Hi Everyone, First post been lurking around for 3 mths. I just got my stuff over the weekend, just waiting for needles to get delivered. Glad I live close to the boarder, prices were great. Goal is to put on 15lbs of keepable muscle.
stats: 35yrs/5'11"/172lbs/17% body fat
bodyfat seems high but not sure, using home scale.
First Cycle:
wk 1-9 Deca 300mg/wk (Ttokkyo)
wk 1-10 T200 300mg/wk (Brovel)
wk 12-14 Clomid (serophene)
Nolvadex (Tamoxifeno) on hand just in case.
Decide to go with Deca instead of Equipoise b/c of age and joint pains. I also might bump up the test to 400mg/wk. Been lifting on and off for 15 years, started lifting b/c I wrestled in college, but never been able to put on a lot of muscle - genetics suck. Have good eating habits but will need to add a lot more protein to diet.
Have seen some post that say Nolvadex won't help Gyno from Deca? Is this true? What should you use if gyno is deca related?
Also, I'm thinking of injecting 2X per week but not sure?
will post pictures of gear hopefully tomorrow, I'm borrowing a friends digital camera. will also post about my TJ experience