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Thread: Got a question

  1. #1

    Got a question

    Alright I just started a test-250 (2cc's/week) and deca 300(1cc/week) cycle. I remember last time i did a cycle of d-bol, i noticed my nips started itching a little but it was just my left one. Nothing ever happened so i didnt worry about it. Im a little over a week into my next cycle and notice my left nip not sore or tender just kinda a sensitive feeling, itching maybe a little bit but just last nite.its fine now. Do i need to take anything while on my cycle? Or do i just need to worry about it after my cycle? Also could this be the early signs of gyno this early in the cycle??Or am i just a head case?im kinda worried so please help.If i do need to take something is it something i can get in town, or where?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by CamaroMan
    Alright I just started a test-250 (2cc's/week) and deca 300(1cc/week) cycle. I remember last time i did a cycle of d-bol, i noticed my nips started itching a little but it was just my left one. Nothing ever happened so i didnt worry about it. Im a little over a week into my next cycle and notice my left nip not sore or tender just kinda a sensitive feeling, itching maybe a little bit but just last nite.its fine now. Do i need to take anything while on my cycle? Or do i just need to worry about it after my cycle? Also could this be the early signs of gyno this early in the cycle??Or am i just a head case?im kinda worried so please help.If i do need to take something is it something i can get in town, or where?
    Get some nolva just in case. You really shouldn't worry about it though it's common to get sensitive/itchy nips on cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Take Nolva As A Preventative Measure So You Dont Get The Tits.

  4. #4
    So where can i get nolvadex??Is it legal??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Aussie in Singapore

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    you are also running deca so you will also wont to run 200mg day of b-6

  7. #7
    So where can i get this novla and b6?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Aussie in Singapore
    B6 from Health food store. Click on the link I gave you for the Tamox/Nolva

  9. #9
    if your nips or getting sore after only a week your prone,get on some tamox, I'd go right to 20mg/day.

  10. #10
    Can i just get some 60X0 will that work the same?

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