Question: If running 1-4 d-bol, 1-8 sus, and 1-10 deca, what would be the cost of PCT of nolva and clomid 300/100/50? HCG at mid cycle and post cycle? Run nolva through out?
I want to run this cycle, but need to know how much I have to sock away. I will buy PCT supplies first before I even go shopping for sauce.
Not looking for a source. I know about that rule. Just looking for ball park figures. I don't want to run out of anti-e's mid cycle and have to give up gym time to work over time to cover more anti-e's.
Also, any one know average cost of the sauces mentioned at QV? I live really close to Mexico, and will probably by and shoot it over there. Except the D-bol. Have to keyster that, if worse come to worse.
I moved this from the wrong formum I had it in.