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  1. #1
    ConArmas is offline Junior Member
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    Shoulders are holding me back!

    I am 45 next month and have been back in the gym about 2 months after a couple of years of laziness.
    I also started on TRT 4 weeks ago and I seem to have most of my aches and pains diminish. (and other benefits)
    However, my shoulders are achy quite a bit and are holding me back from lifting on them and from pushing harder on chest day.
    I did alot of swimming in my teens through 20's and did alot of triathlons throughout my 20's, but had no injuries related to my shoulders.

    Anyone else have shoulder or similar joint issues? I was thinking about glucosomine/chondroitin, but am not sure.

  2. #2
    brazey's Avatar
    brazey is offline's Official Greeter
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    A lot of older lifters have turned to peptides and received good results. Check out the IGF-1 LR3, HGH, and INSULIN QUESTIONS forum and read some of the logs. As for glucosomine/chondroitin, never did a thing for me but others have said it helped them. I'm still researching peptides myself but plan on starting in the future to help with the aches & pains and maybe even help repair some old injuries.

  3. #3
    actbar's Avatar
    actbar is offline New Member
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    I have worked in construction for 30 years and started lifting at 49 again. been lifting for 2 years and also doing 200 TST every 2 weeks. I, like you have serious issues with my shoulders as I didnt have any to speak of. Now they are one of my best asset. Always warm up the shoulders, before any upper body workout 2 to 3 sets of real light weight (low cable raise, stand sideways to the cable machine with the handle on side and reach across and make a Y where you pull across your chest (only use about 5 lbs ) and go slow. 20 reps 3 sets. Next set the cable handle even with your chest and again reach across your chest and do a side lateral without moving your upper bicep, again light weight same reps. these are great for the shoulder stablizer. What has helped me is the side lateral DB rasises. The big nasty mass builder is the standing shoulder barbell press. I do mine in the squat rack and if you go heavy use a lifting belt. I started out with the bar only (45lbs) and after 10 weeks around 145 lbs, it is brutal be forewarned and dont over do it. Do not be ashamed of just adding 2.5 lbs a week. we are old warriors but were still warriors so do not give up.

  4. #4
    gonebluffn is offline Associate Member
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    I am 40 and have had the same problem part of my issue is form which I have tried to correct to a certain extent and as actbar said my shoulders are one of my best assets just dont over do it your body speaks to you for a reason.Brazey also has a good point with the igf1lr3 but you need to do research on reconstruiting formula from powder and it can be little dangerous if you do to much.

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