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Thread: First-Timer Needs Advice ...HELP!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Upstate New York

    First-Timer Needs Advice ...HELP!

    I'm a first-timer looking to take the plunge and do a simple cycle to get my feet wet. I'm 38 years old / 5' - 11" / 240 lbs. I have been researching for weeks and have concluded that DECA and/or SUST may be right for me. MY main concern is with side effects, primarily HAIR LOSS. I have thinning hair as it is and would like to keep what I have left for a while (not to mention, I'm 35 years old and don't want to punish my body too much).

    8-12 week cycle of DECA?
    8 week cycle of SUST?
    8 week cycle of both?

    I'm looking for respectable, long lasting results with minimal side effects (though I could live with the increased libido and frequent erections, hahahahaha!!!)

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    You could do week1-10 500mg sust and weak 1-10 400mg of deca. but because your new i would replace the sust with test. dont forget clomid and an ant-e. but you should us the search engine there should be tons of info about this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Upstate New York

    Why replace the SUST with TEST? Can you elaborate?

    Thanks Man!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    sustanon has four esters in it, versus 1 single ester in enanthate, cypionate, or prop. its much easier to control blood levels with a single ester test.
    i would go this route.......

    test enanthate 500mg weeks 1-11
    deca 400mg weeks 1-10

    you want both esters to taper out at approximately the same time, hence the reason for the extra week of test. you wont see anything from this stack until your 2-4 weeks in, so be patient.
    run your clomid 2 weeks after your last shot of test.

    peace bb79

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal

    Re: First-Timer Needs Advice ...HELP!

    Originally posted by Fighting Irish
    I'm 38 years old / 5' - 11" / 240 lbs. (not to mention, I'm 35 years old and don't want to punish my body too much).
    How old are you again bro? Its ok bro I say I'm younger all the time too. Or maybe you just forget ( I know how old age is on the mind)

    BB79 often forgets how old he is or where he lives and stuff like that. As a matter of fact someone from the nursing home was on the board looking for him just the other day. I guess he got lost again. She said when he didn't show up for bingo she knew something was wrong cause he never misses that. Nice to see you found your way home bro.

    BTW I'd go with what BB79 said he really knows what us 30+ guys should be taking. he should he's be there for the last 60 years

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    oh lost.

    is this the right board? am i in the right location?

    wait.........Rons here, so i must be home.....hehe. we're gonna have to do the bingo thing together here soon bro, all the old broads been askin for ya.....

    peace bro, bb79

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I don't think we can answer this question without knowing your body composition. Are 5'11 and a fat 240 or a lean 240? I'm 5'11 and it's taken me a lifetime in the gym to get to 240+ with less than 10% body fat.
    If you have a high BF %, you will probable want to use a somewhat different approach. And you will need some ancillaries if side effects are a concern. Do a search for hair loss prevention, and you will want an anti-e on hand as well.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Upstate New York
    Opps, that was a typo... I'm 35 years old

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