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Thread: As we age....

  1. #1
    tcw's Avatar
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    As we age....

    One of the drawbacks to sticking around on planet that your body ages (sigh).

    I've dealt with some serious injuries over the past 30 yrs of lifting and working out. Some of them required surgery but most did not.

    What i'm noticing in my 50s, is not the breakdown of my muscles or strength...but the chronic injuries to my

    • shoulder area
    • knees
    • Tendenosis in the forearms

    Seems i'm always dealing with or working around some type of injury.

    One thing i have noticed, when i do HGH...alll the little aches and pains magically disappear. Of course, this takes a few months....but that product works.

    Right now i'm battling bursitis in my shoulder area....and it hurts like a mother. For this one, i'm just resting the area...and avoiding any excercises that aggravate it.

    What are you doing to prevent or deal with injuries as you age?
    Last edited by tcw; 12-13-2011 at 05:13 PM.

  2. #2
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    In the Gym, if i could
    I credit hgh and anavar , low dose test higher doses but only on 12 week cycles..

    to be agressive i've run hgh/var/test cycles x2 duringa a 6 month cycle of hgh 2-4iu 5/x

    currently running 2iu 2x day and cjc1295 1x day pre bed...
    2iu on waking 2iu post workout and the cjc pre bed..

    skin/hair and recovery and especially sleep are all good..

    I credit the var though in correcting a back and knee issues.. 50-80mg day.. with 60 being the magic spot..
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  3. #3
    tcw's Avatar
    tcw is offline Senior Member
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    that's Awesome Spy!

    Wish i could afford that're doing the best that's available.

    The last time i tried HGH was back when Somotropin was available in the states.

    What type of HGH you doing?

    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    I credit hgh and anavar , low dose test higher doses but only on 12 week cycles..

    to be agressive i've run hgh/var/test cycles x2 duringa a 6 month cycle of hgh 2-4iu 5/x

  4. #4
    brazey's Avatar
    brazey is offline's Official Greeter
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    You are so right about the build up of chronic injuries, aches & pain as we age. I've been researching peptides for reduction of pain & healing. Never thought of var though. Might have to give that a try.

  5. #5
    tcw's Avatar
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    The best juice for injuries is HGH. Hands down...(in my experience).

    Unfortunately, the costs of such has gone through the roof!

    I'm looking into tendon strengthening exercises like isometrics to help prevent injuries to tendons and joints.

    I also heard that stretching is yoga might be a good idea (not to mention the chicks doing those crazy poses....;-)

  6. #6
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    much less expensive is TB4. I admit, i haven't tried it yet. It is a peptide, and you can google it. I will be trying it soon, and when I do, I will report back to the board.
    Something to think about?

    ( and it is much less expensive than HGH, which can run you hundreds of dollars a month)

  7. #7
    choker28's Avatar
    choker28 is offline Junior Member
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    Deca has been a god send to me never touched steriods up to this point in my life 46 and am riddled with injuries ,im on my second 12 week 1ml/100mg course of Deca and never felt so good ,Yea it hits your libido a bit but at my age im not to worried about that as long as im in the gym im happy

  8. #8
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I really think that as we age i am 39 now , we need to change our way of training, i have been injured with ligament laxity and doing tones of prolotherapy. I started TRT about 6 weeks ago, and started training heavy but i really don't think its the way to go.

    I feel that we should look into different ways of training, i am looking at germain volume training, and vince gironda 8 X 8.

    Less weight but intensity is there.

    Chocker28 great feedback for deca once more, i have been on deca for 4 weeks now too soon to say anything must wait the 6 week mark but my shoulder pain is gone, and i feel that lifting heavy even if not feeling pain is the worst option now.

    This summer was my worst, i went on a bike ride and when i came back my calve muscles where always pumped giving me pain almost all the time, i also had upper back pain but it was so much worst then before, and lower back pains.

    My muscles where simply not recuperating, i have been put on TRT and now so far everything is sooooo much better.

    Using steroids to repair the body cannot be over looked, there is just too much benefits adding deca to a small cycle even better.

    I will be adding equipose this weekend to my deca and test E cycle 200mg each a week this is all geared at collagen production to repair my body, after that back to regular TRT.

    I am really hooked on the effect of steroids and what they can do to an aging body, after all why not hein why not, feeling like you are 18 again recuperating faster and training better.

  9. #9
    tcw's Avatar
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    Watch out...some AAS can actually weaken the tendons. I believe that winny is associated with weakening the Tendons.

    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35 View Post
    I really think that as we age i am 39 now , we need to change our way of training, i have been injured with ligament laxity and doing tones of prolotherapy. I started TRT about 6 weeks ago, and started training heavy but i really don't think its the way to go.

    I am really hooked on the effect of steroids and what they can do to an aging body, after all why not hein why not, feeling like you are 18 again recuperating faster and training better.

  10. #10
    keep fightin is offline Associate Member
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    one change that helped me at least avoid aggravating old injuries was finally at 55 putting my training log away, now when the knees are asking for some relief I oblige. I follow the same muscle groupings per week but really go for feel rather than making a determined stand to hit a certain weight. this has allowed me to be as good once as I ever was!

  11. #11
    tcw's Avatar
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    ^^ True. I turn off the loud music...and listen to my body (or at least during the set). I'm usually listening to educational audio and little to no Music while i train. Get a better wo that way.

  12. #12
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    One thing many of us may be overlooking is non impact cardio of a varied nature like bike one day, rowing another, stairs a third etc etc. From everything I have read many injuries of connective tissue (shoulders are a great example) will benefit from increased bloodflow and this (bloodflow) is one area where as we age we loose it anyhow. So in my experience cardio and wieghtless or very light resistance movements are very important to both avoid and treat injuries.

    I also have had great luck with both 19 nors Deca and Tren . I homebrew so AAS is dirt cheap but so far I am not able to afford Growth, but would love to add it to my intake.

    I also agree wholeheartedly with listening to your body and if you need to skip a workout do so as nothing will slow progress like another injury. One method I have employed to let me know when I need to take time off is to ride one of the bikes where you can ride at x rpm putting out x watts for x amount of time and by doing this for 10 minutes and noting the heartbeat both during as well as the amount of time after cessation that it takes to return to baseline you can definately find out if your body is tired. This in my experience is much better than simply relying on how you feel as mood will often give you a false reading but the cardiovascular system will not lie.


  13. #13
    tcw's Avatar
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    Good one FFM,

    Yes...i ran into a ole Gym Buddy at Home Depo the other day. She's in her 50's now and still built like a Brick chit house. I haven't seen her at the gym and asked her what she was doing to stay in shape. She said that she now does a Tire Throwing and Lifting Routine. She claims after years of building her bod with Weights...she simply has to maintain it with different routines, etc.

    She's not as big as she was before (this broad was doing juice and competing) but looks more feminine now and healthier too (imo).

    I'm presently taking some time off from the gym. Tendons, injuries are takin their toll...need to repair and do some new stuff. Brain is getting stale from doing the same routine. Time to freeze the membership and maybe try some outdoor activities....or who knows...maybe throw some tires around.

    Check this out.

    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    One thing many of us may be overlooking is non impact cardio of a varied nature like bike one day, rowing another, stairs a third etc etc. From everything I have read many injuries of connective tissue (shoulders are a great example) will benefit from increased bloodflow and this (bloodflow) is one area where as we age we loose it anyhow. So in my experience cardio and wieghtless or very light resistance movements are very important to both avoid and treat injuries.

    I also have had great luck with both 19 nors Deca and Tren . I homebrew so AAS is dirt cheap but so far I am not able to afford Growth, but would love to add it to my intake.

    I also agree wholeheartedly with listening to your body and if you need to skip a workout do so as nothing will slow progress like another injury. One method I have employed to let me know when I need to take time off is to ride one of the bikes where you can ride at x rpm putting out x watts for x amount of time and by doing this for 10 minutes and noting the heartbeat both during as well as the amount of time after cessation that it takes to return to baseline you can definately find out if your body is tired. This in my experience is much better than simply relying on how you feel as mood will often give you a false reading but the cardiovascular system will not lie.


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