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Thread: achne again

  1. #1
    newbie1231 is offline New Member
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    achne again

    searched around found one thread about achne with short answer. Used before when younger now currently in 8 week of 12 cycle and shoulders broke out extensively. This has never happened before should I cut back or use achne treatment?

    any advice


  2. #2
    2bshredded's Avatar
    2bshredded is offline Member
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    Just try grease ctting dish Dswn, it worked well for me. I also rubbed it down with witch hazel and alchohol.

  3. #3
    Madeira Jon is offline New Member
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    Try a search for acne!

  4. #4
    Coach 44 is offline Associate Member
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    I've had the same thing. Never had acne before this time. Started w/ 200 mgs. of test cyp per week. After about three weeks my back broke out. I went back to the doc who said it was mild. I saw the uro and he said try cutting back to 100 mgs. per week. I really didn't want to, but I've done it for about 2 months now and the acne went away. Last week I got the idea that maybe it was just the initial start of treatment that flared me up, so I shot 100 mgs. on Mon. and then 100 mgs. on Thurs. (like alot of guys around here do) and my back broke out again. So for me it's simple...200 mgs. per week is too much. I'll go back to 100 mgs. week and stop experimenting where the test cyp is concerned. Good Luck bro.

  5. #5
    g0dsend's Avatar
    g0dsend is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2bshredded View Post
    Just try grease ctting dish Dswn, it worked well for me. I also rubbed it down with witch hazel and alchohol.
    Same thing I do, Use to use tetracycline for years until I stopped knowing that any longer can damage your liver/kidneys. I tried almost every over the counter solutions, and a simple wash with warm water and palmolive dish detergent worked wonders every night.

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