Hi bros. Looking to start my first cycle in a few weeks or so. Started researching to make sure about what to do. Don't want to go off half cocked, although I am looking forward to the cycle.
Background. 36 years old. 5'9". 185 lbs. Have been working out hard for the past two years. In the gym 4 days per week. Have made good gains, but have definately stalled. Bodyfat is low. I have been trying to naturally bulk up this winter. Can't get above 190. Bodyfat is now at maybe 10%. Was quite a bit lower last summer at around 180.
I am looking to add muscle (gee, there is a surprise), in the 10 to 20 lb. range. Would love to ultimately be 200-210 with low BF.
Anyways, that's my story so far. I am going to hang out here and study up. When I solidify my idea of what I think I am going to do for a cycle, I will post it for critiquing. I would appreciate any help.