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Thread: PCT The most important thing in the cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    PCT The most important thing in the cycle

    Hi to all

    I am ending my "light" cycle and i want some ideas about my pct .
    My cycle is :
    Restandol 240 mg/day for 1-8 week
    Winstrol Depot 50cc eod for 3-11 week
    Proviron 75 mg /day for 3-11 week
    Deca 200mg /week 5-8 week

    I was thinking to start the next day after last Winstrol ,with :
    20mg Nolva/day
    1500 UI HCG/EOD for 3 weeks (to resize my balls)
    and for the next 3 weeks
    10mg nolva/day
    100 mg Clomid

    What do you say about that ?
    (In my last cycle i didn't give attention on my pct and after 2 mounths
    my Testo levels was near to zero !!!)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    The hcg should be taken during the cycle not pct......

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Are you suggesting not to do the HCG ?
    In my last cycle when my endogenous level went near to zero ,my Doc gave me HCG 1500 UI /eod for 12 weeks . (is this over the limits ?)

    I retained well so why not to use it again ?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Tourk
    Are you suggesting not to do the HCG ?
    In my last cycle when my endogenous level went near to zero ,my Doc gave me HCG 1500 UI /eod for 12 weeks . (is this over the limits ?)

    I retained well so why not to use it again ?
    I am suggesting taking it during the cycle and not during pct since it interfers with recovery.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Ok ...i see
    One last question .Is this PCT cycle too much for the AS i used .
    I mean that is Nolva and Clomid together too much for this cycle or i have to use both ,to be sure for the result ?

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