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Thread: nolva compared to clomid for PCT

  1. #1

    nolva compared to clomid for PCT

    I have read some articles regarding nolvadex for use in post cycle recovery instead of clomid... the two drugs are quite similar in action. In some respects it was stated that nolva was superior. Has anyone had experience with this in restoring the HPTA.
    check this link out in regards to the article

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    nolva is a better anti e, but clomid restores your hpta, they are similar, but still very different, clomid is a weak anti e

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Wrong forum bro.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Matt muscle
    I have read some articles regarding nolvadex for use in post cycle recovery instead of clomid... the two drugs are quite similar in action. In some respects it was stated that nolva was superior. Has anyone had experience with this in restoring the HPTA.
    check this link out in regards to the article
    Do a search for "llewellyin", you'll see that article picked apart and refuted a number of times on here.
    To summarize, although they are both SERMs, their tissue specificities lead to drastically different effects in the body. Clomid is far superior to nolva when considering the duration of pct at restoring HPTA function.

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