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Thread: PCT for d-bol, sus,& deca stack?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004
    El Paso, Texas

    PCT for d-bol, sus,& deca stack?

    Question: If running 1-4 d-bol, 1-8 sus, and 1-10 deca, what would be the cost of PCT of nolva and clomid 300/100/50? HCG at mid cycle and post cycle? Run nolva through out?
    I want to run this cycle, but need to know how much I have to sock away. I will buy PCT supplies first before I even go shopping for sauce.
    Not looking for a source. I know about that rule. Just looking for ball park figures. I don't want to run out of anti-e's mid cycle and have to give up gym time to work over time to cover more anti-e's.

    Also, any one know average cost of the sauces mentioned at QV? I live really close to Mexico, and will probably by and shoot it over there. Except the D-bol. Have to keyster that, if worse come to worse.

    I moved this from the wrong formum I had it in.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    the great white north

    Talking keesterin dbol!

    Dude, I really hope you dont have to keester the dbol! I am not sure if that will work too good LOL! seriously though there is a sticky in this forum covering practicly every roid. I would personally run tamox throughout 10mg ed with clomid at the designated time(times are in that sticky). gl
    Last edited by wink182; 12-06-2004 at 04:38 PM. Reason: mistake

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    El Paso, Texas
    I've read the sticky's. Don't cover what I wanted to know.
    Mainly: How much is this going to run me?
    A friend asked me how much this was going to run me as he wanted to be on cycle at the same time I was. I wasn't even going shopping until I had a grand socked away.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Man a G for that cycle...I guess now that i look at it i guess it would depend on amounts of gear your talking about...


    Last edited by d.b; 12-08-2004 at 09:07 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    El Paso, Texas
    960mg total of D-bol
    4000mg total of Deca
    5000mg total of Sus250
    4500IU HCG total
    4500mg of Clomid
    .02mg of Clen
    I got this off a cycle planner that I got from some one here.
    The prices are from last year and in pounds or dollars, I'm not sure which.
    35 for the dbol, 90 for the deca 80 for sus, 15 for HCG, 30 for clomid, 40 for clen.
    That can't be right though. $290? It's probably just an example. What does that translate to from pounds to dollars?

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