3rd war is starting I dont think money will benifit me. That predict is spooky.

    Fast R

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    If you guys have ever read Nostradamus you will know that a lot of his predictions do appear to have some familiar truths about them and yeah if a guy was to predict thousands of events he would get close but reading his works a lot of them are a bit too close for comfort.

    I,m not sure of the guys name maybe Pete,Mike you have heard of him I think it was Alexaric?? and he worshipped Satan he was found in a room with 12 other people who had all been slain and he was alive but could not speak for the story says that his soul had been removed from its body.If you can get hold of his works and predictions (They were banned) but there are copies around Fuck that will run shivers down your spine and make Nostradamus look like and a learner in the subject.

    I,ll have a look see what I can find


  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    some of this is not true, here is a link that proves and debunks what you guys have misinterpreted. Please pass this along, I am tired of getting emails about this. I see so many hoaxes that come via email, and yes, that is my job to debunk hoaxes, cause that is part of what we do. I can't get the address in this field, cause it is from good ole AOL, but here is the actual text copied and pasted for your reading pleasure..

    Did Nostradamus really predict New York attack?

    By Geert De Clercq

    SINGAPORE, Sept 13 (Reuters) - Internet chat rooms are abuzz with talk that 16th century French astrologer Nostradamus forecast the attack on the World Trade Center in New York.

    Thousands of people have received e-mails containing this prophecy, often with a second part forecasting that the attack on the twin towers will mark the beginning of World War III.

    Several versions are doing the rounds. This is one of them:

    "In the year of the new century and nine months

    From the sky will come a great King of Terror

    The sky will burn at forty-five degrees

    Fire approaches the new city."

    The text corresponds roughly to a verse in Nostradamus's Century (section) Six, Quatrain 97. Several books on Nostradamus have speculated that this quatrain's first line refers to September 2001, the ninth month in the first year of the new century, while the 45 degrees is interpreted as the latitude of the city of New York.

    But New York lies just below 41 degrees latitude and Nostradamus's verse does not mention a great war, contrary to what several e-mails say. In many e-mails, the verse comes with a second part, which seems harder to link to Nostradamus:

    "In the city of York there will be a great collapse

    Two twin brothers torn apart by chaos

    While the fortress falls the great leader will succumb

    Third big war will begin when the big city is burning."


    "(This second quatrain) is NOT by Nostradamus," read a statement on, a Web site for Nostradamus study.

    Hoax or not, various versions of the verse are being forwarded by the thousands every day.

    "Initially, I was really sceptical, but I went to the web to look up something on (Nostradamus). Some prophecies have come true," Agnes Ng, a 23-year old Singaporean accountancy student, told Reuters on Thursday.

    She received one of the prophecies in an e-mail from a friend. Before forwarding the message to her contacts, she posted a copy on Usenet newsgroup alt.prophecies.nostradamus. The e-mail she received was even more specific, forecasting that:

    "The big war will begin when the big city is burning

    on the 11th day of the 9th month that...

    two metal birds would crash into two tall statues

    in the new city and the world will end soon after."

    One of the newsgroup contributors who goes by the e-mail moniker of "Justaguy" said this was a fake.

    "It has been posted ad nauseam," he said.

    Nostradamus prophecies surface after nearly every major news event. False or real, they struck a chord in Singapore.

    Bookstore salespeople told Reuters there had been strong demand for books on Nostradamus since Tuesday's attacks.

    03:16 09-13-01

    Copyright 2001 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution of Reuters content, including by framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Reuters. Reuters shall not be liable for any errors or delays in the content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. All active hyperlinks have been inserted by AOL.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Done your homework bro!!

    I don,t think anyone is saying he is 100% accurate but you got to admit some of his predictions and things that have happened in the past are a bit "close" Whether or not you believe in them is up to the reader of the article


  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    OH Billy my boy, I do believe in some of the things he predicted it just pisses me off when people twist the truth. I have done alot of research on some of his predictions, and yes, some of them are very scary. He missed Hitler's name by one letter, he used Hister, instead of Hitler. No doubt, he had a unique gift. But History and predictions can and will change. If you believe in that sorta stuff. It is possible to change our own destiny's if you believe in that freaky stuff.. not that I do or anything heee..

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Milkyway Galaxy!
    All I have to say is if you haven't been obeying God's laws now you mind as well start doing it now!

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Nostrodamous, was a quite religious man, and he acknowledged that his gift that he had was from God. that is why he spent years writing down his predictions, because he thought that was what God wanted him to do. No flame Theron, none whatsoever, just thought I would share that with you, just in case you didn't know this about him.
    I know about all the fake phophets and all, but even the Catholic as well as other religions reconize Nostradomous as a phophet in some cases.
    But no one really knows, but just amazing if you start looking into his writtings about how many have actually came true.

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