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  1. #1
    FANTASIA is offline New Member
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    Needing Support..

    hi there everyone,ill be starting my 1st cycle soon,im a31year old male who has always been fit,im lifting now 3years,the last year consistently,ill log my stats and my aas cycle,so it be great if u guys could help me out a little,so in advance,ill thank you all,these sites are just amazing and ive read the good and the bad aspects of using aas,the info is easy to follow and presented in simple terms for the newbie like myself,which is a big help.
    weight;189 ihope hold around 220 post cycle
    PCT/wk8-12 hcg @500iu every4days
    wk13-16clomid 50mg ed/nolva 20mg ed
    i know theres as many haters as there is fans of sust,ill shoot 250mgs twice a wk,u may think my doses are low but i intend to do future cycles and dont want to be taking high doses 1st time around,ill begin nolva/clomid 1wk after my last shot,is it ok not to use clomid during my cycle,i will use it only if i feel any tenderness with my nipples during my cycle? yes?
    i will also use a bb multivitaman,whey protein and is it a good idea to take creatine post cycle to help keep my gains,i intend to eat 1000g of protein and 3000g of carbs daily,ive worked out daily menus to help me up my calorie intake to this level,sorry about the length of this thread....

  2. #2
    Fixr is offline Associate Member
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    i dont have the knowledge to attempt to answer your questions, sorry. But I can tell you from using the board that you would probably get much more feedback on this type of question in one of the topics in the steroids section of the site.
    good luck

  3. #3
    finny is offline Associate Member
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    You sure you have it right? 1000g protein and 3000g carbs? That's 16,000 calories, not counting fats!!!

  4. #4
    kireol's Avatar
    kireol is offline Junior Member
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    I have trouble eating 300-400g of protein every day. 1000?!

  5. #5
    jbarkley's Avatar
    jbarkley is offline Member
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    If you eat 1000grams of protein a day your Creatinine levels are going to be off the chart. Your kidneys are going to ache like hell. And another 2000 grams of'll be eating all day long plus you'll add a lot of fat. Are you sure of your numbers?

  6. #6
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by FANTASIA
    hi there everyone,ill be starting my 1st cycle soon,im a31year old male who has always been fit,im lifting now 3years,the last year consistently,ill log my stats and my aas cycle,so it be great if u guys could help me out a little,so in advance,ill thank you all,these sites are just amazing and ive read the good and the bad aspects of using aas,the info is easy to follow and presented in simple terms for the newbie like myself,which is a big help.
    weight;189 ihope hold around 220 post cycle
    PCT/wk8-12 hcg @500iu every4days
    wk13-16clomid 50mg ed/nolva 20mg ed
    i know theres as many haters as there is fans of sust,ill shoot 250mgs twice a wk,u may think my doses are low but i intend to do future cycles and dont want to be taking high doses 1st time around,ill begin nolva/clomid 1wk after my last shot,is it ok not to use clomid during my cycle,i will use it only if i feel any tenderness with my nipples during my cycle? yes?
    i will also use a bb multivitaman,whey protein and is it a good idea to take creatine post cycle to help keep my gains,i intend to eat 1000g of protein and 3000g of carbs daily,ive worked out daily menus to help me up my calorie intake to this level,sorry about the length of this thread....
    Your Protein and Carb numbers are wrong. For Protein you need 1.5 - 2 g per lb per day. In your case thats 285 - 380g per day.

    You are also doing too many compounds for your first cycle. You should just stick with the Sust to start with at 500mg a week. You have plenty of cycles ahead of you and it is a much safer option from a side effects perspective.

  7. #7
    celticd's Avatar
    celticd is offline Associate Member
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    maybe 280g of protein is 1000kcals
    800g of carbs is 3000kcals,these are estimates but are close enough,
    maybe you meant 2 write kcals instead of grams after youre numbers there

  8. #8
    Booz's Avatar
    Booz is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    start your clomid 18 days after the last shot of sustanon mate............

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

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