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Thread: Tribulus....Pretty costly when u break it down..

  1. #1

    Tribulus....Pretty costly when u break it down..

    I hear so many people saying to 4-6G a day through you cycle, and 6-8G if ur crashing real hard. Well lets do the math.

    Most cycles are 10 weeks 70 days, 6Grams a day.....

    I think the best prices out there for Trib are 500mg Caps/50 in a $20.00...

    You need 12 pills a day 1000mg=1Gram (12)500mg= 6000mg(6Grams)....

    12 pills X 70 Days= 840pills.......50 in a bottle and you need 840 pills ...................Hmmmm that comes out to 16 bottles at $20.00 each..............Total $320.00 for herbal medicine...****, is it neccesssary to take it through the whole cycle, or untill we see improvements in or eractions....My sex drive is off the roof, im taking PROP/FINA, i was told that my prop can be fake, thats why my soldier isnt at its full potential and the FINA is shutting me down, but then again my sex drive is amazing.......So the PROP must be real, so im going ot take TRIB, but this cost a lot.....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Hey bro... I might be wrong but check this out...

    Alot cheaper than what you have I believe.. Good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Bro,most found 3-4 grams ED to be the sweet spot when taking trib.Yes it can become a little costly if you run it throughout a cycle.It all depends on your budget.If you can afford to give your "boys" that little extra boost during the cycle that's great.If not,when you experience some testicular atrophy,then run your trib.Some just run towards the end of cycle,and through pct.So it's all dependant upon yourself.There's no golden rule saying trib is a must,but it does help tho.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    I cant relate to this cause i havnt taking a cycle yet.., but isnt tribulus to help with eractions and not having limp dicks also, besides testical atrophy??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Anabolic Review
    Quote Originally Posted by xxjuiceitxx
    I hear so many people saying to 4-6G a day through you cycle, and 6-8G if ur crashing real hard. Well lets do the math.

    Most cycles are 10 weeks 70 days, 6Grams a day.....

    I think the best prices out there for Trib are 500mg Caps/50 in a $20.00...

    You need 12 pills a day 1000mg=1Gram (12)500mg= 6000mg(6Grams)....

    12 pills X 70 Days= 840pills.......50 in a bottle and you need 840 pills ...................Hmmmm that comes out to 16 bottles at $20.00 each..............Total $320.00 for herbal medicine...****, is it neccesssary to take it through the whole cycle, or untill we see improvements in or eractions....My sex drive is off the roof, im taking PROP/FINA, i was told that my prop can be fake, thats why my soldier isnt at its full potential and the FINA is shutting me down, but then again my sex drive is amazing.......So the PROP must be real, so im going ot take TRIB, but this cost a lot.....

    You are paying way too much. I buy 625mgs caps 100 in a bottle for $10.00
    Here is the website

    Great deal on trib...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by xxsirhcxx
    I cant relate to this cause i havnt taking a cycle yet.., but isnt tribulus to help with eractions and not having limp dicks also, besides testical atrophy??
    Because of #1 and #2 tribulus will help libido, atrophy, sex drve.......

    1. Increase testosterone levels naturally
    2. Increases Lutenizing Hormone (LH) levels
    3. Increase your sex drive naturally
    4. Helps regulate blood pressure
    5. Well being

    and more...................

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    My friends Parents own a health store and i get tribulus at 5 cents a gram. I have to pack the pills though.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Keep in mind that all trib brands are not created equally..No matter what they may say on the label. When I was on cycle a few months ago I was buying trib from vitamin world (250mg tabs) and it was like 7$..worked like a charm but when I ran out I went to GNC and bought one of their brands with some bulgarian extract of it at 500mg (20$)..taking double the dose did not help!! The boys started shrinking until I went back to vitaminworld and bought the cheap 250mg kind again. Anyway, to answer your post I only needed 1500-2000 mg of the better trib to keep the boys full.

  9. #9
    Take a look here: under bulk herbs. You can get 1 pound of tribulus powder for $9.60. If it's decent you can't beat that. I ordered a few days ago.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    The Lab
    Quote Originally Posted by joevette
    Take a look here: under bulk herbs. You can get 1 pound of tribulus powder for $9.60. If it's decent you can't beat that. I ordered a few days ago.
    Very inexpensive.

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