Great board here and alot of names I have seen before
Little backgound on me. I am 45 male 5'11 230lbs currently and my bf is 11 or 12% I think. I have been training for about 30 years and have some education in Nutrition for sports..
I started juicing in 2000 to prepare for my first BB show NPC. I placed 5th in lightheavywt open and 5th in middle for novice. I did the same show in 2001 and walked off with 3rd in Heavy weight. So I guess we really do improve with age lol. At least bodybuilders and fine wine do...
Currenty on 6th cycle which is just 300mgs of test prop a week. Guess you could call it a bridge for my next cycle which I have not decided on yet. Looks like a great place to learn and I hope I be of help as well..
Here are some pics of me last year..