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Thread: Hcg

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003


    I have a 10,000 iu Hcg kit. If I add 5mls bact water how much would I draw up in a 3cc syringe to make 1000 IU's. Don't have any slin pins? What might be the appropriate dosage range and length of time to run this mid cycle? Am coming into wk 10 of a 20 wk cycle. Testicular atrophy is not too bad at this point, just want to cover the bases.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Assuming you are using a total of 5 ml's BAC water with your powder, each cc is 2000iu's. You would draw 1/2cc for 1000 iu's.

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