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  1. #41
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    Day 24 - Feel like a sausage

    I'm on travel right now so my diet's not that great. The 40mg/ed of DBOL is making me retain water like a water buffalo. My fingers are like sausages. My arms and legs aren't very long to begin with and with them being pump to the point the skin's stretched tight I feel like a oompa loompa. LOL

    I put up 265lbs x 5reps x 5sets on the bench. Then on the final set 290lbs x 5reps (1 was assisted). I've NEVER been this strong. It must look funny that I only have to push the weight about 6 inches to get it off my chest. LOL I'm tipping the scale at 202lbs. The most I've EVER weighed before this cycle was 185lbs. That was after dinner and dripping wet. I'm glad I'm on travel for the next few weeks. I think the people back home will definitely question my puffy face and body. When I get off DBOL in 5 days a lot of this water weight will come off won't it? Can I expect to keep 10lbs of lean muscle mass? Will my strength drop off also? I don't mind the weight loss but man, I'd really like to hang onto the strength.

    Yes, I do have PCT ready. I'm currently on 250iu/2ew of HCG . I have HCG, clomid, nolvadex on hand as arimidex just in case. I'm planning 250iu/ed HCG for the last two weeks of my cycle. Do nothing for three weeks. No HCG, no nothing. Then start up clomid and nolvadex for 4 weeks. I have enough for 6 weeks.

    I'm a little nervous. I've never been in this range before. Never been this strong. Never been this big. Never been puffed up like a sausage. Never has SO MUCH oil oozing out of my body, particularly from my face. But even with all the oil I don't have a single acne. Why? I was getting ready for a bad breakout. I'm in an area that I've never been before. Now I know what captain kurt feels like. Am I dating myself with that comment? I'll post some pics of my puffy self tomorrow. It's a little unnerving that my gut is so thick. I've always had a 30" to 32" waist. Now I'm a good 34" and after I eat, i'm even bigger. I guess just gaining weight from my chest and up is too much to hope for. LOL

    In 5 days when I get done with DBOL I'm incorporating a strong plyometric/cardo routine into my workout. I've been boxing for 40 year so it feels a little weird not to do ANY cardio exercise right now. I'd like to cut as much water weight over the next 8 weeks without the DBOL. My goal is to keep about 10lbs lean muscle and look ripped. I have a good diet I'm implementing for the remaining 8 weeks. Any feedback on my intention of losing water weight by diet and cardo exercise over the 8 weeks? This means that I won't be lifting heavy like I did for the past 3 weeks. I'd appreciate the feedback.

  2. #42
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    use some arimadex. .25 a day will do the trick on this bloating and water weight. also avoid sodium like its the plague (sodium as opposed to salt. also do as much cardio as possible. that water weight will come off. dbol has been known to do exactly as you have described. also the GH will make you fingers stiff ans swell.but going into the gym and doing some cardio will do the trick. oh yea drink lots and lots of water.

    hey good to hear you are a boxer too. if you've been boxing that long no one needs to tell you how to get a good sweat going. hey do some of your old boxing workouts to get that water off you body. hell Ive gone into my boxing gym dry and leave the gym weighing 5-8 pounds less. I'm sure you have too. so there is your answer to that.

    everything i said above will help you. as long as you stick to a good diet and stay in the gym you will keep most of your gains.
    now remember when you go into pct you will go through a mini depression. just fight it and stay determined as you go through your depression. it will pass about the time pct is Ive or until you get your natural hormones back in place. just keep your head right and you will not loose your gains.

  3. #43
    jrmy is offline Junior Member
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    im also keeping an eye on this cycle.good luck with everything man!!

  4. #44
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    Day 26 - Pictures Posted

    kaju said it would take about 4 weeks for gonads to shrink and sides to show. Dang, if he wasn't right. I'm noticing very small red dots on my chest and abs. Not bad just little pin head spots of acne. I can count about a dozen of 'em. No acne head on them, just small red spots. I look in the mirror but I can't really tell if the red dots are on my back. My wife hasn't said anything so I don't think it's a big deal.

    When I examine myself my gonads seem to be higher in my body. I can also tell that there has been a little shrinkage. It's amazing that a bunch of bodybuilders are running around with no nuts benching 400+ lbs. LOL Yep, two more days and week 4 is over. Almost 1/3 into my 12 weeks cycle. Dang, if he wasn't right.

    I didn't get any response back about the nitric oxide supplement so I tried a couple of pills yesterday. GREAT pump and endurance even more than normal. Maybe it's a one time thing but I'll try it a few more times and see if the results are consistent. Because of jet lag I didn't sleep well and when I went to the gym I didn't take the NO2 supplement. A little flat. I really wanted to push my legs but just felt flat. I worked the heavy bag for about 5 minutes and really felt tired. I guess the 98 degree heat and 90% humidity doesn't help either. Oh, yeah no air conditioning. I lost 6 lbs today after a 1.5 hour workout. Total water weight but still, 6lbs.

    I have posted pictures. The 15lb gain doesn't really show up because I gained uniformly. In the side pose you can see my gut is more pronounced. Just had lunch. My body looks smooth from the water retention. I'll post few weeks into the Sustanon only stage. I'm curious to see if the water logged muscles will get harder. My goal is to gain about 10lbs lean muscle. My body was never very vascular even at 5% bf during my peak competition (mma) condition. Genetics? Yeah, it sucks. LOL

    I'm working my legs hard but not much growth. I pin IGF-lr3 thighs on Monday and Ham/calf on Friday. Going on 4 weeks and not much growth. Any suggestions? I would really like to have stronger/beefier legs.

    There is still a lot of oil being secreted by my body. Particularly on the face. I can feel the oil when I wipe my face. I take one of those dermal paper the teenagers use and I can saturate a sheet in 10 seconds. Normal? I feel like the greasiest 50yo on earth. LOL
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Feedback on Sustanon 250 cycle-cimg0025-2.jpg   Feedback on Sustanon 250 cycle-cimg0026-2.jpg   Feedback on Sustanon 250 cycle-cimg0027-2.jpg   Feedback on Sustanon 250 cycle-cimg0029-2.jpg  
    Last edited by ScotchGuard; 08-06-2009 at 04:21 PM.

  5. #45
    kaju's Avatar
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    You said you have HCG . You should be using the HCG right now every four or five days. use it up untill you start PCT. it will keep your boys at the right size and keep them in working order. Do not use HCG during pct. many people will tell you this but that information was before the new studies came out proving the use of Hcg will hinder your PCT.
    hey great pics ! I can see a big difference.
    Running a cycle of test will do that to our skin. but for future refrence the longer the ester the more skin problems you will have. That is another reason why I prefer shorter esters. sustanon will do that to you. when on a test cycle is kind of like being a teenager again. Isnt it great?!
    I did comment on the NOS I just didnt comment on that directly. NOS will do the same thing as viagra and cialis. The NOS will help but it does nothing as a muscle grower or builder. it gives you great pumps but that is only asthetics and it feels good. but when your muscles are flat they wil still grow when you work them it just dosnt feel as good as when you get that good pump. check your diet to make sure you have a good enough glycogen in your diet before a work out. so next time you are in the gym and your muscle feel flat dont ***** out. push push push.
    Hey it sounds like you live where I do with but I have 100 degree temps and 98% humidity.
    I too have precticed MMA
    Hey scotch I sent you a PM

  6. #46
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    Good work and progress. Just wondering, Do you shave your body?

  7. #47
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    Day 27 - Hairless Hunk? LOL

    kaju, I sincerely appreciate your feedback. I've done a lot of research but there are things that one does not find out until one's in a cycle. It give me a piece of mind knowing there are others who have more experience and are willing to share. This is a GREAT forum. I'm learning a ton from this cycle.

    Hi glover, no I don't shave my body. I simply don't have hair. I have some chest hair but only 6 of them. LOL My kids think I shave my legs. I assure you I don't NAIR my legs. LOL. I tried to grow a mustache once for about 6 months. All 12 hairs on my lips stuck straight out into the air like it was at attention. It looked too funny and didn't look "macho" at all so I shaved them all off. One at a time. LOL

    Yesterday was shoulder day. Barbell Standing Military Press 95lbs X 10reps X 4 sets for warm up. 185lbs X 5 reps X 5 sets. Dumbell Standing Military Press 65lbs X 10reps X 4sets. One arm dumbbell clean and jerk 75lbs X 5reps X 2sets. Speed dumbbell military press (starting with arms at sides, curl then military press the dumbbells as fast as you can for 30 seconds) 40lbs X 30sec (25 reps) X 2sets. Man, my cardio conditioning stinks my lungs were burning. 2 bag cycles (punch bag for 30sec, sit up for 30sec, kick bag for 30sec, standing flys (light) for 30secs). 4 minutes of cardio and I had to lie down. I felt strong throughout the workout but the cardio cycles took it out of me. PWO shake, dinner, home.
    Last edited by ScotchGuard; 08-07-2009 at 01:05 PM.

  8. #48
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    Day 28 - Adding Cardio

    I topped 200lbs today. That's a total gain of 20lbs in 4 weeks. The 20lbs seems to be a combo of water and muscles. I'm in this humid hot weather so I'm constantly drinking water and I feel bloated all the time. When I stepped on the scale my gut was distended from lunch and drinking water constantly throughout the day. Never-the-less I've officially tipped the scale at 200lbs. This is the first time ever in my life I've made it past 200lbs.

    Back and bi's today. Lat pull down 120lbs X 10reps X 4sets for warm up. 200lbs X 10reps X 3 sets. 225lbs X 5 reps X 3sets. Hung two plates (90lbs) from my hips and did pull ups X 5reps X 3sets. Bent over rows 165lbs X 10reps X 5sets. I'm sweating something fierce. I feel light headed and the heat's really eating me up. Dumbbell curls 50lbs X 8reps X 3sets. Barbell curls 115lbs X 8reps X 2sets. 135lbs X 5reps X 3sets. Cardio (30sec punch bag, 30sec jumping jacks with barbell, 30sec kick the bag, 30sec crunches) X 4sets. K, I'm ready to pass out now. The heat is too much. I'm just not used to the heat and the super dense sea level air. My head's throbbing and I'm leaking sweat like a colander. I drank 3 quarts of water during a 90 minute workout. Am I doing too much? As I'm reading my workout I wonder if I'm burning muscle. Any feedback?

    The little red pin head acne are more pronounced. Not like a teenager, yet. I'm starting to cramp up a bit. A I'm sitting typing this post my biceps are beginning to cramp. I've saturated myself well. I got a cramp in my hamstring last night in bed. Not fun. I also got a cramp in my feet. Is cramping normal part of the cycle? Anything I can do to reduce the cramping? My chest, shoulders, bi/tri, back are pumped all day long. I go to comb my hair and my arms get pumped. I type on the computer and my forearms gets pumped. I suspect the hypertrophy is the result of the DBOL ? Tomorrow's my last day on DBOL. I'm curious to see how quickly I lose the water weight being only on sustanon . I have no joint pain, tendon pain, muscle pain, I feel great. No noticeable hair loss. Still secreting a lot of oil from the face and upper body. No mood swings. I was worried about "roid rage " nothing so far. As sides go, I've not notices anything significant. Thus far, the cycle seems to be going well.
    Last edited by ScotchGuard; 08-08-2009 at 06:51 AM.

  9. #49
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    Day 29 - Arimidex Question

    I've been told to look into Arimidex to shed water weight. I understand the dosage to be .25mg/ed. I have 8 weeks left in my cycle so if I take Arimidex now during my cycle do I still need to take it during PCT?
    Last edited by ScotchGuard; 08-09-2009 at 07:41 AM.

  10. #50
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    From sweating so hard be sure you take a multi vitamin every day to help alleviate the cramps and or eat a banana every day to help with the cramps. and no you do not need arimadex for pct you only need nolva and clomid

    as far as roid rage I do not believe it. as far as I'm concerned roid rage is only a myth. I mean come on. how many people have road rage every day and that is not caused by roids unless every body that has road rage is on roids. I believe the media has gotten it wrong again and blew something they were wrong about way out of per portion. I could go on about this but there is no proof that there is roid rage. When people go into these rages what other chemicals are they taking and what other factors are there that go into this whole thing.
    When I'm on the juice the wife likes me better. she says I'm always in a better mood. that is because i feel so much better. OK I'm getting off my soap box about roid rage but that subject makes me want to go into a rage.
    Last edited by kaju; 08-09-2009 at 07:31 PM.

  11. #51
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    Day 30 - Start of 5th week

    I resigned to the fact that those little red pinhead spots are have indeed turned into small acne heads. They're still pretty small and they are most plentiful on my back. As long as I wear a shirt they are not too noticeable. The thing that bugs me are the little sores that have popped up on my scalp. These little sores are more a nuisance than anything.

    First day of Sust with no DBOL . I don't feel any different. Today was a chest/tri day. 135lbs x 10reps x 4sets for warmup. 225lbs x 10reps x 5sets. 295lbs x 5reps x 3 sets. 85lbs inclined dumbell press 10reps x 3 sets. 65lbs inclined dumbbell flys 10reps x 4sets. My endurance wasn't as good today. I had a hard time sleeping last night. Normally, I take 1mg of benedryl and I'm OUT. LOL but last night I didn't want to do that so I went natural. I tossed and turned all night. Is poor sleep a normal part of the cycle? I have read that the test improves sleep. Man, it isn't working for me.

    Feel super pumped though the torso area. No joint pains or muscle pains. Been taking my HCG 250mg every 3.5days. My gonads have some shrinkage but not too noticeable. Lots of oil still being secreted by my body. I don't want to be a pimply teenager again. LOL

  12. #52
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    Week 6 - Day 2

    It seems that there are no new acne popping up on my body. I've gotten some dermal soap then cleaning the acne with hydrogen peroxide after the shower. I've also put Erythromycin as a bacteria killer before before bed. After three treatments it seems the acne has stopped growing and is beginning to heal.

    The acne's been the only sides that I've noticed. No hair loss, no appreciable gonad shrinkage with the use of HCG , and I continue to make gains. Yesterday was chest/tris. 135lbs x 10reps x 4 sets for warmup. 225lbs x 10reps x 2 sets, 265lbs x 6reps x 2 sets, 315lbs x 3 reps x 2 sets. This is my personal best to date. My muscles are not as round like I was on DBOL but I'm still making strength gains. Dumbbell inclined press 85lbs x 10reps x 4 sets.

    I'm noticing that my heart's beating really hard when I go to bed. Is this normal? I just feel that guy thumping away in my chest. I also sweat at the drop of a hat. I am leaning out more each day. My diet could be better but while I'm on this extended business travel I have a hard time controlling my diet. My weight's at 202lbs and seemed to have leveled off when I came off of DBOL. I'm continuing to train hard and report my observations.

  13. #53
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    I'm sorry I did not read back over everything you have posted in the past but please remind me just exactly you are taking right now at this moment.

    It sounds as if you have a handle on the acne. and the hcg will take care of your boys while on cycle.

    when you say your heart is beating give us some more info on that. how many beats per second and are there and is anything else going on with that? also check your blood pressure. and is this at rest when you are feeling this? how long since any kind of activity when this happens?

    hormones can affect this but it is different for every one. sustanon is a multi test formula and who knows maybe it is the sustonon. I'm do not know enough about this but I would do a little research on this. but if your blood pressure is up to high you need to get that taken care of. There are many people that do a cycle while taking a blood pressure med. but you will have to ask someone else about that I have not looked into it.
    but from the things you said it sounds like elevated blood pressure. get it checked out.

  14. #54
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    Week 6 - Day 3

    My blood pressure is right at 120/80. My heart rate is 88 bpm. Prior to my cycle it is normally at about 65 bpm. It's gone up but I don't feel flushed or have head aches or anything like that. It's just when I lie down to sleep I can practically hear my heart beating. Now that I'm off the DBOL and doing cardio along with the weight training I can see myself losing water weight. My strength hasn't gone down much.

    Today was shoulder/traps Barbell military 95lbs x 10reps x 4sets for warmup. Dumbbell military 65lbs x 10reps x 4sets, seated barbell 135lbs x 10reps x 4sets, standing flys 30lbs x 10reps x 4 sets (pretty easy). Shrugs dead weight 275lbs x 10reps x 6sets. Sweating like a pig. I can consistently lose 4 to 6lbs of water weight each time. I hydrate during workout and PWO shake.

    My acne looks terrible but doesn't really affect me in any way. There is no pain, discharge, or any new acne. I assume it will eventually heal and go away. It seems that at this point I am sort of cruising through the cycle. I will continue to post observations and changes I see.

  15. #55
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    Week 6 - Day 7

    It seems that this acne issue is more serious than I initially thought. The hydrogen peroxide and the Erythromycin are healing the acne that's already matured but I also see new acne coming on. I'll have to do more research and figure out something else.

    My gains are much slower now. I think I've peaked out my strength potential. I am watching my diet and supplementing. I've gained 25lbs since I started my cycle. My bench went up by 60lbs in 6 weeks. It's actually a little scary. People around me are asking about my gains. I tell them I'm in the "bulking" phase as I reach for a donut. hahaha

  16. #56
    Tarheel is offline Associate Member
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    Hey scotchguard, Ive been following you progress as I am interested in a similar cycle in the near future. Congrats on your results thus far. How much longer do you have till you start pct?

  17. #57
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    Week 7 - Day 1

    Tarheel, I have 6 more weeks before I'm done the gear and 9 more weeks before I start PCT.

    I uploaded some pictures of my acne issue. The shiny stuff on my skin is anti-bacterial cream. I wish I could post just awesome gains but my goal is to report all results including sides. This acne is very inconvenient but does not affect the cycle at all. I'm pushing through until the end.

    I've got some new demal soap and topical. I'm a little hesitant to take anything oral while I'm in the middle of my cycle. I am planning to get some Vitamin B5. The B5 sounds innocuous when compared to accutane. I'm open to suggestions from those with more experience. At this point, I would recommend that anyone planning a cycle be prepared for the sides. In my case, I could have been better prepared for the acne and started precautionary washing sooner.

    I woke up with a puffy face today and my hand were a little tight. I thought I just didn't get a good sleep but I remembered I upped my dosage of HGH from 5iu/day to 8iu/day. Too much of a jump. I'm going back down to 5iu/day. No other physical symptoms except for the puffy face and tightness in the hands.
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    Last edited by ScotchGuard; 08-24-2009 at 02:31 AM.

  18. #58
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    looking good from the pics. I am going to caution you about the acutane. that is some serious stuff. it has its own side effects that are pretty bad. I recomend that you use acutane if all else fails.

  19. #59
    Tarheel is offline Associate Member
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    whe I was a teenager, I went to a dermatologist to get accutane but she said that my my liver values were too high for it (i.e. lipid profile and enzymes)...just so info for ya

  20. #60
    keithrichards's Avatar
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    ScotchGuard, great thread.
    It is hard to believe that you are 50 years old. It gives me hope (I'm 47).
    Where did you get the hydrostatic body fat test done?

  21. #61
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    Week 7 - Day 2

    keithrichards, I got my body fat measurement done at a local university. They allow the public to use their human performance lab. I got my hydro test done for $15.

    The new topical and body wash seems to be keeping the acne at bay. I still look like a leper but the existing acne seems to be healing. I still get a few new ones here and there.

    I put up 335lbs on the flat bench. My personal best. If I keep pushing hard it seems that the body responds. I'm a little tentative about pushing too hard while on gear I remind myself that I am 50 and that my body isn't what it was 20 years ago. I'd hate to blow a rotator or tendon.

    Besides the acne I'm not noticing any other significant sides. My facial hairs are a little more prominent. As you can see from the pictures I have very little body hair but my facial hairs seem to be growing a little faster and thicker. So instead of having 6 facial hairs now I have 12. LOL No change in my mood. I read about guys on gear that feel a surge of libido. I feel perfectly normal not packing wood all day in my shorts.

    I also find that 90 minutes is the optimal workout period for me. Any less I don't feel "done", any more and I feel tired the next day. I also found I can't take thermogenics before a workout. My heart rate speeds up so much I get light headed and I'm afraid I'll blow a gasket in my head. I don't feel as bad when I take a vascular dilator.

    One of the nice sides that I've noticed is that I don't have ANY nagging aches and pains I normally have. My hips don't hurt, my bum knee doesn't hurt, no nagging back aches, dang I LOVE this stuff. LOL I know all the aches and pains will come back when the cycle's done but I'm sure enjoying it now.
    Last edited by ScotchGuard; 08-25-2009 at 09:13 PM.

  22. #62
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    Amen to that I feel like doing a cycle just to get rid of the aches and pains.

    Do you plan to use the hgh for only the 16 weeks?
    Last edited by glover; 08-26-2009 at 12:31 PM.

  23. #63
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    Week 7 - Day 4

    glover, I've been on HGH/IGF for 5 months now. I plan on using both for a year. I've had really good results to date. I'm at 6iu/day now and IGF 3times/wk. When my HGH powder runs out I'm going to try the AQ HGH. I read that it is more effective than HGH powder and causes zero HGH antibodies. We'll see.

    It was a long workday and I didn't feel quite as sharp going to the gym today. It was back/bi day. Pull down 130lbs x 10reps x 4 sets warm up. 250lbs x 10reps x 3 sets. Bent over rows 205lbs x 10reps x 3 sets. Dumbbell bent over rows 115lbs x 10reps x 3sets. The last two sets were really hard. Barbell curls 115lbs x 10reps x 3 sets. DONE! Took about an hour in the gym and I was out of there. I really wasn't in the mood to go the gym today.

    My acne's much more under control now. After two weeks of washing and topical treatment the older acne are healing and there are only a few new ones popping up.

    I've been a bAAAAAAAAAAAAd boy. I've been on a see food diet. Yep, I'm eating everything in sight except for high carb stuff like donuts and cake. I'm still on travel so it's almost impossible to regulate my eating. Work all day and eat with the rest of the crew. Still very little fat gain that I can see. I'll take a hydrostatic measurement next week and we'll see if I've just been bad or if I've been a hog.

  24. #64
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    You are getting pretty strong. Wonder how much of your strength can be attributed to HGH? Anybobdy got an answer on that?

    Are you going to continue using AAS after this cycle? What's your long term plans?

  25. #65
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    Week 7 - Day 6

    glover, I don't know the exact amount the HGH is helping but this is what I have recorded in my workout journal. Before HGH the best bench workout was 185lbs x 10reps x 10sets. When I was on HGH/IGF only I was doing 205lbs x 10reps x 10sets. Now that I'm on AAS also, my best is 225lbs x 10reps x 10sets. The last few sets are pretty hard.

    Today was shoulder day. Barbell military 95lbs x 10 reps x 4 sets for warm up. 135lbs x 10reps x 1set, 185lbs x 10reps x 1set, 165lbs x 10reps x 2sets. Dumbell military 65lbs x 10reps x 3sets. Standing flys 30lbs x 10reps x 3sets. Then standing barbell shrugs for traps. 135lbs x 10reps x 1set warmup. 225lbs x 10reps x 2sets. 315lbs x 10reps x 1set, 365lbs x 10reps x 1set. Done

    I'm getting stronger on certain lifts. On other lifts like military press it depends on how much rest I had the evening before. I have read that sleep is important to maximize growth during a cycle. I have now experience first hand how true that advice is.

    I injured, tore I think, my rotator cuff right before my cycle and I've been pushing really hard so it hasn't has a chance to heal. My left arm get lame after a hard workout particularly after a back workout. It seems all the pulling irritates the rotator. I will get a coterzone shot after my cycle and do more physical therepy.

    My initial goal was to just gain about 10 pounds of lean muscle mass and get a little stronger. I gained 25lbs and got a lot stronger. It's a little scary actually. I was planning to do this one cycle, mainly out of curiosity about AAS, and be done. The thing I found was that for the last two months I'm free from all my nagging aches and pains. WOW WOW WOW, I love it. I haven't found anything that makes me feel pain free like AAS has done for the last two months. I've NEVER experienced such relief from my little nagging aches and pains like AAS. I will stay on HGH long term. About 4iu/ed or 5iu/ed for at least a year. I'll do some research and see if there is a cycle that will give me minimum growth/sides but give me the benefits of no aches and pains. I don't really care if I look like Mr. Universe when I'm 60. I just want to have a high quality of life.

  26. #66
    kaju's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard View Post
    glover, I don't know the exact amount the HGH is helping but this is what I have recorded in my workout journal. Before HGH the best bench workout was 185lbs x 10reps x 10sets. When I was on HGH/IGF only I was doing 205lbs x 10reps x 10sets. Now that I'm on AAS also, my best is 225lbs x 10reps x 10sets. The last few sets are pretty hard.

    Today was shoulder day. Barbell military 95lbs x 10 reps x 4 sets for warm up. 135lbs x 10reps x 1set, 185lbs x 10reps x 1set, 165lbs x 10reps x 2sets. Dumbell military 65lbs x 10reps x 3sets. Standing flys 30lbs x 10reps x 3sets. Then standing barbell shrugs for traps. 135lbs x 10reps x 1set warmup. 225lbs x 10reps x 2sets. 315lbs x 10reps x 1set, 365lbs x 10reps x 1set. Done

    I'm getting stronger on certain lifts. On other lifts like military press it depends on how much rest I had the evening before. I have read that sleep is important to maximize growth during a cycle. I have now experience first hand how true that advice is.

    I injured, tore I think, my rotator cuff right before my cycle and I've been pushing really hard so it hasn't has a chance to heal. My left arm get lame after a hard workout particularly after a back workout. It seems all the pulling irritates the rotator. I will get a coterzone shot after my cycle and do more physical therepy.

    My initial goal was to just gain about 10 pounds of lean muscle mass and get a little stronger. I gained 25lbs and got a lot stronger. It's a little scary actually. I was planning to do this one cycle, mainly out of curiosity about AAS, and be done. The thing I found was that for the last two months I'm free from all my nagging aches and pains. WOW WOW WOW, I love it. I haven't found anything that makes me feel pain free like AAS has done for the last two months. I've NEVER experienced such relief from my little nagging aches and pains like AAS. I will stay on HGH long term. About 4iu/ed or 5iu/ed for at least a year. I'll do some research and see if there is a cycle that will give me minimum growth/sides but give me the benefits of no aches and pains. I don't really care if I look like Mr. Universe when I'm 60. I just want to have a high quality of life.
    You are right. rest and sleep are very important. muscle reapir and growth happen when you are asleep.
    I have never don hgh but plan to.
    when you mentioned aas helping you with all the aches and pains this is why some men our age go onto trt. The thought is there for me but Im not ready yet. I feel my natural test production is still strong. but when it starts to slow down too much I will go onto trt.

  27. #67
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    Week 8 - Day 1

    Due to my traveling I was unable to pin my last sus dose. I normally pin 250mg on Monday and Thursday but I couldn't pin on Thursday. I haven't noticed any difference in my strength during my workout for the last 4 days. I'm planning to pin 250mg on Monday and get back to my regular schedule. I know there will be a spike in my Test level so I'll report anything I see that's irregular. My main concern is that my acne doesn't flare up due to the spike in Test. I'll see how that goes.

  28. #68
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    In the dark...
    Looking good Scotch, great cosntructive advice kaju.

  29. #69
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    Week 8 - Day 1

    Finally got home from my extended business trip. I've pinned my 250mg sust and getting back in the swing of things in terms of workout. I've been traveling, dieting (trying), and working out. It has not been an ideal situation. Now that I'm back to my regular schedule I'll be more consistent in my diet and workout. I hope to continue my gains throughout the next four weeks of the cycle. By the way, this forum is "FORBIDDEN" in China. But I was able to continue my logs right through the government censorship. Wahahaha
    Last edited by ScotchGuard; 08-31-2009 at 09:04 PM.

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard View Post
    Finally got home from my extended business trip. I've pinned my 250mg sust and getting back in the swing of things in terms of workout. I've been traveling, dieting (trying), and working out. It has not been an ideal situation. Now that I'm back to my regular schedule I'll be more consistent in my diet and workout. I hope to continue my gains throughout the next four weeks of the cycle. By the way, this forum is "FORBIDDEN" in China. But I was able to continue my logs right through the government censorship. Wahahaha
    Glad you made it back safe and sound.
    censorship works doesn't it. if you don't believe me just ask the experts. communist china. Iatola akmedinajad (I don't think I spelled it right.) communist north Korea communist Cuba. they will all tell you censorship works

  31. #71
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    Week 8 - Day 2

    I can safely say, since I'm back in the USA, that I was in communist China and surrounding areas for the past month. Whew, glad to be back home. All, no matter what ANYONE tells me there no place better than sleeping in your own bed. I worked out at a gym over there. It's so humid and hot that all the weights that aren't rubber or stainless are rusted. The pulleys stick and everything is generally worn. I did bench my personal best of 335lbs on a rusty bench sweating like a pig in the 93 degree 91% humidity. As you can guess there is no air conditioning and with all the sweaty bodies it seems 10 degrees hotter in the gym. Yep, HOT and SWEATY. I would lose 6lbs to 8lbs of sweat in one 90 minute workout. I'd spot for a guy on the bench and drip sweat all over his face. Sorry dude.

    There were some big boys in the gym. 240lbs 260lbs but no one could bench over 300lbs. I look at their workout and these guys are doing 20 sets on the bench, whew! They just weren't getting strong. They told me I was the strongest guy they've ever seen. I'm 200lbs and bench 335lbs. I think that's good but I've seen guys a LOT stronger than me. I think the serious lifters in China really don't have the resources, like this forum, to learn about diet, training, supplementation, etc. The science of sports nutrition and training is really advanced in the US.

    I actually loved everything about China. The people were very friendly and everyone I met LOVED anything American. It wasn't like anything I thought it would be. I did notice police everywhere. None of them were armed. I guess when you have a country where firearm possession could be punished by death the cops don't have to carry guns either. I also found out there are no traffic laws in China only traffic suggestions. Hahaha People driving up a freeway off ramp, going the wrong way on a 1 way street, making a U turn from the far right lane on a 4 lane road, common occurrences. LOL I love China! LOL It's strange to me that I can't buy a syringe from a pharmacy but I can buy oxycontin off the internet. I figured since I was in China I should look up some gear producers. It was really interesting what I found. There are some good and some bad everywhere I guess. I would recommend to anyone buying gear from China that they should test the gear if possible.

    Overall, my China experience was great. I ate a lot of Chinese food, met some great people, found some gear, did some business, and where in the US can one get a 2hr body massage a 2hr foot massage, 30min scalp massage, a shampoo and a hair cut for $25? LOL Yeah, I was spoiled.

    They censor the internet quite a bit. But I just VPN'd into my office in the US and I could get to anything I wanted. So no biggie. No forum.steroid .com in China, their loss. This site has taught me more about nutrition, training, and overall health recipe than I have learned in 35 years of going to the gym. Thanks for all the good advice I've received and all the good posts I've read. Keep going everyone!
    Last edited by ScotchGuard; 09-01-2009 at 07:35 PM.

  32. #72
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    I've always heard there's a problem with Sust in that when you go off, the short esters clear right away but you need to still wait a couple weeks for the long ones to clear. The problem is that there's such a low level of the long esters in Sust that you're at a disadvantage those last couple weeks trying to keep going on such a low level of test for so long.

    Is that a legitimate concern? I've always thought it would be best to include some prop the last week or so on Sust.

  33. #73
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    Week 8 - Day 5 I NEED ADVICE!!!!!!!!!

    johns.., I actually thought about that. But it seems that the standard recommendation on first time cycle is straight Test E for 12 weeks. So if that is working well with people then sus 250 should be good for 12 weeks, yeah?

    I've injured my shoulder really bad before the cycle so I've been working through pain for the past 8 weeks. All of the heavy training has further injured my shoulder so I am not sure I can continue to train upper body. I'll have to workout a therapy routine to rehab the shoulder as I try to make gains for the remaining 4 weeks of my cycle.

    I am wondering if I should stop my cycle now, after 8 weeks, rehab the shoulder, wait 6 months and start a fresh cycle. I could use some advice from the forum. I was also wondering if I could stay in the cycle and work only lower body and arms. I can't really bench, military or do backs. Thus far, I have made great gains but I doubt I can keep it if I can't really train. So I'm wondering if I cut my losses and start another cycle in 6 months.

  34. #74
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    Sounds really bad. What is making your shoulder hurt, do you know?

  35. #75
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    Oh God, I'd cut it short and concentrate on recovery for the shoulder, if you're sure that training is only making it worse.

    Sust is actually a combination of different esters of test, so they clear at different rates.

  36. #76
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    By the way, here's my shoulder story: I've only done 3 cycles but after the last one I developed some real problems with my left shoulder. I got a referral to a physical therapist who explained that I had unconsciously trained my left shoulder to seat improperly in the socket. It may have been that way for years, because it was an adaptation to my workspace layout. It took over a year of prescribed stretches and exercises (fortunately I didn't have to cut back on my regular routine) for the shoulder to stay seated in the socket properly. I haven't done a cycle since because of it but I really suspect if i hadn't gotten treatment I may not be able to work my upper body at all at this point, so it was all good.

    The doctor, by the way, had no clue but the PT spotted it right away. He told me I'd probably been bad for years and it could take years to retrain my shoulder.

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard View Post
    johns.., I actually thought about that. But it seems that the standard recommendation on first time cycle is straight Test E for 12 weeks. So if that is working well with people then sus 250 should be good for 12 weeks, yeah?

    I've injured my shoulder really bad before the cycle so I've been working through pain for the past 8 weeks. All of the heavy training has further injured my shoulder so I am not sure I can continue to train upper body. I'll have to workout a therapy routine to rehab the shoulder as I try to make gains for the remaining 4 weeks of my cycle.

    I am wondering if I should stop my cycle now, after 8 weeks, rehab the shoulder, wait 6 months and start a fresh cycle. I could use some advice from the forum. I was also wondering if I could stay in the cycle and work only lower body and arms. I can't really bench, military or do backs. Thus far, I have made great gains but I doubt I can keep it if I can't really train. So I'm wondering if I cut my losses and start another cycle in 6 months.
    go to the doctor get an ex-ray and get back to us.

  38. #78
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    Here's a warning though: the shoulder I mentioned was X-rayed and the doctor said I had arthritis and had to stop doing stuff like swimming laps. This sucked cuz I've swum laps every week for like 25 years.

    He said, by the way, he could refer me to a PT if I wanted to, so I grabbed at that. The PT examined me and determined the problem was some kind of muscle imbalance, what I mentioned earlier, and swimming was good not bad. He pretty much dismissed the doctor's diagnosis altogether, without being too up front about it.

    So after a year of doing the stretches and stuff the PT recommended, while still working out, my left shoulder is good as the right. I have NO problems at all. It took about a year to get the strength and muscle balance in my left shoulder up to that of my right.

    Just a warning to always get a second opinion from an expert -general practitioners can be clueless when it comes to problems that relate to working out. It seems to me it's all operate, operate, pills, pills because in this country at least, that's where their money is.

  39. #79
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    I did go to a orthopedic surgeon once. He gave me a shot in the shoulder and sent me on my way, that was it. After a couple of weeks my shoulder was bad again. My shoulder pops and hurts. I wonder if it is off socket. I fell back in an office chair and slammed my elbow into the carpet and jolted my shoulder. Guess what? My shoulder felt great. I go for a workout and my shoulder's bad again. Even as I'm writing this I brought my elbow up and shoved it into my shoulder real hard and felt a small pop. My shoulder still hurts but the pain isn't bad. Crazy, huh? Maybe I can keep popping my shoulder in and keep working out. What do you think?

    I will go to a ortho again get a referral to a PT. This really stinks. I'll report what the ortho and PT recommend. Thanks for the feedback.

  40. #80
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    Maybe I was lucky cuz they sent me to a PT that specializes in sports medicine.

    It would be way worse to permanently damage your shoulder and if this has been building for a long time, like mine was, you may be lucky you caught it now.

    I knew a woman whose hip joint was never seated properly -she didn't know anything was wrong until while jogging one day she fell flat on her face and couldn't get up. It may have been that way her entire life and just finally gave way one day. She may be crippled for life now, from last time I talked to her.

    Anyway, good luck! Post how your PCT goes -that was always the hard part for me!

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