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Thread: Newbie M1t pct

  1. #1

    Newbie M1t pct

    First i'll introduce myself, im mike, new to the board, i have been lifing for about a year now and have been having some good gains. I need to gain some mass for lax in the fall and will be training hard all summer so i joined the forum because you all seem very knowlegable and i know i can benefit from your experties as i dont know much.

    second, i plan on starting a cycle of m1t in a few weeks, i have never used gear before and was wondering about the side effects of this prohormore, i've read the lables and done some research, searhed the forums and have found some useful info..

    my question is should i be worried about gyno during my first cycle? i plan on doing 2 or 3 weeks at 15mg a day and using 6oxo during pct. will this be a good enough anti-e? i am concerned because i dont have a sorce to get nolvadex or clomid so i'd like to stick with stuff i can get off the shelves.

    thanks guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    east coast
    Read the supplement forum posts for this stuff. all the info you will need for this supplement.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by laxmuscle11
    First i'll introduce myself, im mike, new to the board, i have been lifing for about a year now and have been having some good gains. I need to gain some mass for lax in the fall and will be training hard all summer so i joined the forum because you all seem very knowlegable and i know i can benefit from your experties as i dont know much.

    second, i plan on starting a cycle of m1t in a few weeks, i have never used gear before and was wondering about the side effects of this prohormore, i've read the lables and done some research, searhed the forums and have found some useful info..

    my question is should i be worried about gyno during my first cycle? i plan on doing 2 or 3 weeks at 15mg a day and using 6oxo during pct. will this be a good enough anti-e? i am concerned because i dont have a sorce to get nolvadex or clomid so i'd like to stick with stuff i can get off the shelves.

    thanks guys
    If it doesnt need to be injected then its NOT a cycle imo

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Your cycle...

    go to Pheedno's pct forum, and read up...if your going to do it, do it right.
    btw..there are lots of posts, and forums with cycle info too...happy reading

  5. #5


    thanks for the help guys, and useful threads

  6. #6


    still tryin to find a research company for my pct... i kno i am a newbie and people dont like to give out that stuff very easily but..


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    east coast
    Check your pm's.

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