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Thread: First cycle Deca/T200 35yr old

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Southern California

    First cycle Deca/T200 35yr old

    Hi Everyone, First post been lurking around for 3 mths. I just got my stuff over the weekend, just waiting for needles to get delivered. Glad I live close to the boarder, prices were great. Goal is to put on 15lbs of keepable muscle.

    stats: 35yrs/5'11"/172lbs/17% body fat
    bodyfat seems high but not sure, using home scale.

    First Cycle:
    wk 1-9 Deca 300mg/wk (Ttokkyo)
    wk 1-10 T200 300mg/wk (Brovel)
    wk 12-14 Clomid (serophene)
    Nolvadex (Tamoxifeno) on hand just in case.

    Decide to go with Deca instead of Equipoise b/c of age and joint pains. I also might bump up the test to 400mg/wk. Been lifting on and off for 15 years, started lifting b/c I wrestled in college, but never been able to put on a lot of muscle - genetics suck. Have good eating habits but will need to add a lot more protein to diet.

    Have seen some post that say Nolvadex won't help Gyno from Deca? Is this true? What should you use if gyno is deca related?

    Also, I'm thinking of injecting 2X per week but not sure?

    will post pictures of gear hopefully tomorrow, I'm borrowing a friends digital camera. will also post about my TJ experience


  2. #2
    To me that sound like an awsome cycle to start off with. How much did you get your gear for?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Southern California
    Ttokkyo Deca 300mg/ml 10ml $45
    Brovel Test 200 Enanthate 200 mg/ml 10ml $16 each
    clomid $20 for 50 tablets they're in packs of 10.
    Nolvadex (Tamoxifeno) 50 tablets 10mgs each $15
    Blanket $8 needed something to declare :-)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    southern Indiana
    Damn that's cheap....... Those prices are better than great my man. As for the cycle, It looks like a sensible starter. I'm on my first cycle of Sus/deca/dbol and man I am glad I added the dbol. You may want to do a little research on dbol and see if it's for you. It's awesome to feel your cycle kick in on day one. Good luck.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    I'm in here with the rest of YOU!
    Originally posted by lowell34
    Damn that's cheap....... Those prices are better than great my man. As for the cycle, It looks like a sensible starter. I'm on my first cycle of Sus/deca/dbol and man I am glad I added the dbol. You may want to do a little research on dbol and see if it's for you. It's awesome to feel your cycle kick in on day one. Good luck.
    I guess you didnt pick up on the key phrase........
    Blanket $8 needed something to declare :-)

    I know how he got his gear so cheap!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Sounds like a solid cycle. I like it!

    Deca/Progesterone related gyno: I have done two Deca cycles and I have not seen anything that could be attributed to progesterone-related gyno.

    I keep hearing about progesterone-realted gyno but I have yet to find anybody that has had it happen to them. Is this a myth or what?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    London UK
    Originally posted by Ajax
    ....Deca/Progesterone related gyno: I have done two Deca cycles and I have not seen anything that could be attributed to progesterone-related gyno.

    I keep hearing about progesterone-realted gyno but I have yet to find anybody that has had it happen to them. Is this a myth or what?
    Iv done my share of deca as well, and never had any problems. Im not sure that this is a myth, but maybe it is just very very rare!

    Its also possible that there has to be something else involved in the equation that we are not hearing about correctly. As I recal the first time I read about this it was a post by Doc Evil. If he is still around maybe he can shed some light on it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    southern Indiana
    From what I researched, any gyno symptoms from deca in doses under 600mg/wk are extremely rare.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Southern California

    update/first injection

    Well I started my first cycle last Wednesday. I decide to shoot 2x a week. 150mg deca and Test (wed/Sun) and I'm using 22G 1.5 needles from The first shot was on wednesday and I did it right before bed and I did it myself. Thanks to this board and I mixed the deca/test in the same syringe. I took the shot in the upper Glute. Overall it went okay. The first stab kind of bounced off so I just pushed it in, no problems and didn't have to switch to a new needle. I did stick the needle in too far and had to pull it out a little. Also trying to reach all the way around and see what your doing is not the easiest thing to do. By the way don't grab your waist or butt to pull your self around, it pulls the needle with it, which is not a good thing. Also trying to aspirate the needle with one hand was a little tricky.

    The morning after the first shot I woke up very soar, which was kind of suprising since i didn't feel much when I shot myself. I was sore for 2 full days.

    Second shot was on Sunday and I decided to do it in the morning, that way I would have all day to workout any soreness. I also rubbed the injection site a lot and did stairmaster. It bearly hurt the next day After I pulled the needle out I did notice a couple of drops of blood...that freaked me a little but did some research and now I'm okay....I did aspirate the needle which I would suggest everyone do.

    GYNO....I read some more about Deca Gyno and from what I have read it seems Novaldex won't help. For Deca you need to use Vitex (available at the health food store) or Bromocriptine. At my low doses I probably won't get it, but if I do I won't know whether it's from Deca or Test so I will have to take both Novaldex and Vitex. Better safe then sorry.

    Eating...I decided not to move my total daily calorie intake too much for the first week. Added more protein and spit up meals to eat more often but will wait to load up on calories intake until 2 week. I figure it takes some time to get the AS in your system.

    Workout question: I'm currently workout 6 days a week. 3 days on, one off, 3 days on plus cardio. Workout all muscles 2X per week. It seems most people work out 4 or 5 days a week but only once per muscle group. Any thoughts?

    Still having problems with digital camara... will post pictures including gear later this week.

    Thanks everyone....GREAT BOARD

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    southern Indiana
    Sounds like you're having fun. I'm on a Sus/deca/dbol cycle and my first 4 shots hurt like a mother for about 3 days after. The glute shot is hard so I've gone with the shoulder injection and love it. Easy to get to, you don't have to undress, and you can manipulate the syringe easier. I tried one in the guad but didn't like it.
    Next time you have that much to say in a post, start a new thread so you will get more responses and stimulate more conversation. Just a thought.
    As for the 5 day, one body part a week workout, try it for a month and see what you think. I switched to it several years ago and like it very much.
    Keep having fun!!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Your body stats and age are almost identical to mine when I started my first cycle almost 5 weeks ago....and I am doing 350 test and 350 Eq a week. I have gained 4 kilos (around 9 lbs) so far. Workouts have been fun as has the extra kick in the sack. Perhaps the best effect is the clarity of thought..The brain sure seems to click well when one has that test flowing...I'll keep you posted on my results.

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