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  1. #1
    \RIP\ is offline New Member
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    Feb 2011

    44yo/Feedback or Experience

    New to form been lifting/training sense my late teens. I was very active in sports as a kid through high school,college and my 30s. When my kids came along in my 30s i had to slow down but never fell out of shape. As of last Sep they are all in school and ive returned to a regular workout schedule. I did cycled in my early 20s with orals. I thought it was a great feeling but as i hit my mid 20s i focused on just staying in shape. Ive never been opposed to trying new things so ive become interested in SARMS . My problem is i am remdomly drug tested at work. At this point nothing is worth me losing my job. Ive done some research and it looks like i would be ok. Im simply asking for someone with experence to let me know either way. I asked this question in this form because i would like an answer from someone who knows where im coming from but no disrespect to the younger guys. I dont want to ask people at work or at the gym. Any help would be great thank you

  2. #2
    BOOST's Avatar
    BOOST is offline Member
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    Jul 2004
    I would get blood work done first, also whats your stats and hows your diet look.

  3. #3
    \RIP\ is offline New Member
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    Feb 2011
    5-11 203, fairly clean diet. Alot of egg whites, whole grain oats, tuna, chicken,red meat, frut,brown rice, green vegetables some skim milk,gatorade,water and diet pop. Every now and then I will eat a shit meal.
    Last ck up was Aug. everything was good.

  4. #4
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    They dont drug test for steroids unless you are in professional sports. They only test for the basics, pot, coke, opiates, etc. so no worries there.

    When they say get your blood work done they dont mean the typical blood work like cholesterol, that's worthless. Have your test levels checked. Most men in their 40s experience loss of natural test levels and you may be a HRT candidate meaning free (insurance paid for) Testosterone . It's a great place to start while you are learning more and it will help with energy, increased muscle mass (not body builder gains) and increased libido like when you where in your 20s.

  5. #5
    \RIP\ is offline New Member
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    Feb 2011
    We do test for Steroids Ill do a little more work before I try anything, thank you and thanks for the tip on the blood work.

  6. #6
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    If they do test for Steroids (very uncommon) then go see a Endocrinologist and get on HRT, then you are good to go. I doubt they will check your levels, how much you take but only detection and you have a legit doctors excuse.

  7. #7
    \RIP\ is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Great, thank you

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