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Thread: i just hate these bastard assholes and hope that they get whats coming for them

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Angry i just hate these bastard assholes and hope that they get whats coming for them

    i just hate these bastard assholes and hope that they get whats coming for them, these bastards killed tousands of people for what , nothing they dont even have an army, well they are gonna pay for what they have done.

    Maybe no one will ever know the real motive behind all of this, really sick , i think that the point of all of this was to kill has many innocent americains has they could so the world could see that these palestian cant be fucked with.

    When i watch tv i get so pissed when i see their faces i would go upthere myself and shoot them all in the ass.

    I hate them all and wish that it doenst end their, they got their coming.

    Sorry guys letting some pressure off here.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Drevan. dont' worry man, it is perfectly normal to feel that way, we all do. Hell I wanted Bush to go over there and make a new continent, but I think he is handling it very well. I just hope he doesn't make the mistake his dad did, and letting Sadam go. We are at war and any day now Bush will start bombin their azzezzz. I wish I would be one of those pilots who drops those bombs. I think I would have do disobey some orders and drop a few couple more thousand than was I was supposed to. oppps can I say that here?

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