Hello All,
I've been reading/lurking here for a week or so and decided it was time to say hello. Here's a brief lowdown: 30yo, 5;10", 180 lbs, 16%BF. Married, 2 beagles, no kids, live in Durham, NC. I've been lifting for a couple years. My Dr. prescribed Delatestryl (test Enanthate) for low test levels. I started two months ago - 1 cc every two weeks. Aside from acne, I haven't noticed any real physical improvement - probably won't on that dosage, huh? Perhaps a bit more fat than before...*sigh*
My goal is to drop my bf to about 9-10%, then go for bulking - problem is my metabolism is pretty slow and I'm really having trouble losing those last few pounds. Diet is pretty good - could be better...Cardio 20 min in am and 20 min post workout, 4 d/week. I've tried several ECA's with no real measurable results. I'm interested in possible running a clen cycle and perhaps winny.
Any advice welcome!