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Thread: arimdex on its own pct?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    arimdex on its own pct?

    could arimidex theoretically be used on its own post cycle for hpta recovery?i have read that arimidex can cause an elevation in endogenous testosterone by preventing negative feedback of estrogen.

    as a serm is used (clomid or nolvodex) to increase test production post cycle by preventing negative feedback of estrogen at the hypathalmus thus an increase in natural test.theoretically could arimidex be used post cycle in place of a serm if non-aromatising aas were used in a cycle for hpta recovery.the fact that by preventing what natural test you are producing post cycle from aromatising it would keep estrogen levels very low fooling the body into releasing more leutinising hormone for the testes to produce more testosterone.would this be possible or should a serm always be taken post cycle assuming hcg was used to keep testes up in size & responsive to leutinising hormone combined with low dosage arimidex to prevent estrogen production from hcg assuming it was used post cycle at 500iu for 10 days?

    if this is possible at what dosage would arimidex be taken and how often as it has a long half-life,as i have read keeping estrogen too low is not only unhealthy but it will also suppress sex drive?
    why i say this is most fellas i know who use aas use their sexdrive as an indication they are recovering their hpta following pct.
    i would very much welcome opinions especially einstein's.
    Last edited by tryingtogetbig; 05-12-2004 at 11:16 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    bump** Anyone??

  3. #3
    Adex is used for pct to simply limit (but not eliminate) estrogen so as to make the SERMs (especially clomid)'s job easier at the hypothalamus in "blocking" estrogen feedback. In order to get sufficient elimination of negative feedback with an AI, your estrogen levels would have to dip dangerously low. Estrogen has too many other necessary functions in the body to risk that. An AI is a good addition to clomid pct, but it should be used at moderate doses, with merely controlling estrogen levels in mind.

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