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Thread: S.o.b.

  1. #1
    hot stuff's Avatar
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    Well, one week before I was going to start a new cycle, I blew out my shoulder. I'm so pissed at myself! Tried to keep lifting the same weight I did when on steroids and found out the hard way I can't. I hate getting old!!!!!
    Man, this is really going to screw things up for me. I was going to pose for a Christmas calander, and now I can't even jerk off.
    Sorry, i just needed to cry for a minute.

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    that sucks, what did you damage in your shoulder?

  3. #3
    Hamma Head is offline Junior Member
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    Sorry bro! that really sucks. I would still find a was to jerk off!!!!LOL

  4. #4
    hot stuff's Avatar
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    I haven't been to a doc yet, because it is bearable so far.
    The pain is actually behind the shoulder instead of in the front where you would expect. I think that I strained one of the tendons as this has been going on for a few weeks. I tried to work my way through it, but it's just got worse. I can't do flat bench at all, but feel better doing inclines. I had surgery on the same shoulder years ago from a seperation (motocross). I'm scared s***less.

  5. #5
    hot stuff's Avatar
    hot stuff is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hamma Head View Post
    Sorry bro! that really sucks. I would still find a was to jerk off!!!!LOL
    Won't be the first time I paid for it!: 7up:

  6. #6
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    damn, sorry to hear it bro, been there and I know it sucks...i really hope you recover soon, and yes i hate getting old too...

  7. #7
    hot stuff's Avatar
    hot stuff is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks, brother. Good thing we also get more stubborn with age. AND better looking! In the mean time, I have lots of legs,abs,and cardio to do while I "heal". So you can slow me down, but you can't stop me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. #8
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    that suck bro. YES as we get older/more mature we need to not worry about lifting so heavy, EVEN on cycle.... You are more prone to hurt yourself on cycle and could have started the damage without even knowing it.

  9. #9
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    Stuff, sorry about the shoulder bro. I tweaked my shoulder really bad about 6 months ago. I waited 1 months before I started rehab. Hurt a lot on the rear deltoids like you. Found out it was a rotator tear. I'm 5 months into PT, self imposed, and I'm also on 5iu/ed of HGH. My shoulder's feeling pretty good now. I find that I can recover much quicker from injury when I'm on HGH. Might want to give HGH a go. Good luck.

  10. #10
    hot stuff's Avatar
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    Thanks for your support, guys. I think it's a rotator cuff tear also. I've quit lifting with my arms(not that I COULD). This is the first time I've taken myself out of the game, and I'm pretty upset about it. I don't have a way to get HGH, so I'll just have to wait and see what happens. "The muscles are young, but the bones are old."

  11. #11
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    this is my third post today of the same link. this exercise helped me speed up the healing process, give it a try,

  12. #12
    hot stuff's Avatar
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    Thank you! The shoulder is feeling better with rest, and I'm able to stretch it out pretty good. Hopefully, I just strained it and won't be down for too long. Pretty scary.

  13. #13
    benny_jerry's Avatar
    benny_jerry is offline Junior Member
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    good luck. hope for a speedy recovery

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