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Thread: I rarely shed a tear....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind

    Unhappy I rarely shed a tear....

    I am not a "macho tuff man" by any means, but I just don't cry. Until today, I was watching the news going to countries all over the world, saying and showing how much they care through services, and the singing of the Nat'l Anthem. I could not hold it in any longer. This is still getting me days after, and it will continue until those motherf*ckers are caught. I can't begin to realize why they would want to kill 1000s of innocent people. Those guys are faceless, bastards!! They are cowards and all they do is strike and run. A real man stands up by all means. They are not real men. To me, they aren't even human.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    believe me man, I think we all feel your pain here.. I do especially. I think if you are an American (No offense to my UK brother's Billy Boy and Big Al), and if you didn't shead a tear or feel sad, you are not human. Keep your heads high and let's be proud to be American guys. Our strength (mental) that is, and our coming together as one will make us prevail.

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