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Thread: Tribulus

  1. #1


    I keep hearing that tribulus could slow down HPTA recovery,
    I did a 5 week cycle of ph(norderm/4derm) im about 13 days into pct,
    usin 6oxo and i added tribex to my pct about 6 days ago, but im having a hard time keeping a erection, i was wondering if i should get some nolva at this stage of my pct and drop the 6oxo crap, will nolva bring my sex drive back?..................Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Lovin Alba's butt
    Use clomid and nolva instead of that 6oxo crap. Tribulus is not the reason for the lowerd sex drive... its the fact that you are shut down, once again get some clomid and run that. Do not stop the trib, it is actually helping.

  3. #3
    Thanks for the reply, What dosage should i take of nolva?
    i never used it before, and how long should i take it for,? since i been taking 6 oxo for about 13 days now.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    in FL (former Masshole)
    Follow pheednos pct its a sticky

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Lovin Alba's butt
    Check out Pheednos PCT sticky.... in the PCT forum

  6. #6
    ok i checked the pheednos sticky, but the problem is that i can only get nolva, is there anything else i could get other than clomid? plus the guidelines are for 8 to 16 weeks cycles, and this is for people using gear, there's no way that PH'S are gonna be as strong as the real thing.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Lovin Alba's butt
    Your right, PHs are not as stong as gear.. nonetheless you are shut down with a low sex drive... Trust me it will work. Also AR-R has clomid, check out the flashing banner on the top right...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Behind Ur booty
    I dont know where you would hear that but it is actually the opposite. What happends during cycle is you effect the tri axis or HPTA. By supplementing testosterone you send a signal to the pituitary to stop producing Lutrinizing Hormone or LH for short. This decreases testosterone you produce. What tribulus does is stimulate LH levels again almost like clomid in effect helping restore or boost the HPTA. In theory, tribulus should help stimulate your libido or sex drive. I would up the trib to several grams per day. I ran trib at 1-2 grams a day. Others feel the effects better at 4 or more.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike_Huck
    I keep hearing that tribulus could slow down HPTA recovery,
    I did a 5 week cycle of ph(norderm/4derm) im about 13 days into pct,
    usin 6oxo and i added tribex to my pct about 6 days ago, but im having a hard time keeping a erection, i was wondering if i should get some nolva at this stage of my pct and drop the 6oxo crap, will nolva bring my sex drive back?..................Thank you.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I tried running 6oxo and trib a while back and had the same problem, from what I understand trib is really supposed to increase sex drive so that would make 6oxo the culprit. Best advice is to use a good Clomid PCT.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Oh yeah you may not be able to keep wood b/c your test levels are so low that is what I figured was going on with me, but it could be 6oxo, anyone ever had problems with 6oxo?

  11. #11


    Ok, i gonna get somo clomid, but my question is, do i still need nolva?
    since its been close to 3 weeks, since i been using 6 oxo (by the way that sh!t does not work)today i noticed for the first time that my nutz did shrink.
    anyways i also would like to know what doseges to use, and for how long. Thanks.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike_Huck
    Ok, i gonna get somo clomid, but my question is, do i still need nolva?
    since its been close to 3 weeks, since i been using 6 oxo (by the way that sh!t does not work)today i noticed for the first time that my nutz did shrink.
    anyways i also would like to know what doseges to use, and for how long. Thanks.

    i hear all over the place that 6oxo is worthless crap

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Lovin Alba's butt
    Quote Originally Posted by jgg1221
    i hear all over the place that 6oxo is worthless crap
    that is a very accurate statement...

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike_Huck
    Ok, i gonna get somo clomid, but my question is, do i still need nolva?
    since its been close to 3 weeks, since i been using 6 oxo (by the way that sh!t does not work)today i noticed for the first time that my nutz did shrink.
    anyways i also would like to know what doseges to use, and for how long. Thanks.
    Yes use 20-40mg of nolva before bed and run it with your clomid and trib.

  15. #15
    It's Been almost 2 months since i stopped using the ph's, and im still having problems with my libido(keeping it up)
    so im gonna get some clomid, but my question is do i need to take nolva also at this time? or can i use clomid by itself?...........Thank you.

    P.S Whats the dosages and the time that i should be using this stuff for?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Behind Ur booty
    Mike, run clomid at 100mg for 30 days along side 20mg's of nolva for 30 days. I wouldn't suggest clomid alone because clomid may be subsided to two actions and taken away from its main purpose stimulationg LH levels. Nolva will combat an estrogen flush and divert clomids attention souly to it's main purpose. In 30 days lets see how you are. Also, keep running your trib from 4-6 grams ED.

    click on the AR-R banner up top and you should see clomid and tamox on that site. Tamox is nolvadex.

  17. #17


    day 19 of 100/20 clomid /nolva, and im still having trouble keeping it up,
    i been getting some morning wood,i guess thats good, hopefully i didint mess myself up, i just remenber that i was using norderm for about a week by itself,(19-nortestosterone)this stuff turns into nandrolone,then i started stacking it with 4 derm, so im sure that i got deca dick, my sex drive still low, i dont know what to do, i have tribulus but im not taking it, i found this on bulk nutrition forum,

    The mechanism of action of tribulus is not well known, but one of the possibilities is that the active ingredient converts to DHEA; this would introduce an exogenous hormone into the body and further shutdown. The fact of the matter is, you must use either a strong aromatase inhibitor or a SERM post-cycle.

    P.S does anybody know how long does clomid takes to get you back to normal?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    For a short cycle, you should be back on your feet in 3-4 weeks. I'd recommend cialis in the meantime to help with the wood when you need it. Keep up the clomid and you will get back to normal.

    You're not still taking any compounds that would keep your natural test production suppressed, are you?

  19. #19
    No, im not taking anything else, i was taking tribulus but i stoped it because i heard that it could futher shut me down, but i dont know that for a fact.

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