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Thread: Hostage footage in Iraq

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    South of Heaven

    Hostage footage in Iraq

    Any of you guys see the iraq japanese hostage clip in cnn? i saw the unsanitized version in nhk(jap news channel) and it wasnt pretty. The lady was getting her face slapped by these pricks and the other two guys were asked to strip. They were doused in gasoline and you see this guy with a mask literally light a cigarette in front of camera .All of them had knives at their throats and were threatened to be burnt!

    Man whats up with these guys man? i say everyone seems to have their own agenda in Iraq. the country is going to the dogs and the US cant seem to do anything about it...well at least not yet


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    that ****s nuts...makes me want to puke tbh.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Charm City
    its quickly becoming another Vietnam........

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    They are f*cking savages! They are not human!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by omen78
    its quickly becoming another Vietnam........
    alot of ppl are starting to think this...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Our own kindness has been taken for weakness. What other country fights it's wars with one hand tied behind it's back at all times under the banner of avoiding civillian casualties. Would they return the favor if the shoe were reversed?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Land of Obesity
    Hell NO!!! Seriously if we would just go all out and kill anything in our way to stop them I gaurantee it would be completely different. And that is what they would do thats why we are havin those problems. I think we should just nuke them and take all the oil and finally lower gas prices.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by LotsoLove
    Hell NO!!! Seriously if we would just go all out and kill anything in our way to stop them I gaurantee it would be completely different. And that is what they would do thats why we are havin those problems. I think we should just nuke them and take all the oil and finally lower gas prices.
    this point is obvously brought up alot among people, althought i cant help to think that if we did do this, america would then one day suffer the same fate. i mean look at civilizations and kingdoms back in old western civilization, every nation pretty much went by this rule, destroy other worlds, to expand theres. and thats the reason why every nation then is no longer and died out so qiuckly through history's eyes, even if we dont look as it as an expansion, i cant help but think no good would come from this.

    although recently the news has shown me that this world has basically gone to **** anyway so, who knows.

  9. #9
    What we Americans fail to realize is that these terrorist groups are enourmous in nature, and two that it is fueled by Islam. Why the **** don't our politicians realize this bull****, the CIA and other intelligence organizations know it but yet, because of political correctness politicians dare not speak the truth. Their jobs is to protect American citizens at all costs, and its sad to say that its likely that more blood will be spilled on our soil, for them to take the stand that is needed to be taken. Most Muslims in the Middle East would likely and with a smile in their face carve up my childrens, your and my head if they ever would have the chance, make no ****ing mistake. And their excuse is Israel, Israel, and they will never get it that any civilized country would never let them do what they intend and want to do, Genocide of Israel people, "infidels" and Islamic control of the world. We cannot create such a situation like the one in Iraq because our military is scaled back so much, because Washington wants clean wars when no one get killed. The kindness is very well mistaken for weakness. I agree that civilians should not ever be targeted, but look at the situation and the rules they play by, they don't give a **** if they kill children, women and innocent men, this is the plain truth, no political correctness here. The terrorist seeds are spread so much within the Muslim Religion and Middle Eastern Governments, so what can the U.S. do? How much can we let this ****ing dogs push and threaten our citizens life? When the **** is Washington going to realize this?
    And please everyone save your bull**** rhetoric about Islam being peacefull and that you know someone who knows someone who is a peacefull muslim. Face the ****ing truth that religion teaches hate, especially towards America.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Northern Califas

    :: Here it is UNCENSORED ::

    Its totally ****ed and horrid, it makes me hate our ****in' sesame street government.


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