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Thread: Tell me if this PCT is good.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    far away

    Talking Tell me if this PCT is good.

    I'll be doing a deca 300, and test 400 cycle soon. I'll be taking tamoxifen (nolvadex) at 20 mg per day throughout, and vitamin b-6 at 200 mg per day. It is a 10 week cycle on the juice, and another five on just the nolva and vit's. I was thinking of starting my PCT on week 16 at the following:

    .............Day 1.... Day 2..... Day 3..... Day 4..... Day 5.....Day 6......Day 7
    Week 1...300 mg....100 mg...100 mg...100 mg...100 mg...100 mg... 100 mg
    Week 2...50 mg.....50 mg.....50 mg.....50 mg.....50 mg.....50 mg.....50 mg
    Week 3...50 mg.....50 mg.....50 mg.....50 mg.....50 mg......X...........X

    The above was modified from a previous recommendation, but unfortunately, the above reflects all the clomid I have.

    Any suggestions or should this be good. Is the start week good, or should I wait unitil week 18?

    Also, the first 300 mg of clomid: should I take this throughout the day, or in one sitting?

    Sorry, first cycle.
    Last edited by gerry619; 06-24-2004 at 07:12 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    far away
    no takers?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Read the sticky at the top of the page bout times I belive decca is three weeks after your last shot. You should also be running 20mg novla and .25 ldex along with clomid. If you wanted you can run clomid everyday at 100 mg rather than 50. Your pct should be 30 days.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    I was just on a cycle like this, test eth 500mgwk and EQ 350mgwk. This advice is what I did and it worked out well for me. I had a lot of input and research to come to this conclution for my PC.

    What kind of test is it, if it is eth you should star clomid and nolvadex 3 wks after last shot, if it were fast acting like prop I would start 2wks after last shot because of the deca.

    And I would do as follows.

    1wk after last shot
    If using HCG use 500iu's ED for 10days or 1000iu's ED for 5 days (in-between last shot ,clomid & Nolvadex) "no not use at the same time as Clomid"

    2 to 3 wks after last shot
    Clomid 300mg 1st day/100mg ED for 10 days/ 50mg for 10 more days
    Nolvadex 20mg ED for 28 days along with clomid

    I would not suggest taking Nolvadex throughuot cycle, but you may need to keep some extra nolvadex around. Like test eth estrogen is a big factor and if you feel any tingle or very sensitive on or around your nipples you may have signs of gyno so if you have any feeling during your cycle you want to take some Nolvadex for a couple 2 or 3 days to block that estrogen build up. Don't take it to long becouse it could hurt your gains during your cycle but a couple days would not hurt. Good Luck.
    Last edited by mxgod1; 06-24-2004 at 08:45 PM.

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