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Thread: HELP: liver/kidneys dying...

  1. #1

    Question HELP: liver/kidneys dying...

    Dear people

    I need easy to understand information on what is PCT Post Cycle Therapy. I been on oral Dianabol for 3 weeks (3 tablets a day). Immediately afterwards I went onto supplements on a months supply (spread over 2,3 months). This included:

    Protein Intelligence (Pure Whey Protein)
    Quantum Protein Shift (Super Protein)
    Creatine Intelligence
    NX4 Nitro Intelligence
    Testo Intelligence Stack SSI

    I didn't think these would be like steroids. I did a little reading before taking Dianabol and remember about extra things to take to prevent water retention. But I thought going on for less than 3 weeks wouldn't cause any problems and water retention was caused by long-term taking.

    I hear people tell me Nolva or chlomid or colon. What are they? Same as feminization (i.e. Gyno, water retention). Well I think I know what water retention is (Fight Club).

    I got a supply of Chaste Tree (capsules), Echinacea & Milk Thistle (both tincure drops). I read about them used for acne and took them now and then.

    Anyway, on top of all that I was a huge fan of vitamin supplements and regular user of:

    Seven Seas One-A-Day Pure Cod Liver Oil Plus Multivitamins
    Sanatogen Gold A To Z

    Berocca (Vitamin C, Vitamin B12, etc at 1667% RDA)
    MindFX Maxx Impulse, Neurocharge, Aftermath

    After coming off Ripfast supplements I realise my liver gone a bit weird so I got hold of Hepatomil. It contains:

    Exsiccated Fructus Cardui Mariae Extract Containing Silymarin 125mg plus all Vitamin Bs plus Calcium Pantothenate.

    It's use I believe is for 'protection against liver damage and improvement of liver function. I don't know whether this helped or made my liver worse.

    Anyway, after several blood tests this year my results were abnormally high. I am going to tell my doctor about my past oral steroid taking. However I also like information on PCT, Clomid, Nova, treating feminization, gyno, water retention, and kick starting my body into producing testosterone again.

    PS: am already on 500mg of anti-biotics, 20mg anti-depressants.

    I have learnt my lesson about supplements and the damaging effects on the liver/kidneys. I never want to abuse my liver/kidneys again. What should I do now? How can I rebuild my liver/kidneys?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Philly - Better than you
    Milk Thistle mildly helps the liver regenerate itsself, and I am not trying to scare you but the task of regenerating your kidneys isnt as simple as taking an OTC herb. Your best advice at this point is to see the doctor.
    Your problems may or may not be related to your steroid use.

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