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Thread: New Board !!!

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Miami, Fla

    New Board !!!

    Thanks Jason for making the new forum ! This is terrific.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Cool Huh?

    What did you say, Canes? Let me turn my hearing aid up...*

    A thought just occurred to me . . . I have actually had to refer people from A.R. to the Over 35 Forum a few times because that's what they were looking for. If A.R. has one, chances are that it will be better from Day One, and we won't have to refer elsewhere.
    *I can say that. I'm older than Canes.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Miami, Fla

    Re: Huh?

    Originally posted by TNT
    What did you say, Canes? Let me turn my hearing aid up...*

    A thought just occurred to me . . . I have actually had to refer people from A.R. to the Over 35 Forum a few times because that's what they were looking for. If A.R. has one, chances are that it will be better from Day One, and we won't have to refer elsewhere.
    *I can say that. I'm older than Canes.
    Dang, I can't answer that yet.....<yelling> HEY NURSE, someone come and change my bedpan !

    <grumble under breath>

    Dang youngin's, always off chattin' on them ca'puters....where are they when ya need one !

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    .....I can post because I'm 35!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    usa/the south
    so this is the old peoples board?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Miami, Fla
    Originally posted by feelnfit
    so this is the old peoples board?
    <turning up hearing aid>

    Did you say something sonny?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Geartopia - Where the fin
    I guess this is what they call 'the pasture', lol. Damn, and I was starting to like the other boards, and now I'm too old to go out and play.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    I'm glad I'm old enough to be here with my older brothers. But I turn 31 in a few days. I don't want to be known as old yet. My dad is 65 and I don't even see him as old.

    Don't make me be old.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    A new meaning?

    Originally posted by bortort
    I'm glad I'm old enough to be here with my older brothers. But I turn 31 in a few days. I don't want to be known as old yet. My dad is 65 and I don't even see him as old.

    Don't make me be old.
    You know, bortort, I read your message, kind of amused, then looked at your member status and had to start laughing. I think we've just established a new meaning for "Senior Member."

    Anyway, bro, it sounds like you have already arrived at an enlighted stage - the knowlwdge that age is relative.

    I'm the youngest in my family, and my dad turns 87 next week. He has lived with me for a few years, and is one of the best roommates I've ever had. And while he's no youngster, he is very self-sufficient and runs around with a younger woman (a sexy 75).

    I live in a high-rise apartment building that has many senior citizens in it (although it's not a senior building). And when you get to hang out with older people, you begin to realize that the definition of old adapts itself.

    For example, when I hear that someone died at the age of 70, I think, "Damn, he was young!" And when we're talking about a group of my dad's friends in their 80's, someone who is only 70 or 75 seems young.

    I've always found it amusing that in my mom's circle of friends in their 50's, 60's, and then 70's, they always called each other "kid." And it's true - you are as old, or as young, as you feel.

    Every morning, without fail (except for a week or two each year if he has a cold), my dad goes down to our building's fitness center and rides a stationery bike for a freakin' hour. (In other words, he does more cardio than most people on this board who are less than half his age.) He also lifts weights - light weights, dumbbells only - but that's still more than a lot of guys are doing in their 20's and 30's.

    So don't sweat it, bortort - you can hang out on the Over 30 Forum and still be young for the next, oh, 40 or 50 years.

    I do find it kind of amusing when some of the young guys on the board write as if 30 or 40 is old, let alone 60's or 70's. But I'm not concerned. You see, if you happen to be white, you won't wake up one day and be black (nor vice versa). If you happen to be straight, you won't wake up one day and be gay (nor vice versa). If you happen to be a woman, you won't wake up one day and be a man (nor vice versa, unless you try really hard and pay a lot of money for the surgery). And if you happen to be poor, you won't wake up one day and be rich (unless a rich relative dies or you hit the lottery, both of which are statistically unlikely). But if you're 18, 20, or 25 years old, chances are that you will get older - and as it occurs over the course of several years, you will acquire the wisdom to laugh at how you feel today.

    So happy birthday, bortort. It's the best of times - just like it was yesterday, and just like it will be tomorrow. And welcome to "the senior center." Shuffleboard begins in 15 minutes, and after the game we'll all go to the gym and kick ass.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Miami, Fla

    Re: A new meaning?

    Originally posted by TNT
    I've always found it amusing that in my mom's circle of friends in their 50's, 60's, and then 70's, they always called each other "kid." And it's true - you are as old, or as young, as you feel.

    So happy birthday, bortort. It's the best of times - just like it was yesterday, and just like it will be tomorrow. And welcome to "the senior center." Shuffleboard begins in 15 minutes, and after the game we'll all go to the gym and kick ass.
    I have the habit of calling people that are dear to me, Kid as well. Just one of my folksy habits I was brought up with. So if you ever here me call someone *kid*, or *kiddo* it means you are my true friend.

    Now after the game of shuffleboard are we gonna have that Ma Jong game or is Sunday the day we all go and walk the mall for exercise?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    usa/the south
    i hope evrybody got their carbs (prune juice) cause i am ready to go to dennys for that sunrise breakfast. what is it about 430am?
    oh no we are late!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Hey Feelnfit....I'll meet you at Dennys as soon as I find my damn teeth! I know their here somewhere!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Originally posted by feelnfit
    so this is the old peoples board?
    We maybe old, but we look good!!!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Brisbane, Qld. Australia
    Woo Hoo, now we're talking, somewhere where the big kids can play. Oooops there goes my hip again. Damn where's my glasses, oh, on the top of my head that's right, I keep forgetting.
    Cheers Chyna

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Miami, Fla
    Originally posted by Chyna350
    Woo Hoo, now we're talking, somewhere where the big kids can play. Oooops there goes my hip again. Damn where's my glasses, oh, on the top of my head that's right, I keep forgetting.
    hehehehe ! Chyna I love you girl

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Glad to be apart of the senior division ! If you need some inspiration just look as Jack lalane (sp?) man would I like to be able to do have what he can at his age.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I take offense at all these slanderous charicatures of old people!

    Ladies and gentlemen, I propse that we are not the decrepit ones, but the more experience and wiser ones!

    (Pass me another bran muffin Sol...)

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    London UK
    wheres my bloody zimmer frame! how the hell am i meant to get under the bar and squat if i cant get TO it!!

  19. #19
    When Iam out of the house , at work or play and i start talking with someone that I just meet, and they tell me they are 30 , 35 , 40,or whatever.....sometimes I just can not believe that some of these peoplpe are the same age as me!!! I guess it really is all perspective. I still see myself as young and full of life ,dreams enegy....desire....etc....etc Iam not old Iam just 37, and just a little wiser, but i also know I have much to learn yet.

    Cheers all

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