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Thread: Hcg Help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Hcg Help

    My Cycle
    Test prop 125mg EOD 1-10wks
    EQ 100mg EOD 1-10wks
    Fina 75mg ED wk4-10
    Winny tabs 50mg ED wk5-10

    2wks after last Fina,Test,EQ shot
    Clomid 300 first day/ 100mg for 10/ 50mg for 10 more
    Novladex 20mg ED for 28 days

    My question is I have organon HCG, how do I use it with this cycle, I have red where people use it during cycle, after cycle, and I have read various dosages, I was thinking of using 300iu's of it every 4th or 5th day through out my 10wk cycle, Please any suggestions or thoughts will be helpful. THANKS

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    I too have questions about hcg and have been researching different recommendations. As you say there is alot of different opinions. I do like your idea of small dosages throughout your cycle, but I also think another option is this: Use 500iu ED for 3-6 days mid cycle and 500iu ED 6-10 days post cycle. Please understand I am no expert but, you might research mid and post cycle hcg use. Good luck Bro, sorry I can't be more help.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    UK and USA
    You dont want to use it post cycle cos it will negatively affect the bodys natural test production. HCG works by 'mimicking', not 'helping' natural test production. The result is bigger balls so that when you do Clomid after cycle, your balls are more responsive to producing their own test again. Use it during your cycle.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    UK and USA
    Quote Originally Posted by dirtybrit55
    You dont want to use it post cycle cos it will negatively affect the bodys natural test production. HCG works by 'mimicking', not 'helping' natural test production. The result is bigger balls so that when you do Clomid after cycle, your balls are more responsive to producing their own test again. Use it during your cycle.
    OR just prior to the beginning of PCT

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Thanks for the reply. I will take your advice and use it through out my cycle, I plan on using 300iu's overy 4days starting in my second week of my cycle. Please let me know of any other suggestions.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    UK and USA
    I have never used it bro, BUT i researched it. For your cycle some would even say that it is unnecessary but you want to be safe so thats good. Too much of it can desensitize your testes to it and can cause gyno cos of oestrogen buildup. For you I would run it just at the end but BEFORE pct. Tribulus at 4g/day would be safer than HCG to keep your boys up during the cycle.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    does anybody know

    i was talking to a budy to day, and i told him that i was going to use my HCG through out my cycle and he said WHYY! "The hole idea is to get your nut back working again." assuming after cycle, devide the 5000iu's into a 5 day cycle about a week after your last shot but befor your clomid and nolvadex.
    does any body know?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    the way a pharmacist (in mexico) told me to use hcg is between your last injection and start of clomid u take 3500 iu every 3 days. i asked on here and got totally different advice but right now im taking the pharmacists advice (only using 2000 iu's instead of 3500 though)and hope it works out all well.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    I had a Rx for test cyp. The protocol was as follows: start HCG 2wks after last injection for 10 days. On day 10(last HCG) start clomid for 5 days. You do not take HCG DURING THE CYCLE

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    question: it doesn't hurt to start the pct too early does it. i know that there is a penalty for waiting to long for pct but is there one for starting it too early?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    well im no expert & perhaps more other qualifed gents can reply. But to answer your question ,YES there is a penalty for starting to soon. If for example your running a long acting ester ie, test cyp deca then It is counteracting the test . Your endocrine system will be in flux. The possible effect is more aromazitation. End result is elevated estrogen, loss of gains, depression to name a few.. As a rule you base the start of pct based of the half-life of the substance

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    what i did was pyramid the end of my test enth so my last injection was only 125 mg's so should i start the clomid sooner than 2 weeks after my last enth injection.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    I have a better handle on the use of HCG. Gathering all the info and opinions from people on this board and another board I am on, I have came to the conclusion to use the HCG 1wk after my last shot 500iu's for 10 days or I could do 1000iu's for 5 days, all befor I start Clomid & nolvadex. The HCG makes your body produce natural testosterone synthetically even though your LH receptor is down. The HCG helps build that up so when you start clomid the LH receptor can get back working again and doesn’t have to make your body produce as much test when working properly to allow a faster recovery. I found people only use HCG during cycle when they are a very long or harsh cycle providing not to be completely shut down. The reason I was researching it so much is because I don’t want to injure my body & to use it properly. I don’t want to burn out my LH receptor. I found only when you use HCG at high dosages for long period of time you could run the risk of burning out your LH receptor. These are my thoughts and I would appreciate any feedback you may have. Please let me know if I am talking astray. THANKS

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by mxgod1
    I have a better handle on the use of HCG. Gathering all the info and opinions from people on this board and another board I am on, I have came to the conclusion to use the HCG 1wk after my last shot 500iu's for 10 days or I could do 1000iu's for 5 days, all befor I start Clomid & nolvadex. The HCG makes your body produce natural testosterone synthetically even though your LH receptor is down. The HCG helps build that up so when you start clomid the LH receptor can get back working again and doesn’t have to make your body produce as much test when working properly to allow a faster recovery. I found people only use HCG during cycle when they are a very long or harsh cycle providing not to be completely shut down. The reason I was researching it so much is because I don’t want to injure my body & to use it properly. I don’t want to burn out my LH receptor. I found only when you use HCG at high dosages for long period of time you could run the risk of burning out your LH receptor. These are my thoughts and I would appreciate any feedback you may have. Please let me know if I am talking astray. THANKS
    I like your 500iu's everyday for 10 days 1 week after last injection. Some of the "opinions" I have came across also recommend 500iu's for 4 days mid cycle. The claim is to keep your boys chuggin along, instead of having to "bring them back" You don't ever want them to become raisins. I have also heard you can make some of your best gains while using hcg mid cycle. I do agree it depends on what cycle you are running. Lot's of different ideas. Sounds like you have been doing some good research, Be Safe and Good Luck

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by mxgod1
    I have a better handle on the use of HCG. Gathering all the info and opinions from people on this board and another board I am on, I have came to the conclusion to use the HCG 1wk after my last shot 500iu's for 10 days or I could do 1000iu's for 5 days, all befor I start Clomid & nolvadex. The HCG makes your body produce natural testosterone synthetically even though your LH receptor is down. The HCG helps build that up so when you start clomid the LH receptor can get back working again and doesn’t have to make your body produce as much test when working properly to allow a faster recovery. I found people only use HCG during cycle when they are a very long or harsh cycle providing not to be completely shut down. The reason I was researching it so much is because I don’t want to injure my body & to use it properly. I don’t want to burn out my LH receptor. I found only when you use HCG at high dosages for long period of time you could run the risk of burning out your LH receptor. These are my thoughts and I would appreciate any feedback you may have. Please let me know if I am talking astray. THANKS
    I like your 500iu's everyday for 10 days 1 week after last injection. Some of the "opinions" I have came across also recommend 500iu's for 4 days mid cycle. The claim is to keep your boys chuggin along, instead of having to "bring them back" You don't ever want them to become raisins. I have also heard you can make some of your best gains while using hcg mid cycle. I do agree it depends on what cycle you are running. Lot's of different ideas. Sounds like you have been doing some good research, Be Safe and Good Luck

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by bw1
    I like your 500iu's everyday for 10 days 1 week after last injection. Some of the "opinions" I have came across also recommend 500iu's for 4 days mid cycle. The claim is to keep your boys chuggin along, instead of having to "bring them back" You don't ever want them to become raisins. I have also heard you can make some of your best gains while using hcg mid cycle. I do agree it depends on what cycle you are running. Lot's of different ideas. Sounds like you have been doing some good research, Be Safe and Good Luck

    THANKS for the feed back Bro, I will probably use it mid cycle about wk 6, for about 3 or 4 days.

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