how long into a cycle before you start noticing signs of gyno.. Im a little worried
how long into a cycle before you start noticing signs of gyno.. Im a little worried
could be at anytime. What are your symptoms. What does your cycle look like?
Well i just noticed that one nipple is visibly puffier then the other.. Ive been on a sust cycle for a little over two weeks.. I just wondered if this could be signs of gyno,
i really wouldnt worry about it until you start to get sensitive or itchy nipples. and when you get the lumps then you have a problem. I have the same thing post-cycle and i was freaking out for a while but it is going away now. I hope you have some nolva on hand. If you do, take 40mg a day till it goes away. Some liquidex at .25 mg a day wouldnt hurt either. If you dont then get them fast cause it can flair up quickly.
i got the liquid clomid today. but ive just been taking some 6-0x0 right now. should i start the clomid or just get some nolva.. Im running a sust only cycle btw.
clomid really wont do any good for gyno. save it for pct. you need nolva for this. I dont know about 6-oxo. I have heard mixed reviews, but mostly negative ones. Granted I did take it along with nolvadex just to be on the safe side but it is probably useless.
I have a couple of links for research companies but they no longer work. Im not asking but if anyone happens to have some others it would be ok with me if you accidently pmed me... thnx for the help haaaas. hopefully im just paranoid,,,
It would be nice if someone would point me in the right direction for one of these research companies also. Either by email or PM.
Im not asking, just stating that it woulddd be nice.
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