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  1. #1
    dhesskew's Avatar
    dhesskew is offline New Member
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    47 starting 1st Cycle in years

    I am 47 years old and decided to start a cycle.
    BF 30%

    My health is not what it use to be and after reading about several people regaining some of their health back from AAS I decided to try it. Of course I read the Ajax thread many times before I made the decision. I thought about my back and my arthritis in my knee and thought if he can do it then I can too. I did AAS years ago and felt pretty good at the time. I used Deca and Winstrol . I was 25 then. I am starting with Test C and EQ. I am unsure of the quality of my gear but I am willing to take the chance. I was debating on whether to go to mexico or Thailand when I found someone. I will probably still go after this cycle as I would like the convience of changing something when I need to. My first injection did not hurt at first but the next day I am a hurtin. I am not sure if it is because I could not keep steady enough from the angle to not move around or what. When I did it years ago I don't think I ever felt anything. It took about 2 weeks to feel it kick in. I suppose I will be lookng at least 2 weeks here. I wanted to use Deca and Winstrol again but it was not available. From many threads I have read here this may not be enough. I am not sure what a good amount would be for someone of my age. I am willing to try anything once. If I see good results then I will post them. Anybody with any good advice welcome.

    Test 400mg
    EQ 250mg

  2. #2
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Welcome. Why don't you take some pics of your gear and post them in the picture forum to check the validity of the stuff. Be sure to remove the lab from the pic.
    Your bodyfat is should've come down somewhat before you started but what's done is done. I suggest going over to the diet section to get some help with yours. If you post it up they will critique it and help you construct another. Are you currently doing any cardio to bring that bf down?
    I would just stick to the test if it were me. EQ needs to be ran at a higher dosage to get effective results. How long are you planning on running this cycle? How often are you injecting the compounds? Do you have any PCT planned?

  3. #3
    dhesskew's Avatar
    dhesskew is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the response. My diet currently is:

    7:00 Oatmeal small bowl
    6oz OJ and 2% milk
    11:00 Tuna 6oz whole grain bread
    Water 16oz
    5:00 6 oz chicken breast with Salad
    Or green vegetable and small potato
    8:00 6 oz salmon with salad or green vegetable
    Protein drink

    Treadmill 30 min every other day.
    12 week cycle
    Inject once a week

    The guy told me he would get me some when I need it but I wish I had some on hand.

    Where exactly do I post pics of the gear?

  4. #4
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    no way you should be cycling at 30%bf, major health issues can result esp at your age.
    EQ at less than around 600mg/week is pretty much a waste, it's a very mild compound that won't do anything at 250mg/week.

  5. #5
    gen0105 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    no way you should be cycling at 30%bf, major health issues can result esp at your age.
    EQ at less than around 600mg/week is pretty much a waste, it's a very mild compound that won't do anything at 250mg/week.
    Hi everyone. I'am new here and never done AS but considering it and researching on this topic. I could not find anywhere why it is a problem to do AS with BF > 15%.
    Many thanks.

  6. #6
    gigabitbucket's Avatar
    gigabitbucket is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gen0105 View Post
    Hi everyone. I'am new here and never done AS but considering it and researching on this topic. I could not find anywhere why it is a problem to do AS with BF > 15%.
    Many thanks.

    Hey Gen, welcome to the site !
    I would recommend that you start a new post for better visibility of your question(s)

    Higher BF tends to lead to more sides i.e; gyno

  7. #7
    gen0105 is offline New Member
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    Many thanks for response, I will try new post.

  8. #8
    dhesskew's Avatar
    dhesskew is offline New Member
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    I have heard of others doing this. I need to be able to recoup fast enough to keep going to the gym. If it takes several days to recoup then by the time I'm back I'm not making any progress. When I take pain pills then I don't feel like going. It has been 4 days now and I am not in as much pain as before and I have the energy to work out. I believe this to be the best solution since I have already tried everything else. As far as the eq you are probably right since I hardly ever here of anyone doing less than 400mg. The guy told me this would work but I feel I needed more. The good thing is it is oxegenating my blood to have energy. I may be wrong but I have felt better already. I plan to go to Thailand after the first of the year so I can get more specific on my needs. I have been monitoring my blood pressure and it is lower than it has been 115/75 and before it was 130/85 so as long as I see health improvements I will continue with something. I hope to get deca next time to improve my joints.

  9. #9
    kaju's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dhesskew View Post
    I have heard of others doing this. I need to be able to recoup fast enough to keep going to the gym. If it takes several days to recoup then by the time I'm back I'm not making any progress. When I take pain pills then I don't feel like going. It has been 4 days now and I am not in as much pain as before and I have the energy to work out. I believe this to be the best solution since I have already tried everything else. As far as the eq you are probably right since I hardly ever here of anyone doing less than 400mg. The guy told me this would work but I feel I needed more. The good thing is it is oxegenating my blood to have energy. I may be wrong but I have felt better already. I plan to go to Thailand after the first of the year so I can get more specific on my needs. I have been monitoring my blood pressure and it is lower than it has been 115/75 and before it was 130/85 so as long as I see health improvements I will continue with something. I hope to get deca next time to improve my joints.
    Quote Originally Posted by dhesskew View Post
    I am 47 years old and decided to start a cycle.
    BF 30%

    My health is not what it use to be and after reading about several people regaining some of their health back from AAS I decided to try it. Of course I read the Ajax thread many times before I made the decision. I thought about my back and my arthritis in my knee and thought if he can do it then I can too. I did AAS years ago and felt pretty good at the time. I used Deca and Winstrol . I was 25 then. I am starting with Test C and EQ. I am unsure of the quality of my gear but I am willing to take the chance. I was debating on whether to go to mexico or Thailand when I found someone. I will probably still go after this cycle as I would like the convience of changing something when I need to. My first injection did not hurt at first but the next day I am a hurtin. I am not sure if it is because I could not keep steady enough from the angle to not move around or what. When I did it years ago I don't think I ever felt anything. It took about 2 weeks to feel it kick in. I suppose I will be lookng at least 2 weeks here. I wanted to use Deca and Winstrol again but it was not available. From many threads I have read here this may not be enough. I am not sure what a good amount would be for someone of my age. I am willing to try anything once. If I see good results then I will post them. Anybody with any good advice welcome.

    Test 400mg
    EQ 250mg
    Big is correct you should not be cycling when you are at 30% bodyfat. Two weeks is to soon for you to be feeling test c of eq kick in. both are long estered and you should not feel anything untill week 4. I hate to tell you this but you are going to have too many side effects from having too much body fat. I would suggest you do a little more research and re adjust your cycle to help loose body fat. AAS will not do that for you. Diet and exercise will do that. you can do it through diet alone but exercise will help speed it up. Look into the steroid profil page on this board and you may find something that will fit you better. Then come back here and we can help you tweak it.
    there is also a diet section you can look into. I know you are wanting to get back into shape and I know loosing fat is a part of that. 30
    minuts every other day on the tread mill is not enough. It is a great start but when you get good at that come back here and there are a loot of great people here that will help you tweak that also. good luck and keep up the good work. keep us posted on your progress.

  10. #10
    gigabitbucket's Avatar
    gigabitbucket is offline Associate Member
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    I wish you nothing but the best.
    BUT, when "big" steps in and says something , Please listen to the "guy",
    he knows his stuff.
    Read this forum and find out who is up on this and learn from them.
    Kaju is another one you can learn from.

    Hardest part of my cycle was diet, is diet.
    Took me months of training to loss my weight before I started my cycle.

    Take it from another 47 year old guy.
    Good luck!

  11. #11
    dhesskew's Avatar
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    First I want to thank everyone for the input. I am just a little confused. In the Ajax thread he was over 40% total bf and he did a cycle and had great results. I realize the post is 2002 but I would think someone would have said something to the contrary if it was a bad idea. At one time I was in great shape. I believe that because of age and of course bad relationships that I let my health deteriate. My testosterone dropped over the years and this has led to my health decline. I also believe that many doctors have given me too many of the drugs that keep you from feeling your best. Morphine, Oxycondone, Indomethician, Allpuronol, Prozac, Lorazepam, HCTZ, Metaprolol. I am sure their are optimal ways of doing everything. As Ajax said in his thread it was a personal decision it is the same for me. I hope that I don't have side effects but I don't believe that at this low of a dose it should effect me negatively at my age. I believe my test levels are so low that it can only benefit me. I probably shouldn't be taking the eq right now but I keep reading of people taking the test. I probably need to tweak my diet and overall cardio routine. I guess I was using something that had worked for me before. It was a gold's gym program I was on years ago. I have already lost 4lbs of weight. I do appreciate the info and I would do more research on the possible side effects and start looking for them. Thanks!

  12. #12
    j4ever41's Avatar
    j4ever41 is offline Senior Member
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    bf way high,you gonna have alot of estro in your body before you even introduce the test,have you been to the diet forum and read the stickies? it good info there,your diet need to be reorganized.
    Last edited by j4ever41; 10-08-2009 at 01:34 AM.

  13. #13
    dhesskew's Avatar
    dhesskew is offline New Member
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    Well guys you raised my concerns and I went and got my body fat checked and they said it was 17%. I guess I did not do it correctly. I was never concerned about bf before. Sorry for the misinformation. At 17% how much should I be concerned?

  14. #14
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    17 is not bad, we recommend 15 or lower, but your so close you would probably be fine.

  15. #15
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    I'm 50 and I did my first cycle this year, Sustanon + Dbol . You're gonna feel awesome. Have fun.

  16. #16
    dhesskew's Avatar
    dhesskew is offline New Member
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    Thanks guys I appreciate everything!

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