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Thread: My apologies for going off a bit in reply to some forum members *and dbol causing blo

  1. #1
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    My apologies for going off a bit in reply to some forum members *and dbol causing blo

    My apologies for going off a bit in reply to some forum members *and dbol causing bloody boogers?

    I'm sorry for going off a bit on 2-4 members who initiated negative contact with me , they drew 1st blood

    But, I've added them to the ignore / block list and I've decided to take the high road

    To recap, they basically belittled my worried Flu condition and said I should jump off a bridge or some other variation of commit suicide which was a b it uncalled for to say the least

    Believe me no one has anything to worry about

    i waited till the weekend, this Friday to post this apology when most ppl are in a good mood

    Here's my question:

    I've been taking dbol at a low dose 10 mgs (in the morning w/ food) to get some energy into me, some gumption so that I can make my doctor appointments which I've been missin due to severe depression

    Has anyone gotten reddish or bloody mucus in the nose from dbol use?

    I've always gotten this, and the info. on the web is sparse on this, it often mentions a slight bloody nose that might be due to hi blood pressure

    I don't think I have that at my very low Dianabol dose of 10 mgs a day

    Plus, I take Lorstan, a high blood pressure meds and I only eat plant based, zero chloresterol food, plus a veggie diet of beans and rice and fruits after my cardiologist clear CTA cat scan of my heart, I made a change in my diet

    So,,... is are these increased booger production...and the red blood boogers, a sign of a higher rbc count red blood cell count

    I have on deck a cycle coming up with a Test base of Tribulus, I don't pin anymore no matter what, and dianabol 20-30 mgs a day for 6 weeks followed by 3 weeks of nolva and tribulus and other herbs to stimulate Testosterone production PCT

    Is this something to worry about?

    If I should donate blood to get rid of the extra RBC (red blood cell count), is it an easy process?

    thanks for any useful help delivered with civility...


  2. #2
    Cylon357's Avatar
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    I would not call trib a test base. IF you insist on not pinning, maybe consider enclomiphene or a 4andro cream or testosterone cream. Either would be better than trib.

    As for nose blood... bloody mucus is one thing, outright nose bleeds something else. Mucus could be caused by a number of things, including allergies or any other respiratory illness.

    Nose bleeds with flow, like running down your face, THAT I would go get checked out.

    You can get a blood pressure monitor fairly inexpensively, maybe look at that.
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  3. #3
    Scorpion0922's Avatar
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    I woudl highly recommend against AAS use if you are fighting severe depression.

    There is a time and a place for everything. Yes; training will release endorphins so get in the gym but the gear should be on he shelf for now.

  4. #4
    Zenpump's Avatar
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    99% the bloody mucus is blood pressure related. Get it checked and get properly medicated for it - it will do damage long term. I know nothing about the "donate blood to get rid of rbc's" thing. Sounds like BS to me

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zenpump View Post
    99% the bloody mucus is blood pressure related. Get it checked and get properly medicated for it - it will do damage long term. I know nothing about the "donate blood to get rid of rbc's" thing. Sounds like BS to me
    No, it is definitely not BS.

    Blood donation is a common and effective means of controlling hemoglobin and hematocrit. I have not had issues with RBC, but it makes sense that if you are giving up a tenth of your blood (I think we hold about 10 pints) that it would lower RBC. A simple google search confirms this.

    Plus there is a thing known as "double red" donation or similar, that extracts only red blood cells.

    Blood donation is a highly effective and safe method for controlling those numbers.
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  6. #6
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    OK I searched it up and you are correct. I see the hemoglobin numbers, for example, go back to normal after 6-12 weeks after donating so you would have to donate consistently.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Scorpion0922 View Post
    I woudl highly recommend against AAS use if you are fighting severe depression.

    There is a time and a place for everything. Yes; training will release endorphins so get in the gym but the gear should be on he shelf for now.
    * I thought about what u said...It's True that the Estrogen reflux, the same type u gotta watch to prevent Gyno, may make a user of AAS emotional and almost have bouts of crying like some pre-teen chic with Premenstraul syndrome, but

    but A.A.S., (specifically the d-bol I will be using) do provide a boost , in energy, in drive, in being a bad ass , in even roid rage , which anger has its place in the world, when used wisely

    not only does anger, despite its negative effects on the heart & blood pressure, get people to do what they've been putting off, but it also helps them push down or supress the emotion of fear

    I need help, I've been home for the last 3 months, with what might be agoraphobia, (hopefully, it's just fuckin not going out enough, and being a wimp. Agoraphobia is a limiting label I put on myself for being someone who does too much on-line & grocery shopping and saves gas money. No doc ever formally said I got it) so I need to man up and get buzzed enough to get out there and make much needed appointments I've been putting off

    I'm thinking of 20 to 30 mgs of dianabol a day at my age of 51 years with arimidex on cycle at 0.5 mg (1/4 pill) every day and also arimidex for 4 weeks PCT @ 0.5 mg per day, and Nolvadex 20 mgs for 3 weeks PCT

    should i lower it to 20 mgs or 15 mgs?
    and basically both the arimidex on cycle and the nolva and arimidex post cycle, will take care of alleviating the depression IMHO

    Is 20 mgs per day good in terms of my age, 51 and not being liver toxic?

    I've heard that anything under 20 mgs of dbal is like a bridge pct thing or not even worth it?
    Last edited by NiceGuyResearcher; 05-08-2023 at 12:17 PM.

  8. #8
    Cylon357's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NiceGuyResearcher View Post

    I'm thinking of 20 to 30 mgs of dianabol a day at my age of 51 years with arimidex on cycle at 0.5 mg (1/4 pill) every day and also arimidex for 4 weeks PCT @ 0.5 mg per day, and Nolvadex 20 mgs for 3 weeks PCT

    should i lower it to 20 mgs or 15 mgs?
    and basically both the arimidex on cycle and the nolva and arimidex post cycle, will take care of alleviating the depression IMHO

    Is 20 mgs per day good in terms of my age, 51 and not being liver toxic?

    I've heard that anything under 20 mgs of dbal is like a bridge pct thing or not even worth it?
    Man, that is a horrible "cycle". I very strongly advise you not to do that.

    I think you need help beyond the knowledge of the members of this forum. Maybe seek that out, and in the meantime, go read the planning my first cycle sticky.

    Good luck

  9. #9
    NiceGuyResearcher's Avatar
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    this would only be a 6 week cycle i forgot to add

    there are dianabol cycles of 6 weeks only

    the weeks i mentioned are for pct ^

  10. #10
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    It's horrible cycle because there's no Testosrterone base, right?

    i was injured and it just ain't gonna happen where i can pin any part of my body (plus I had an abcess in my glute once)

    hands shake feverishly, not able to pin, with uncontrollably shaking hands.

    the satchels of testosterone cream are mostly useless and expensive

    Thanks anyway for pointing me to that sticky

  11. #11
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    im going to take fish oil,
    and nac

    and low dose aspirin
    so 30 mgs of dianabol with arimidex on cycle

    and adrimidex pct
    and nolvadex pct

    should all work out without major liver toxicity, without a heart attack etc

    back in the day no one , as in the cast of characters in pumpin iron ever did a pct

  12. #12
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    For what it’s worth. I’ve had THE worst nose bleeds this Spring. Our weather out here has been odd, with extra rain & vegetation growth because of it.

    I didn’t work out for a week, because they were monsters. When I returned to the gym I wore a mask to hide the fact that I had Kleenex or gauze cylinders sticking out of my nose.

    Nice to see you posting again.

  13. #13
    Cylon357's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NiceGuyResearcher View Post
    It's horrible cycle because there's no Testosrterone base, right?

    i was injured and it just ain't gonna happen where i can pin any part of my body (plus I had an abcess in my glute once)

    hands shake feverishly, not able to pin, with uncontrollably shaking hands.

    the satchels of testosterone cream are mostly useless and expensive

    Thanks anyway for pointing me to that sticky
    It's horrible in part because of the no test base. Read my earlier response about topicals. In fact, just Google "IML 4andro cream" and read up on it, maybe watch a YouTube video or two. Even a PH would be better than no test base.

    But, that isn't even the worst of it.

    You are talking about taking dbol , a very wet compound, meaning it converts heavily to estrogen. That's the reason you take it, for the E.

    Then you say "I'm going to take breast cancer doses of arimidex and nuke my estrogen into the dirt."

    Do you see the problem there?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by NiceGuyResearcher View Post
    * I thought about what u said...It's True that the Estrogen reflux, the same type u gotta watch to prevent Gyno, may make a user of AAS emotional and almost have bouts of crying like some pre-teen chic with Premenstraul syndrome, but

    but A.A.S., (specifically the d-bol I will be using) do provide a boost , in energy, in drive, in being a bad ass , in even roid rage , which anger has its place in the world, when used wisely

    not only does anger, despite its negative effects on the heart & blood pressure, get people to do what they've been putting off, but it also helps them push down or supress the emotion of fear

    I need help, I've been home for the last 3 months, with what might be agoraphobia, (hopefully, it's just fuckin not going out enough, and being a wimp. Agoraphobia is a limiting label I put on myself for being someone who does too much on-line & grocery shopping and saves gas money. No doc ever formally said I got it) so I need to man up and get buzzed enough to get out there and make much needed appointments I've been putting off

    I'm thinking of 20 to 30 mgs of dianabol a day at my age of 51 years with arimidex on cycle at 0.5 mg (1/4 pill) every day and also arimidex for 4 weeks PCT @ 0.5 mg per day, and Nolvadex 20 mgs for 3 weeks PCT

    should i lower it to 20 mgs or 15 mgs?
    and basically both the arimidex on cycle and the nolva and arimidex post cycle, will take care of alleviating the depression IMHO

    Is 20 mgs per day good in terms of my age, 51 and not being liver toxic?

    I've heard that anything under 20 mgs of dbal is like a bridge pct thing or not even worth it?
    I'm not answering any anaobolic questions.

    You got my's to not use AAS.

    That's it.

    I am going to unsubscribe from this thread now.

    I wish you the best.
    Last edited by Scorpion0922; 05-08-2023 at 09:31 PM.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    It's horrible in part because of the no test base. Read my earlier response about topicals. In fact, just Google "IML 4andro cream" and read up on it, maybe watch a YouTube video or two. Even a PH would be better than no test base.

    But, that isn't even the worst of it.

    You are talking about taking dbol , a very wet compound, meaning it converts heavily to estrogen. That's the reason you take it, for the E.

    Then you say "I'm going to take breast cancer doses of arimidex and nuke my estrogen into the dirt."

    Do you see the problem there?
    Hi, I promiise 2 stop using a.a.s., & will order IML Andro4, but how about if I lower

    the dose of dianabol to just 10 mgs for 6 weeks

    during which time I will be using the Iron Mag Labs Andro4 cream 2x per day (mornin & nite)
    but will be using this cream for 10-12 weeks just like a Testosterone E. base.

    The Arimidex breast cancer doses I googled everywhere, I couldn't find anything on this....

    Is my 0.25 mgs every day on cycle when I do the above ^ too low ?

    Is that what you mean by breast cancer doses?

    Should I up the dose to 0.5 mg of Arimidex every day on cycle?

    Then for PCT I'd do 4 weeks of arimidex at 0.5 mg (half a 1 mg arimidex pill)
    And also for PCT I'd do 4 weeks of Nolvadex at 20 mgs

    These low doses would give me a lower amount of side effects

    The upside is that low dose of 5 mgs of dianabol per day, I've been using for 1.5 weeks finally got me to work out and I haven't done so in about 1 year, but it might have,

    and I've done some spring cleaning around the house, and am finally leaving my apartment to go to the dentist after being home for 3 months-- maybe it's a placebo effect? (like psychological that the dianbol is giving me energy and gumption to do these things? If so why not do a super small almost risk free, low dose cycle?)

    I promise that is it. Then no more.

    I don't want to throw the good amount I paid a good amount of money for

    So, I will do a small cycle with accompanying lower sides, and then throw the rest in the trash

    Please name your favorite charity here _________ & I will donate a small amount to it, if you help me

    I'm going to have to do at least a very small / very low risk cycle, not because I don't respect your opinion, but I'm not going to have a psychological bummer of throwing everything I bought -- almost $300 worth in the garbage

    How does the above sound to you?

    I really respect your opinion and please don't forget to name your favorite charity.

    Thanks, a lot Cy

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by NiceGuyResearcher View Post
    Hi, I promiise 2 stop using a.a.s., & will order IML Andro4, but how about if I lower

    the dose of dianabol to just 10 mgs for 6 weeks

    during which time I will be using the Iron Mag Labs Andro4 cream 2x per day (mornin & nite)
    but will be using this cream for 10-12 weeks just like a Testosterone E. base.

    The Arimidex breast cancer doses I googled everywhere, I couldn't find anything on this....

    Is my 0.25 mgs every day on cycle when I do the above ^ too low ?

    Is that what you mean by breast cancer doses?

    Should I up the dose to 0.5 mg of Arimidex every day on cycle?

    Then for PCT I'd do 4 weeks of arimidex at 0.5 mg (half a 1 mg arimidex pill)
    And also for PCT I'd do 4 weeks of Nolvadex at 20 mgs

    These low doses would give me a lower amount of side effects

    The upside is that low dose of 5 mgs of dianabol per day, I've been using for 1.5 weeks finally got me to work out and I haven't done so in about 1 year, but it might have,

    and I've done some spring cleaning around the house, and am finally leaving my apartment to go to the dentist after being home for 3 months-- maybe it's a placebo effect? (like psychological that the dianbol is giving me energy and gumption to do these things? If so why not do a super small almost risk free, low dose cycle?)

    I promise that is it. Then no more.

    I don't want to throw the good amount I paid a good amount of money for

    So, I will do a small cycle with accompanying lower sides, and then throw the rest in the trash

    Please name your favorite charity here _________ & I will donate a small amount to it, if you help me

    I'm going to have to do at least a very small / very low risk cycle, not because I don't respect your opinion, but I'm not going to have a psychological bummer of throwing everything I bought -- almost $300 worth in the garbage

    How does the above sound to you?

    I really respect your opinion and please don't forget to name your favorite charity.

    Thanks, a lot Cy
    Use the 4andro as a base, that's better than nothing so, good!

    Lowering the dbol to 10mg per day... that's fine, but you could go to 20mg per day with the 4andro.

    If you are going to do this, that's the only two things I would have on cycle.

    Listen, this is not an optimal cycle, but this type of thing has been done. If you are dead set on doing it, it almost certainly won't kill you. It just might not be terribly effective.

    The adex... the proper amount of adex on this cycle is 0mg. That's on cycle and in pct.

    There are two questions you need to answer.

    1 why are you taking dbol and adex together?
    2 why do you think those doses of adex are appropriate?

    I'm not saying another word until you can demonstrate rational responses to those two questions. Note that "I bought it and don't want to waste my money" is not a rational response. Just save some of it until later.
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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Use the 4andro as a base, that's better than nothing so, good!

    Lowering the dbol to 10mg per day... that's fine, but you could go to 20mg per day with the 4andro.

    If you are going to do this, that's the only two things I would have on cycle.

    Listen, this is not an optimal cycle, but this type of thing has been done. If you are dead set on doing it, it almost certainly won't kill you. It just might not be terribly effective.

    The adex... the proper amount of adex on this cycle is 0mg. That's on cycle and in pct.

    There are two questions you need to answer.

    1 why are you taking dbol and adex together?
    2 why do you think those doses of adex are appropriate?

    I'm not saying another word until you can demonstrate rational responses to those two questions. Note that "I bought it and don't want to waste my money" is not a rational response. Just save some of it until later.
    Wastin your time man, its a trolllll
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    ignored, not read. im taking the high road. i don't even know what you wrote, nor do I care. You're on the ignore list ^
    Last edited by NiceGuyResearcher; 05-10-2023 at 06:17 PM.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scorpion0922 View Post
    I'm not answering any anaobolic questions.

    You got my's to not use AAS.

    That's it.

    I am going to unsubscribe from this thread now.

    I wish you the best.

    Nice Guy it's good to see you posting again but this^^^ is your answer.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zenpump View Post
    OK I searched it up and you are correct. I see the hemoglobin numbers, for example, go back to normal after 6-12 weeks after donating so you would have to donate consistently.
    Actually consistent problems should be rare if your test dose if correct. Also in older men frequent blood donations lead to low iron - polycythemia.
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  21. #21
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    Lol tribulus is scientifically proved not to do anything regards to test. production, i dont know how they can sell that shit.

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    Quote Originally Posted by s1nc1ty View Post
    Lol tribulus is scientifically proved not to do anything regards to test. production, i dont know how they can sell that shit.
    You should try the plastic thin capsules with at least 1,000 mgs of Tribulus, the more expensive the better and they do sell bottles where you can take 4 caps and they total a whopping 2,000 mgs of Trib.

    When opening the bottle it should smell herby.

    The ancient Chinese have been using it for centuries, for energy, libido, etc.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by NiceGuyResearcher View Post
    You should try the plastic thin capsules with at least 1,000 mgs of Tribulus, the more expensive the better and they do sell bottles where you can take 4 caps and they total a whopping 2,000 mgs of Trib.

    When opening the bottle it should smell herby.

    The ancient Chinese have been using it for centuries, for energy, libido, etc.
    Yeah well maybe it works, maybe its placebo. Just theres no scientific proof it works and ive seen studies where people took it and absolutely no effect was found. Take it, do bloodwork and im pretty sure there is no testosterone boost. I have no faith in it atleast. All the old chinese medicine doesnt work anyway
    Heck even half of if is bogus if not more

  24. #24
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    If youre looking for natural test boosters that might actually work id take a look at tongkat ali and/or fadogia agrestis
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    I managed to make or keep my dentist appointment

    I had taken one (1) energy drink w/ zero sugar in the morning.

    I've become an early riser from about 5 am as suggested in the enlightening book, "The Miracle Morning"

    I also had prior to the DDS visit, used 7-10 mgs of dianabol for about 1.5 weeks to give me some extra energy and a pump and more Testosterone ; it is a very low dose as you know; in fact I think Navy HMS, a member here, said they do provide a pump, a pep to one's step and increase sex energy for either sex or to get goals done

    I was afraid of flaking like I did a couple of times, but the energy drink the day of the app't and drinking lots of cool water allowed me to be chill enough to go outside and drive my car and get over any possible fears of a bad dentist outcome

    I didn't have any cavities which was welcomed news....I had the worry that the energy drink carbonation and acidity might wear away at my teeth enamel

    So that's the positive of my dianbol useage

    I'm going to quit them (energy drinks) as they're loaded with stuff besides caffeine and some younger folks have had a heart attack or cardiac event after 2 or more drinks pre-workout

    I figure caffeine tabs @ 200 mgs per day, topped or maxed at 400 mgs is the healthier way to go and won't ruin my teeth or provide a grand slam to my heart's health

    My advice is to take the time to make doctor appointments including semi-annual dds app'ts.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by NiceGuyResearcher View Post
    I managed to make or keep my dentist appointment

    I had taken one (1) energy drink w/ zero sugar in the morning.

    I've become an early riser from about 5 am as suggested in the enlightening book, "The Miracle Morning"

    I also had prior to the DDS visit, used 7-10 mgs of dianabol for about 1.5 weeks to give me some extra energy and a pump and more Testosterone ; it is a very low dose as you know; in fact I think Navy HMS, a member here, said they do provide a pump, a pep to one's step and increase sex energy for either sex or to get goals done

    I was afraid of flaking like I did a couple of times, but the energy drink the day of the app't and drinking lots of cool water allowed me to be chill enough to go outside and drive my car and get over any possible fears of a bad dentist outcome

    I didn't have any cavities which was welcomed news....I had the worry that the energy drink carbonation and acidity might wear away at my teeth enamel

    So that's the positive of my dianbol useage

    I'm going to quit them (energy drinks) as they're loaded with stuff besides caffeine and some younger folks have had a heart attack or cardiac event after 2 or more drinks pre-workout

    I figure caffeine tabs @ 200 mgs per day, topped or maxed at 400 mgs is the healthier way to go and won't ruin my teeth or provide a grand slam to my heart's health

    My advice is to take the time to make doctor appointments including semi-annual dds app'ts.
    The most useful information you have ever posted sir

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    Last edited by NiceGuyResearcher; 05-17-2023 at 03:26 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by NiceGuyResearcher View Post
    Kimbo, trolls like you shouldn't be taking steroids .
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    ^ You are on my ignore list dude ^ I ignored what you wrote. That means I didn't read it. So you wasted your time and increased your high blood pressure for nothing and that's bad for your kidneys. Why are you hateful, why do you engage in bullying? Nobody likes a bully.
    Last edited by NiceGuyResearcher; 05-24-2023 at 05:07 PM.

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    Last edited by NiceGuyResearcher; 05-24-2023 at 05:07 PM.

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    Last edited by NiceGuyResearcher; 05-24-2023 at 05:06 PM.

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    Last edited by NiceGuyResearcher; 05-24-2023 at 05:05 PM.

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    I read a lot in this forum but I don't post often. Especially since by the time I get to a post, much more knowledgeable people have already commented, so I have nothing more to really add. In this case, I have some concerns for you man, and I mean all of these comments with respect for your well being, hopefully you take them as such.

    Fear is something we create and we can let dominate us. It often comes on from a lack of control, which is why we can have panic attacks. There are also many other life experiences that can create these fears. I suffered from severe anxiety and panic attacks at one point in my life after a horrible acid trip. It was a self induced situation, but it was debilitating for about 2 years. I went to counseling and learned how to deal with the fear and I learned to let go of the control. We can't control what may or may not happen to us but we can control how we are going to react.

    If you aren't in counseling, please start. I think you really need it. I haven't had a panic attack in 20 years. There is a ton of excellent medication out there. Medication is often looked down upon but it can change your quality of life if that is something you need.

    Depression. This, I know all to well. I suffer from manic depression and went decades without diagnosis. I medicated through alcohol and didn't even realize I was doing that. My depression isn't something I can be talked through or that will change without medication. It is there and it won't go away, but, I went and got treated years ago and my quality of life is substantially better. 200mg of Wellbutrin changed my life. I no longer sink into that deep dark hole of depression where it feels like the world is crushing you, and where it feels like it's all just hopeless.

    I know some people have really negative things to say about meds but, if you are in here looking at dbol as a med, you should really be looking at something that is truly going to help you.

    I mean this next part with all sincerity man, stop self diagnosing. Stop giving yourself more things to fear. You mentioned even worrying about enamel and the dentist. Stop. Easier said than done, right? Here is a fact to think about. 85% (I think that's the number) of what we worry about doesn't ever even happen. We waste our time worrying about things that never even come to be. Why? Does it do us good? Nope. The best advice I can give is to stop that. Don't try and stop, just stop.

    You seem like a smart person. If people on here, with a lot of great knowledge, are giving your advice/direction, take it. Don't wait until someone gives you the answer you want to hear. Flush that Dbol.

    I think if you keep on the path you are, you are going to go out into the world less and less, and you are going to let fear run your life. Push the fear out of the driver's seat and get some help, if you aren't already doing that.

    The last thing you need is any alteration to your hormones while you are battling things mentally. Anything you do should be under medical supervision, based on how you have described your situation.

    Get healthy mentally before you think about doing anything with any type of gear.

    I wish you all the best.
    NiceGuyResearcher and tarmyg like this.

  36. #36
    NiceGuyResearcher's Avatar
    NiceGuyResearcher is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PittBoy View Post
    I read a lot in this forum but I don't post often. Especially since by the time I get to a post, much more knowledgeable people have already commented, so I have nothing more to really add. In this case, I have some concerns for you man, and I mean all of these comments with respect for your well being, hopefully you take them as such.

    Fear is something we create and we can let dominate us. It often comes on from a lack of control, which is why we can have panic attacks. There are also many other life experiences that can create these fears. I suffered from severe anxiety and panic attacks at one point in my life after a horrible acid trip. It was a self induced situation, but it was debilitating for about 2 years. I went to counseling and learned how to deal with the fear and I learned to let go of the control. We can't control what may or may not happen to us but we can control how we are going to react.

    If you aren't in counseling, please start. I think you really need it. I haven't had a panic attack in 20 years. There is a ton of excellent medication out there. Medication is often looked down upon but it can change your quality of life if that is something you need.

    Depression. This, I know all to well. I suffer from manic depression and went decades without diagnosis. I medicated through alcohol and didn't even realize I was doing that. My depression isn't something I can be talked through or that will change without medication. It is there and it won't go away, but, I went and got treated years ago and my quality of life is substantially better. 200mg of Wellbutrin changed my life. I no longer sink into that deep dark hole of depression where it feels like the world is crushing you, and where it feels like it's all just hopeless.

    I know some people have really negative things to say about meds but, if you are in here looking at dbol as a med, you should really be looking at something that is truly going to help you.

    I mean this next part with all sincerity man, stop self diagnosing. Stop giving yourself more things to fear. You mentioned even worrying about enamel and the dentist. Stop. Easier said than done, right? Here is a fact to think about. 85% (I think that's the number) of what we worry about doesn't ever even happen. We waste our time worrying about things that never even come to be. Why? Does it do us good? Nope. The best advice I can give is to stop that. Don't try and stop, just stop.

    You seem like a smart person. If people on here, with a lot of great knowledge, are giving your advice/direction, take it. Don't wait until someone gives you the answer you want to hear. Flush that Dbol.

    I think if you keep on the path you are, you are going to go out into the world less and less, and you are going to let fear run your life. Push the fear out of the driver's seat and get some help, if you aren't already doing that.

    The last thing you need is any alteration to your hormones while you are battling things mentally. Anything you do should be under medical supervision, based on how you have described your situation.

    Get healthy mentally before you think about doing anything with any type of gear.

    I wish you all the best.
    Thanks so much for the time, effort in what you wrote

    I'm doing exposure therapy which is good for agoraphobia

    The deal with being overcautious is probably that part of the mind that since the beginning of time, tries to ensure the survival of the human species is wired differently and more amped up

    I like to drive Tues to Thursdays, and avoid Fri Sat & Sun & Mondays, because most car accidents happen those days... I know I sound like someone who looks at insurance statistics

    In addition to telephone counseling with a licensed therapist, I'm going to add
    going back to basics and read the Bible more and also Napoleon Hill, who is a great teacher in avoiding "Fear"

    Every good deed, like the one you gave me, is multiplied 1,000 x by God and / or karma, if one is an atheist, the 2nd one would solely apply.

    Thanks, again

    Thanks so much, again when I'm healthier I will do it right

  37. #37
    wango's Avatar
    wango is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NiceGuyResearcher View Post
    Thanks so much for the time, effort in what you wrote

    I'm doing exposure therapy which is good for agoraphobia

    The deal with being overcautious is probably that part of the mind that since the beginning of time, tries to ensure the survival of the human species is wired differently and more amped up

    I like to drive Tues to Thursdays, and avoid Fri Sat & Sun & Mondays, because most car accidents happen those days... I know I sound like someone who looks at insurance statistics

    In addition to telephone counseling with a licensed therapist, I'm going to add
    going back to basics and read the Bible more and also Napoleon Hill, who is a great teacher in avoiding "Fear"

    Every good deed, like the one you gave me, is multiplied 1,000 x by God and / or karma, if one is an atheist, the 2nd one would solely apply.

    Thanks, again

    Thanks so much, again when I'm healthier I will do it right
    Good luck with your battle! I don’t read self-help books but this was/is a best seller for over a year, so I bought it. A damn clever book, you might want to give it a read.

    Again, good luck.
    NiceGuyResearcher likes this.

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