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Thread: New here.

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  1. #1

    New here.

    Hi bros. Looking to start my first cycle in a few weeks or so. Started researching to make sure about what to do. Don't want to go off half cocked, although I am looking forward to the cycle.
    Background. 36 years old. 5'9". 185 lbs. Have been working out hard for the past two years. In the gym 4 days per week. Have made good gains, but have definately stalled. Bodyfat is low. I have been trying to naturally bulk up this winter. Can't get above 190. Bodyfat is now at maybe 10%. Was quite a bit lower last summer at around 180.
    I am looking to add muscle (gee, there is a surprise), in the 10 to 20 lb. range. Would love to ultimately be 200-210 with low BF.
    Anyways, that's my story so far. I am going to hang out here and study up. When I solidify my idea of what I think I am going to do for a cycle, I will post it for critiquing. I would appreciate any help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    welcome bro,
    its good to see someone with your attitude posting up. i just wish some of the younger set would come in with this same attitude.
    when your ready, let us know. we're here to help.

    peace bb79

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    welcome to tha board man! best place to learn right here. The educational forums are badass, so much good info there. and the drug profiles on the mainpage are great too. good luck with your research!!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    welcome bro. Great idea with the research i just started asking questions without the search button. That changed real quick

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Yes, welcome. AR is a great place to start.
    A stack that has proven itself for 20 years is test/deca/dbol. Virtually everyone will get satisfactory growth from this combination of drugs because they work in synergy and do not "compete". No steroid will cause body fat......this is exclusively a function of diet, which you control. True, some steroids like winstrol do not aromitize, and thus cause less water retention (which some confuse with fat gain), but water weight is easy to handle with arimidex or the like.
    Some new users fear deca.......equipoise is a good substitute for them.
    You have a mature approach to this, so I'm sure you will choose wisely in any event.

  6. #6
    Thanks for the welcome. I appreciate it.

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