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Thread: Why Couldn't Clomid Be Used...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Noo Yawk

    Why Couldn't Clomid Be Used...

    as a steroid in itself? I was on clomid for 4 weeks recovering from some garbage that effects only 5% of people who try prohormones. My test levels were at 241! Thats like a masculine woman... Now my levels are at 783! Not too shabby right? My strength went up when I was on it, so why couldn't someone use Clomid as a "safe steroid"? Could one actually get good results from using clomid continuously?

  2. #2
    Even the crap prohormones are still androgens and cause negative feedback.....that's why I'm so against them....the negative feedback an dshutting down of HPTA is almost guaranteed, but their conversion to desired products is dependent on mechanistic rate-limiting steps.

    Your normal T levels are likely very close to 740ng/dL

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Noo Yawk
    so you're saying that even once I get off the clomid, my test levels probably will stay in the 700 range?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by El Jugo Buen0
    so you're saying that even once I get off the clomid, my test levels probably will stay in the 700 range?

    They may dip down some, but your normal levels are likely around that range. I assume you've never had them tested while "off" for a baseline?

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