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Thread: Anavar PCT

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Anavar PCT

    Would useing 40mg of Anavar a day in between cycles to help keep gains affect HPTA ??

    If so by how much ??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Anavars will still suppress the HPTA. By how much? Don't know but less than the stronger stuff like test,dbol,deca,Eq, etc. I think at 40mg ED, not only will you keep gains, your strength should still go up! Anavar might not have much sides, but it is not weak. It is extremely potent if used properly.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Big Bapper
    Would useing 40mg of Anavar a day in between cycles to help keep gains affect HPTA ??

    If so by how much ??
    Someone once posted a while back ago about a study that showed an impact on the HPTA when 15mg of Anavar was used. And as the other bro stated...the suppression of HPTA is no where near the level of suppression you would get from TEST.....but if your HPTA is already suppressed and you add Anavar on top of that...then quien sabe (who knows). I am interested to know what your LH and FSH levels are before and after you finish the anavar at 40 mgs. If you get a chance then I would greatly appreciate the info.


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