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Thread: Prostate Issues???

  1. #1
    smccord798 is offline New Member
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    Prostate Issues???

    Hi Everyone,
    Love that this forum has an over 40 thread. I turn 50 in a week. I have asked questions in the past on other threads and all I get is smart ass answers. I have been on and off cycles for some years now, mostly test E never over 500/week and proper PCT. Every once in a while I will switch it up with deca /test cycle which I am just starting now. I have brought some issues to my doctors attention and he doesn't seem to concerned. He knows when I am running a cycle and he is pretty cool with it as long as I keep it low dosages.
    Besides my cholesterol being an issue from time to time, I have been experiencing some prostate discomfort for the past 2 years. I have given urine samples where I guess the tests they run on it would determine a problem but they are always fine. Before I go see Dr, Jellyfinger I was wondering if anyone had any similar issues. My doctor claims the amount of test I take shouldn't cause any issues. I am a little young for any major prostate issues, But, I am sorry the discomfort is real.
    I would appreciate anyone with any insight Thanks
    Cylon357 likes this.

  2. #2
    Cylon357's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smccord798 View Post
    Hi Everyone,
    Love that this forum has an over 40 thread. I turn 50 in a week. I have asked questions in the past on other threads and all I get is smart ass answers. I have been on and off cycles for some years now, mostly test E never over 500/week and proper PCT. Every once in a while I will switch it up with deca /test cycle which I am just starting now. I have brought some issues to my doctors attention and he doesn't seem to concerned. He knows when I am running a cycle and he is pretty cool with it as long as I keep it low dosages.
    Besides my cholesterol being an issue from time to time, I have been experiencing some prostate discomfort for the past 2 years. I have given urine samples where I guess the tests they run on it would determine a problem but they are always fine. Before I go see Dr, Jellyfinger I was wondering if anyone had any similar issues. My doctor claims the amount of test I take shouldn't cause any issues. I am a little young for any major prostate issues, But, I am sorry the discomfort is real.
    I would appreciate anyone with any insight Thanks
    Welcome to the "Oh, THAT's where the prostate is" club!

    Accept that as we age, we increase the chances for prostate issues. That's just the way it is. Add on steroids or even medium to high end TRT doses and we just make the situation worse.

    DHT and PSA. Those are blood tests you should run ASAP. Get the PSA mini panel test that includes total and free %, this will be useful in determining if you might have an infection. Evidently, that just happens as some of us age, ask me how I know! You need a base line for both of those numbers, off cycle is the best time to get it. That said, you might have something going on (infection?), so depending on what you get back, you might hold off on the cycle.

    Anyhow, I recommend pulling both of those tests every time you do blood work (or at least twice a year). You also need to have the DRE aka the "Jeez, Doc, at least buy me a drink first" test. Smooth, or even smooth but swollen is a good diagnosis. Lumpy or irregular, not good.

    First things first, get that blood work. Depending on what you find, you might need an antibiotic in the short term or a 5alpha reductase inhibitor (finasteride or dutasteride) in the longer term. IF you decide to go the 5ar route, and I'm not saying you need to, look into microdosing. Studies have shown that it takes a stunningly small amount of finasteride (50mcg) to cut DHT levels by 50%. But, only go that route if it turns out you need it.

    So, I would say get the blood work, post up the results, and lets go from there.

    PS - if you are 50, have you thought about TRT?
    Zenpump, Testie and < <Samson> > like this.

  3. #3
    Zenpump's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Welcome to the "Oh, THAT's where the prostate is" club!

    Accept that as we age, we increase the chances for prostate issues. That's just the way it is. Add on steroids or even medium to high end TRT doses and we just make the situation worse.

    DHT and PSA. Those are blood tests you should run ASAP. Get the PSA mini panel test that includes total and free %, this will be useful in determining if you might have an infection. Evidently, that just happens as some of us age, ask me how I know! You need a base line for both of those numbers, off cycle is the best time to get it. That said, you might have something going on (infection?), so depending on what you get back, you might hold off on the cycle.

    Anyhow, I recommend pulling both of those tests every time you do blood work (or at least twice a year). You also need to have the DRE aka the "Jeez, Doc, at least buy me a drink first" test. Smooth, or even smooth but swollen is a good diagnosis. Lumpy or irregular, not good.

    First things first, get that blood work. Depending on what you find, you might need an antibiotic in the short term or a 5alpha reductase inhibitor (finasteride or dutasteride) in the longer term. IF you decide to go the 5ar route, and I'm not saying you need to, look into microdosing. Studies have shown that it takes a stunningly small amount of finasteride (50mcg) to cut DHT levels by 50%. But, only go that route if it turns out you need it.

    So, I would say get the blood work, post up the results, and lets go from there.

    PS - if you are 50, have you thought about TRT?
    What he said....
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    On top of what Cylon said, as we get older and more cautious it would be a good idea to keep future cycles a bit easier on your system. Such as lower dose Test at say 3-400 mgs where you don't need ancillaries to control E2 or DHT, etc. Then add in safer items such as Mast or Primo as your main androgens and slowly ramp them up as needed and tolerated.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  5. #5
    smccord798 is offline New Member
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    Thank you Cylon357. You are right I am due to get some bloodwork and any tests necessary. I will certainly ask doc about the finasteride route. I appreciate all the great information. Once tests results come in I will post for more informative feedback. My doctor did mention infection at one point, however, After a couple of weeks symptoms went away and I didn't follow up. I have certainly thought about TRT but not looked into enough to make a decision on it just yet. It seems like many do TRT on their own terms rather than going to a clinic. It just seems that TRT doses are too small to see significant results. I guess at my age I should be more concerned with health than gains. Thank you again for an honest, informative reply

  6. #6
    smccord798 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    On top of what Cylon said, as we get older and more cautious it would be a good idea to keep future cycles a bit easier on your system. Such as lower dose Test at say 3-400 mgs where you don't need ancillaries to control E2 or DHT, etc. Then add in safer items such as Mast or Primo as your main androgens and slowly ramp them up as needed and tolerated.
    All very good points. I have never tried Mast or Primo, but it certainly something I will consider. Thank you!!
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  7. #7
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Last I checked, mast does a bit of beating on the prostate

    And, yeah - agreed with all above
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    Quote Originally Posted by smccord798 View Post
    Hi Everyone,
    Love that this forum has an over 40 thread. I turn 50 in a week. I have asked questions in the past on other threads and all I get is smart ass answers. I have been on and off cycles for some years now, mostly test E never over 500/week and proper PCT. Every once in a while I will switch it up with deca /test cycle which I am just starting now. I have brought some issues to my doctors attention and he doesn't seem to concerned. He knows when I am running a cycle and he is pretty cool with it as long as I keep it low dosages.
    Besides my cholesterol being an issue from time to time, I have been experiencing some prostate discomfort for the past 2 years. I have given urine samples where I guess the tests they run on it would determine a problem but they are always fine. Before I go see Dr, Jellyfinger I was wondering if anyone had any similar issues. My doctor claims the amount of test I take shouldn't cause any issues. I am a little young for any major prostate issues, But, I am sorry the discomfort is real.
    I would appreciate anyone with any insight Thanks
    I personally take a supplement with saw Palmetto and something else that helps but in my opinion if you’re using gear there’s going to be a potential for enlargement and I can also say if you’re using a lot of gear it’s almost a certainty, regular sex or whatever helps but in my opinion non of these benefits we get from walking around being jacked up our worth health problems at our age, not that I follow my own advice all the time but I try to
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  9. #9
    smccord798 is offline New Member
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    So just wanted to give an update on my bloodwork which included PSA. My PSA was 0.4 which was low but within normal range. It wasn't high so I was relieved. I am still feeling discomfort in prostate area and discussed with my doctor. He didn't seem too concerned about cancer but did say that I will deal with BPH with continued use. I did feel better regarding the PSA but I have to admit things are still concerning. I might tough out this one last cycle, keep taking saw palmetto, and then take my usual break and give it a rest. I was happy to see my ldl was down but still high ( from 171 to 121) which was due to diet, still have a ways to go. My total cholesterol was high so I keeping up with the diet and cardio, I will get it down. Everything else was good. Just want to thank everyone again for all the input and good advice.
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  10. #10
    Cylon357's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smccord798 View Post
    So just wanted to give an update on my bloodwork which included PSA. My PSA was 0.4 which was low but within normal range. It wasn't high so I was relieved. I am still feeling discomfort in prostate area and discussed with my doctor. He didn't seem too concerned about cancer but did say that I will deal with BPH with continued use. I did feel better regarding the PSA but I have to admit things are still concerning. I might tough out this one last cycle, keep taking saw palmetto, and then take my usual break and give it a rest. I was happy to see my ldl was down but still high ( from 171 to 121) which was due to diet, still have a ways to go. My total cholesterol was high so I keeping up with the diet and cardio, I will get it down. Everything else was good. Just want to thank everyone again for all the input and good advice.
    Psa of 0.4??? I don't think mine has been that low in 30 years, call me jealous.

    Did the doc do a DRE or pull free psa %? And did he check for infection?

  11. #11
    smccord798 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Psa of 0.4??? I don't think mine has been that low in 30 years, call me jealous.

    Did the doc do a DRE or pull free psa %? And did he check for infection?
    He did not do DRE, but this isn't to say I shouldn't get it done. I believe he just wanted to get bloodwork first to rule out some things. He isn't a urologist or anything he is just my primary. I probably should still follow up with a urologist. He said it is possible it could be an infection. I follow up with him next week and we are going to discuss antibiotics suited for this type of infection.

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