Hey All,
I had blood taken two weeks ago and got my test results last night: The blood was taken 3 weeks from my last 1 cc injection of delatestryl (Test Enanthate).
Old Test Level (7/01): 188
Current Test Level (5/30/02): 201
Normal Range (nurse provided): 241-827
I have an appointment today to discuss the results and am not sure what options I might have. Any suggestions? I think the enanthate is putting more fat on me - is this possible? My doctor is pretty flexible so I may be able to steer my therapy a little. Is there a better test I can ask for? What about something to get rid of the fat?
I feel like I may be spinning my wheels with such a low test level. I've been training pretty hard for a couple years and have made some gains, but not nearly what I think I should. Starting to get frustrated...
Anyway, please let me know your thoughts!