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Thread: Looks like I belong here... Newbie Inkman

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Looks like I belong here... Newbie Inkman

    Great board here and alot of names I have seen before

    Little backgound on me. I am 45 male 5'11 230lbs currently and my bf is 11 or 12% I think. I have been training for about 30 years and have some education in Nutrition for sports..

    I started juicing in 2000 to prepare for my first BB show NPC. I placed 5th in lightheavywt open and 5th in middle for novice. I did the same show in 2001 and walked off with 3rd in Heavy weight. So I guess we really do improve with age lol. At least bodybuilders and fine wine do...

    Currenty on 6th cycle which is just 300mgs of test prop a week. Guess you could call it a bridge for my next cycle which I have not decided on yet. Looks like a great place to learn and I hope I be of help as well..

    Here are some pics of me last year..
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	frontbioff.jpg 
Views:	820 
Size:	21.3 KB 
ID:	16776  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Lat shot
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	lat1-16-02off.jpg 
Views:	631 
Size:	20.1 KB 
ID:	16777  

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    I have a wheel shot as well but I can't seem to post it. I have resized it 3 times and still no go. Can someone help me out please?? Inkman

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    In my house, with my wife and my kids...and my dog
    Wow. Great size, sweet peaks on your bi's. Welcome!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Upstate New York
    Damn Inkman! you're one bad lookin' motherf#%ker!!!! I was wondering if you're clean dome is a result of roids or just "the haircut from God" ...not f#%kin' with you, I'm seriously interested since I'm about to start my first cycle at age 35 and I'm barely holding on to what hair I have left.

    Welcome to the board!

    -Fighting Irish

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Great bod bro!!!

    Welcome to the party


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Boston area
    Damn, looking good bro.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Thanks for the warm welcome guys. I am really enjoying this board. Good people and good advise too.

    Fighting Irish - I have always had a problem with my hair line since I hit 40 or so. So it is really more hereditary then from the juice since I did not start till after 41..

    Pain and Ketchup glad thanks for the compliments and I am glad to join the party here.

    By the way I have to brag about my gf for a sec. When we met 2 years ago she was a size 13 150lbs and 5' tall. There was alot of chemistry between us cause we talked for a month before we met. She was really interested in hardcore bb. So I helped her out with a basic 40 40 20 diet and showed her how to train with intensity and she LOVED it. Now she is a size 2 124lbs turning 42 this year and talking about entering a BB masters show !! Talk about a deternined and focused women. Now thats a succuss story

    I will post b4 and after pics when I can resize them right... Later Inkman

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Upstate New York

    What was your favorite cycle to date... any advice for a first-timer (35 years old / 5' - 11" / 240 lbs) about to do a cycle of:

    Deca - 400mg (weeks 1-10)
    Sust - 500mg (weeks 1-10)
    Clomid 2 weeks after last inject


    - Fighting Irish

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Hey Fighting Irish,

    I like it alot. I would not change a thing. Good first cycle with all oils and no orals. I know alot of people might say to throw dbol in there but save that shit for later cycles when you really need it. I did only oils for my first 4 cycles and I did quite well on all of them,

    1st cycle test prop 600mgs deca 400mgs per week on all cycles
    2nd sus250 500mgs deca 400mgs
    3rd omna 250 500mgs deca 400-600mgs
    4th sus250 750mgs deca 600
    5th dbol 30mgs ed sus250 500mgs and deca 600mgs

    Thats how I did it. The sus250 worked very well for me always.

    Hope this helped.... Inkman

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    Inkman Welcome aboard bro.

    Its really encouraging for me personally to hear stories like yours. I'm 31 in July and although I was deeply entrenched in bodybuilding from age 16-24 getting married made me lazy. I am now 2 years back and looking forward to my first show soon I hope. With all these young guys sometimes I feel like its too late to come back to the sport but to see guys like you make me see that I still have plenty of time.

    If you need any pics resized email them to me and I'll post them up for ya.

    BTW my hairlines been gone for a while and I actually think I look better shaved anyway.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Thanks Ron,

    When you have been in the game as long as I have it is a shame not to share information with others to help them avoid all the f ups you made along the way lol. I wish someone would have saved my ass back when I first started hahahahah.

    You are never too old bro. My gf and I are proof of that. Here is a story for you. At my last show I was in, a lady who was doing her first show ever walked off with 1st place overall. She was 52 years old!!!!! She wiped the floor with those 20 and over woman lol. Bet they feeling like crap.

    Remember we have something the younger contestants don't. **Muscle maturity**. Those guys don't stand a chance when they have only been training 3 years and juicing. If we go up and nail our posing come in hard and ripped we will kick thier ass everytime bwaaaaaaaaabwaaaa.

    Hey I would love to have you post my pics. Where do I email them to you at? Ink

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    Originally posted by Inkman
    Hey I would love to have you post my pics. Where do I email them to you at? Ink
    Send them to [email protected] and I'll be happy to resize them for you and post them here.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Thanks Ron I will send the pics to you this evening.

    If there is anything I can help you out with let me know. I have the training down for us over the hill boys lol that will give us max recup time between muscle groups... Inkman

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    welcome bro...........nice pics, youre looking good. you got me by 4 years in the age category, but i sure as hell dont feel 41.
    we're also similar in 5'7" 238.

    hang around and enjoy yourself. this is a great board and this forum is a definite plus for us "older" bros.

    btw- watch out for Ron, he's a hell of a nice guy, but a doddering old fool. the old broads at the bingo keep asking me where he is......

    peace bb79
    Last edited by iron4life79; 03-06-2003 at 04:15 PM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Upstate New York

    You seem to be a veteran when it comes to using Sust & Deca... how harsh were the side effects on you? Being a virgin, I'm hoping to limit my injects to twice a week (Mon & Thurs) by mixing 250mg Sust & 200mg Deca per inject. Sound good to you?

    When you get Ron to resize and post your pics, get a close-up... I've been tattooing on the side for a couple years now and would like to check out your ink.

    - Fighting Irish

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    Originally posted by barbells79
    btw- watch out for Ron, he's a hell of a nice guy, but a doddering old fool. the old broads at the bingo keep asking me where he is...... peace bb79
    You tell those old ladies to leave me the hell alone. Man you sleep with one 80 year old and they all think they can get some.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    LOL Ok BB79 I will keep my eyes open

    FightingIrish- Your injection ideas sound great. Both of those AS should be used split up thru the week just like you are doing..My side were very slight and thats why I like to keep my cycles low. I felt little wired after taking the sus250 almost every single time. Test does that to me tho. Who needs cafine when test works just as well for me lol. Hmmm oh yeah I was horny hell and had a hardon that would not quit.. Have fun!!!

    Welcome to the darkside virgin bwaaaaaaabwaaaaaaa

    Oh yeah about the tats you are going to have see my gf's too she has a full back tatoo of a medivel flying winged dragon. One of a kind custom hand drawn.. Later Ink

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Hey Ron,

    The pics are on the way to your addy bro. Thanks Inkman

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    Originally posted by RON

    You tell those old ladies to leave me the hell alone. Man you sleep with one 80 year old and they all think they can get some.

    LMFAO!...........Ron you kill me bro............... nice to see a hell of good guy that has a sense of humor also.

    peace bb79

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Great build Inkman, well impressed m8 !


  22. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    finaplix legend
    eeeewww you have tatoo's..LOL
    What's up Ink , My friend!

  23. #23
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Were it is always to ****
    I would like to see more of the tats as well. I have a quarter sleeve and am working on a back piece with my zodiac sign along with my wife’s and daughters. Like a family tree but down my back!!! L.O.L. You look great bro..PA

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by basskiller
    eeeewww you have tatoo's..LOL
    What's up Ink , My friend!

    Hey what's up buddy? Can you belive my dumb ass forgot that I was a member here lol. Thats what happens when you belong to too many boards hehehehe. Anyway It is good to be back on here and among good people. Hey I just read that artical that Ari wrote about herself being on GH and the results.. Kixk ass thread and links. Going to show it to Dragonmona to help her research... Take care.. Inkman

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