Dear people
I need easy to understand information on what is PCT Post Cycle Therapy. I been on oral Dianabol for 3 weeks (3 tablets a day). Immediately afterwards I went onto supplements on a months supply (spread over 2,3 months). This included:
Protein Intelligence (Pure Whey Protein)
Quantum Protein Shift (Super Protein)
Creatine Intelligence
NX4 Nitro Intelligence
Testo Intelligence Stack SSI
I didn't think these would be like steroids. I did a little reading before taking Dianabol and remember about extra things to take to prevent water retention. But I thought going on for less than 3 weeks wouldn't cause any problems and water retention was caused by long-term taking.
I hear people tell me Nolva or chlomid or colon. What are they? Same as feminization (i.e. Gyno, water retention). Well I think I know what water retention is (Fight Club).
I got a supply of Chaste Tree (capsules), Echinacea & Milk Thistle (both tincure drops). I read about them used for acne and took them now and then.
Anyway, on top of all that I was a huge fan of vitamin supplements and regular user of:
Seven Seas One-A-Day Pure Cod Liver Oil Plus Multivitamins
Sanatogen Gold A To Z
Berocca (Vitamin C, Vitamin B12, etc at 1667% RDA)
MindFX Maxx Impulse, Neurocharge, Aftermath
After coming off Ripfast supplements I realise my liver gone a bit weird so I got hold of Hepatomil. It contains:
Exsiccated Fructus Cardui Mariae Extract Containing Silymarin 125mg plus all Vitamin Bs plus Calcium Pantothenate.
It's use I believe is for 'protection against liver damage and improvement of liver function. I don't know whether this helped or made my liver worse.
Anyway, after several blood tests this year my results were abnormally high. I am going to tell my doctor about my past oral steroid taking. However I also like information on PCT, Clomid, Nova, treating feminization, gyno, water retention, and kick starting my body into producing testosterone again.
PS: am already on 500mg of anti-biotics, 20mg anti-depressants.
I have learnt my lesson about supplements and the damaging effects on the liver/kidneys. I never want to abuse my liver/kidneys again. What should I do now? How can I rebuild my liver/kidneys?