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Thread: half life

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    usa/the south

    half life

    does abombs (anadrol50) have a half life like dbols?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    From the Drug Half Life section of tyhe main AR site:

    Oral 17alpha alkylation

    You have most lively seen this reference in steroid materials. 17alpha alkylation is a process in which an extra carbon atom is added to the steroid molecule at the 17th position. This atom occupies a bond needed for the steroid to reduce to inactive 17-keto form, totally inhibiting this pathway of metabolism (2). The addition of 17 alkylation works to extend the half-life of the steroid considerably. With it we present we have half-lives measured in hours instead of only minutes. Unfortunately 17alpha alkylation also can lessen the ability of the steroid to bind to the androgen receptor. But the two traits balance out such that typically we still have a more physiologically active steroid molecule though (3). This alteration is the most favorable for oral dosing. Since the liver cannot process this type of steroid well, a large percentage will make it to the blood stream intact. It however is also somewhat toxic to the liver, and therefore less than ideal, especially if we are considering another avenue of administration such as injection.
    So to appears that all 17AAs are in the "several hour" half-lifes. I don't know how broad that range is, however.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    half life of winny is about 12 hours i believe,
    and dbol is about 4 hours, while anadrol is also in the 12 hour range. this is what ive taken just from reading up on the subject. some other brothers might be able to give a more scientific response.
    nice post on 177aa's ajax...........

    peace bb79

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    The post was taken off another area of AR; I don't deserve any credit!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    usa/the south
    thanks both my brothers of iron! i new that the dbols had about a 4-4.5 life but i did not know about the abombs. they do keep my pump up pretty much all day. it makes me want to hit the steel 2- times in one day. it is hard to resist.

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