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Thread: Should we give out our secrets??

  1. #1

    Should we give out our secrets??

    So recently, I've been thinking why the hell I come on here. To me, bodybuilding has always been a small elite group of people that have a vast knowledge on training, dieting and hormones.

    More and more lately I've been thinking it is very comparable to magicians. A small group of people that know the "Secrets". And why do magicians not give out their secrets?? Because it wouldn't be magic anymore, people would know all the tricks. Then the people that know the tricks perform their tricks and tell them to other people. Sooner or later their job is no longer a skilled elite group. What made them special was the fact that nobody knew what they were doing.

    Recently, I've seen more and more people come on here and many of them are young. A lot douche bags who are 19 and getting their information the easy way. As in they also want the easy way out to build muscle and take steroids with no real knowledge of the sport. When I was younger I never had anything like this. Would I have liked it? Of course I would, who wouldn't. But I'm glad I learned my knowledge of bodybuilding the way I did.

    I hate to say it but lately I've been seeing more and more people in better shape whether it be at the gym, beach etc etc...And I believe that reason is because it is so easy access information on the internet now about diet and exercise. It kind of does make me a little bit angry inside after I had to learn my knowledge of training over years and years while others now days are just "googling" or going on a forum asking how to get shredded.

    Should we really make it that easy for them? Back to my magician example, they never give out their secrets. If someone wants to learn the tricks they need to go to magician school, read books, practice etc etc...The ones who really have a love for magic and want to learn have to spend many years learning the "Secret".

    And honestly, like the magicians I like being an elite group. Carrying knowledge that know one else knows about. If they want to learn the trade then they can bust their ass to learn it. I'm really debating giving out free advice anymore.

    If we keep giving out our special knowledge soon everyone will know about it and it will not be that special anymore to have a good body. Just like magic tricks would be meaningless if everyone knew them.

    I say, if people want to learn it they can bust their ass and learn it the way I learned it. That will make them worthy of the sport.

    Anyone else sort of agree with me??

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Eye of Terror
    No offence dude,but if we would look at all stuff like that,every knowledge in this world would be magic,so if no1 taught ppl the "old(ancient,w/e u call it)" knowledge we would never go forward in anything because every1 would be occupied to learn the stuff older ppl already know so we would be stuck at the same point for a long long time(or at least until some genius is born ..) but okay I'm gettin a lil too much into philosophy here.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    No because I'd rather people use in the safest possible way instead of taking x2 or x3 of the dose and even if they're not using, I just hate seeing fat lazy people.

  4. #4
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    No Sources Given
    Whats the deal.... you are posting this all over the board? Don't you realize the whole idea of a bulletin board is to freely exchange knowlege?

  5. #5
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    You are mad because you are seeing people in better shape? I don't know about you but I appreciate people that take care of their body's so I don't have to watch their lard hang out of their clothes or watch them double-fist cheeseburgers and breath up my air.

    I can understand, to a certain degree, what you mean about using AAS but not about training/diet.

    What do you mean that you had to bust your ass to learn the hard way?

    Keep your free advice if helping other people is something that pisses you off. There are plenty of people on here who enjoy helping out other people.

    I am having trouble understanding why you are an active user on a forum that is about sharing information and learning from one another.

    Just my 2 cents.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Lubbock, TX
    Oh and magic is not real...

  7. #7
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    Sep 2011
    the way i see it this board is a blessing for anyone who has the dedication to apply the knowledge imparted on here. ive given advice to many people and seen many others get advice from guys on this board. very few have the discipline to stick to it long enuff to get the results u are talking about cal.

    to me the work isnt in the ability to acquire the knowledge. the work is in the ability to APPLY IT CONSISTENTLY OVER A LONG PERIOD OF TIME. this is what separates "us" from "them"...

    id also like to note i believe it is a great thing to give freely the same knowledge i received as a fat ass from this board to others to give them hope and encouragement and direction to change their lives. and going from a fat ass to a lean mean fighting machine is a life changer!

  8. #8
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
    GirlyGymRat is offline Knowledgeable Elite ~ Respected Female Leader ~
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    i call paying it forward

    i do see that some people are lazy, not willing to do the research but they disappear on their own.

    does seem boards gets busier in the summer months

    I didn't know anything and needed some one to point me in a direction. I am thankful for the forum and try not to abuse with silliness that I can google.

    lots of confusing, conflicting info about BB on the internet...i call it grafitti on the bathroom wall

    i don't think u are trying to say neither that you invented the "wheel"???
    Last edited by GirlyGymRat; 06-24-2012 at 10:05 PM. Reason: typo

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    oly wa
    you can lead a horse to water but cant make it drink... i dont know about you but i earned every bit of muscle ive fought n struggled for every little bit of strength every inch it took years i was 135lbs at 18 my bodyweight would cut my head off on the bench now at 35 im 240 n bench 445 or so n i can pull 635 from the floor (i dont wanna talk about my squat ) nobody helped me there was more screamers n clowns spreading BS than knowledge but i learned through books & trial n error , they can access the info here n anybody can use gear but the same tards i know are using gear still use the same weights as b4 n still look crappy because to read n learn is harder than the idea of "The magic pill" we all know that roids are not magic n they take knowledge & hard work that starts with learning reading & discussing it with people who know & alot of people wont go that far but for those who will take the important steps required ill share with them all i know n someday maybe itll come back to me or those people educate someone else down the road n save them trauma , ive put alot of evil out there & ill do whatever i can to help others from here on out..

    bottom line we provide the water but only a few horses will really drink it

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Helping others is just a way of helping ourselves. Each time we do it we give positive reinforcement to our own aspirations. There is no easy way now or ever. regards, John

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    the way i see it this board is a blessing for anyone who has the dedication to apply the knowledge imparted on here. ive given advice to many people and seen many others get advice from guys on this board. very few have the discipline to stick to it long enuff to get the results u are talking about cal.

    to me the work isnt in the ability to acquire the knowledge. the work is in the ability to APPLY IT CONSISTENTLY OVER A LONG PERIOD OF TIME. this is what separates "us" from "them"...
    ^^ Bingo!!

    Cal, I understand where you're coming from and can appreciate how you feel - I get it. But looking at the big picture, very few people have the dedication to actually implement and be consistent with the knowledge they gain here. An argument could be made that those select few people likely would have pursued this knowledge elsewhere (i.e. the hard way) if places like this board didn't exist, simply because they had the drive to do so. Point being, they would have learned whether the info came easily or not so easily, because they REALLY WANTED IT. Those who don't really want it can learn every 'secret' in this game, and won't be able to much of anything with it.

    On another note, the beauty of our nature is to be able to learn and share. If everyone horded the knowlege they acquired, this would be a very lonely, isolated world.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    the way i see it this board is a blessing for anyone who has the dedication to apply the knowledge imparted on here. ive given advice to many people and seen many others get advice from guys on this board. very few have the discipline to stick to it long enuff to get the results u are talking about cal.

    to me the work isnt in the ability to acquire the knowledge. the work is in the ability to APPLY IT CONSISTENTLY OVER A LONG PERIOD OF TIME. this is what separates "us" from "them"...

    id also like to note i believe it is a great thing to give freely the same knowledge i received as a fat ass from this board to others to give them hope and encouragement and direction to change their lives. and going from a fat ass to a lean mean fighting machine is a life changer!
    Well said, 405.

  13. #13
    AXx's Avatar
    AXx is offline AR's hose draggin' post whore~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Im glad you guys help others. I have been at this game for years and apparently Im a big TARD when it comes to nutrition. Its been a blessing for me. I am very thankful others are willing to help. The same reason I chose to be a firefighter, I wanted to help people. I do understand what you mean when people just want the easy road.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    I know how to keep from getting razor bumps but screw y'all!!!!!

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