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Thread: Bomb in Empire State Biulding

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Bomb in Empire State Biulding

    Ok this is getting way out of hand ... now theres a bomb in the Empire State Biulding. This sucks I cant do a damb thing. I just found out that my cousin was in the building while it was coming down. He's got 2 broken legs and has a broken colar bone hes gonna be ok. he has to be the luckiest person alive. At least were clearing out this shit and try to get NY back to some saftey. Im proud of Bush he said" This thing takes time to sort out but make no mistake we will win."
    I cant wait till we do I keep hearing statment s from other countries and there on our side 100% even Mexico offered help, what could they do throw rocks? Its great to have other coutries backing you. Im also still hearing shit like " I understand and feel sorrow for the deaths of the americans but I respect the message that was sent." " America should treat all countries the same" what Im getting from this is middle east is pissed because we will help other countries with resources, money ect.. but we wont to the middle east. So are we Santa Claus? GET THESE PEOPLE OUT! If we dont agree with them or if we dont get along with them we should give them help anyway? Fuckin mooches go get a job.
    Im going to the gym, I cant listen to this shit right now. Im getting upset just from writting this. I'll toon in , in a feww hours Peace and thanks to the other countries for your support

    Fast R
    Last edited by Fast Results; 09-12-2001 at 08:29 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Southern California
    False Alarm

    It was a false alarm. All is ok.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Mexico is a very valuable country in my opinion. They have great prices on roids man. Sorry to hear about your cousin. I agree with you. I am glad Bush is in office for this. He won't stand for it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    FR, glad to hear that your cousin is alive.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    sorry guys, I over reacted. That was a false alarm. I went to the gym and watched on the t.v. but I did have a awsome work out.

    Fast R

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