I've recently finished a 12 wk cycle with test-e 250 mg x 2ea.per wk.

I am almost done with my pct 100mg clomid ed,40 mg nolva, .25 mg l-dex (in wk 4)

since I have been off the test-e (almost 6 wks) I am starting to feel like i was before I did the cycle, tired, some what depressed, no get up and go ,libdo is down again.

I purchased test-e and Deca from the oasis clinic for hrt but ran it as a simple beginers cycle. I've had some decent gains and felt better than I had for at least two or more years.

I am forty six and am wondering if maybe I could do 200 mg per wk on my off cycle times and every three or four months increase to a typical test and or deca cycle?

If I did do something like that would and how would I do pct?

I do a lot of reading but haven not ever came across this question.
