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  1. #1

    Question confused

    I need advice. 31 years old, 5'11" 255lbs. High bodyfat percentage. I started working out again in october of 2001 ~5 days a week. I have recently aquired testerona 200. Is it worth starting right now. I get mixed opinions from friends. I have never been on a cycle before. Just looking for som good advice and it seems that there is alot of people that know what theyre talking about on these message boards.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    welcome brother,
    imho, i would wait, but its your call. how do you feel about where you are in your training? and is your diet in check? the norm is to wait until youve hit your natural peak, but if youre posting here on this forum you might not have that luxury.
    what did you have in mind as far as setting up a cycle? dosages/length?

    peace bb79

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Welcome aboard bro!

    Stick around and learn

  4. #4
    Thanks for the welcome, glad to be here. My diet is pretty much in check. I have been following a high pro-low carb diet and supplementing with whey, glutamine, creatine and CLA. I have came a long way in my training since oct. but I am starting to lose motivation. I guess your last question is one of my other big questions. I was thinking about starting the T200 at 1/2cc and working up from there. I would be happy to hear a suggestion on that also. I really appreciate the reply.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Starting at only 100mg is not the best way of doing it... I would front load at least 600mg or more for the first 2 weeks and then you could drop it down to 400mg a week for a total of 10 to 12 weeks...

    Or just run it at 400mg a week for all 10 weeks if you don't want to front load it... It's up to you, but 100mg of T200 isn't even worth injecting....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    I would wait bro. You could ad some clen and for sure ad ECA stack. Maybe you could ad some more cardio (I don't know how much you do). Believe me I know its frustrating but the gear will not help you with your frustration IMO

    BTW 2 ccs a week is a better first dose when your ready

  7. #7
    why is it so important to front load on t-200? Am I understanding correctly that I wait until I reach my natural peak?? Should I start with another route of gear when I do start? Say a weaker one? Man I really appreciate the input. Thanks for the patience.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    London UK
    Front loading is NOT needed really, and in my opinion neither is 400mg pwr week in your case! (Sorry buff87 no flame intended!)

    Since it is your first cycle you should be just fine on 200mg per week. I think you will get fair results on this.

    Please remember that the higher the dose the higher the chance of side effects. At 31 yrs old (Only a bit younger than me ) you need to consider health implications too, so go to the doc and get some blood work done and make sure everything is cool before you start injecting.

    At 31 yrs old you are NOT about to jump on stage (Not this year at least!) so there is no need to jump into the higher dose bracket of any gear at all. Take your gains slow and steady and safely and you will be much happier in the long run!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Cool brother Kaz... No flame taken... I'm sure he will do fine with only 200mg a week...
    I did fine with that amount for my first couple of cycles... Just knowing what I know now I would have bumped it up to 400mg weekly for the test... 200mg isn't really that big of a jump over what the body produces natually anyway, so why cheat yourself out of extra gains?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    If you use an ECA stack, get 2-3 hours of cardio in each week, and keep training hard you'll strip fat off like crazy. When and if you decide to use the t-200, then at least stack it with a lower androgen like deca or primo, and have your anti-e's ready as well as clomid. I agree with Ron though...I'd wait. You've most likely got a good bit of lean mass under that fat and if you cycle now you'll gain more along with the muscle gain.

    Keep reading and studying.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Cool Welcome to the Board, Fletch...

    I concur with Ron - add cardio to your routine. You have some clinical obesity at 5'11" and 255 lbs., and you're at the ideal age to lose the weight (it gets more difficult when you hit your 40's). Considering your height-weight ratio, the best type of cardio to add would be an eliptical crosstrainer (like the Precor), which has minimal impact on the knees and feet and is the easiest with which to burn calories without knocking yourself out.

    I also concur with waiting until you've taken off some more pounds, since chances are that you have not hit your low plateau yet. Cutting and bulking are two different things, and it's important to do your cutting before you do your bulking, since testosterone will add some pounds to you (even if it's water weight). When you start doing test, make sure you continue your workout routine, which you will find goes much more efficiently and shows better results at that point.

    I also disagree with buff87 (who, incidentally, is one of the good guys - not just because he lives in Jersey, which is where I went to college): 600 mg. of test per week is a bit much unless you want to become a bodybuilder per se. Kaz has it right - 200 mg. per week will give you the boost you need to make more progress and will result in less side effects. Test is the correct gear to use if you don't want to stack (use ultiple types of gear at once), since test is the foundation of anabolics and the one fromn which older guys (meaning, in this case, older than teens or early 20's) will get the most benefit.

    Again, welcome to A.R.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Come on TNT you know Jersey is a good place... Just think if you ever run out of syringes all you have to do is take a drive to the beach and you're in luck bro... And lets not forget the sleaziest city in America.... Not Las Vegas I'm talking bout A.C baby.....

  13. #13
    Thank ya'll(actually a word in Louisiana ) for the replies. I cant believe how much help I have gotten here, even though I was getting kinda scared of the front loading advice I do cardio about 15-20 min. 5 days/wk after my workout using a stationary bike, elliptical crosstrainer and treadmill 3.3 mph@ 10 incline. Dropped from about 285lbs down to 255lbs since october. I have been at 255lbs for ~1 1/2 months now. I was taking an ECA stack(MBX) along with pyruvic acid for ~3 months straight. Will it hurt anything to continuously take an ECA stack? Once again THANKS ALOT FOR THE REPLIES.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Pacific Northwest
    You may want to try changing your cardio up if your stuck at a weight. You are almost the same age/wt as I am. I was stuck for about a mo. and then read the following article.

    Its one hell of a workout. I lost 5lbs the first week. I should say that I also dialed in my nutrition and changed my lifting frequency. could have been a combo of things for me. Im not using any gear and haven't ever so I can't be of any help there. GL and hang in there. I have been up and down this road several times in my life and it doesnt' get any easier. However, this board is an awsome place for all types of info and I have learned tons in the week I have been a member.

  15. #15
    Thanks. It does look tough but I will try it.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I believe there has been some great advise given here so I will not go into much detail on the test issue. What I wanted to say is in reference to what you stated about motivation.

    You have to ride the waves when lifting. What I mean by that is sometimes when lifting motivation is not there. That is when you have to will yourself through that plateau. Plateau's come mentally as well as physically and you have to work through that because the wave up will come and you will be glad you worked through the low point. So push through that threshold and do not let yourself get down when the wave is low. Then when you pushed yourself to your peak, you will be ready for the test. Good luck and enjoy the journey.

  17. #17
    Well said. Much thanks to you Ironweb. Once again thanks to everyone else. There is truly great advice here and I believe I have found the motivation I need on this message board.

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