Fairly new to this board and I stumbled across the Over 30 Forum. Great idea! I have always been more interested in what my brothers over 30 were doing as opposed to these guys in the low and mid 20's. Just an intro on myself:

Been working out for over 10 years

32 years old

210 lbs. (Plenty of fat included)

Had done a light cycle or two when I was in my early 20's but really did not know what I was doing and probably did not take enough of anything. Gains were minimal at that time.

Just took my second shot of my first "real" cycle:
10 week cycle
500mgs Sust per week
600mgs EQ per week
1mg Armides EOD
Clomid 2 weeks after last shot

Mainly trying to just get in good shape. As has been discussed here before, it has grown increasingly difficlut to do this due to age, business, family etc. Hope this will give me the added boost I need to get into my best shape in years.

I will keep you posted.