hi there everyone,ill be starting my 1st cycle soon,im a31year old male who has always been fit,im lifting now 3years,the last year consistently,ill log my stats and my aas cycle,so it be great if u guys could help me out a little,so in advance,ill thank you all,these sites are just amazing and ive read the good and the bad aspects of using aas,the info is easy to follow and presented in simple terms for the newbie like myself,which is a big help.
weight;189 ihope hold around 220 post cycle
PCT/wk8-12 hcg @500iu every4days
wk13-16clomid 50mg ed/nolva 20mg ed
i know theres as many haters as there is fans of sust,ill shoot 250mgs twice a wk,u may think my doses are low but i intend to do future cycles and dont want to be taking high doses 1st time around,ill begin nolva/clomid 1wk after my last shot,is it ok not to use clomid during my cycle,i will use it only if i feel any tenderness with my nipples during my cycle? yes?
i will also use a bb multivitaman,whey protein and is it a good idea to take creatine post cycle to help keep my gains,i intend to eat 1000g of protein and 3000g of carbs daily,ive worked out daily menus to help me up my calorie intake to this level,sorry about the length of this thread....