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Thread: Gyno or not possible ??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Gyno or not possible ??


    About just over a year ago, I used 1-test and 19-NOR-Keto. I thought Id read enough about them (I am very particular about research before buying etc) so I bought some and ran a cycle of 4 weeks. I did gain a lot (About 14lbs) but then lost it all. I then tried one of 1-AD and 19-nor-keto I think, and same thing happened. Then after just under a year, I bought M1T and 4AD. This time, I knew about PCT. Before, I did no PCT at all.

    Anyway, the question is is it possible for me to have got gyno from my previous cycles ? I have never had itchy,sore,swollen,puffy or any problems with my nipples BUT, I cant tell whether its just a bit of fat in that area that makes them look slightly droopy or if it is gyno ??! I have started AAS now and am in my 4th week and my gains in 4 weeks have been pretty good. (No gains in strength tho?!)

    My BF% is approx 12-13% I am 23, 5'10" and weigh now about 205lbs.

    Any thoughts are welcome - thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    noone got a clue then ?????

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Toronto 5days Miami 2days
    If you want to know for sure go get checked by a doctor.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    if you dont have lumps its not gyno

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I dont know if theyre just fat lumps though - not sure what they supposed to look or feel like ?!?
    I also dont fancy going to my doc with this.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    prohormone w/out pct

    Prohormones have been one of the biggest instigators of gyno in the past couple of years. Most notibly because those who have been using them knew nothing of pct. It is very important to follow a strict pct just as one would for AAS, 6 OXO is not enough. Use tribulus and clomid pct.
    Now, not every prohormone user will experience the same sides as the next. Some may think that you have the beginnings of Gyno, when in actuality it is sub-Q fat deposits, which is further evidence that you must follow a strict pct with prohormones.
    Sub cutaneous fat deposits occur in men after a cycle of prohormones due to the fact that your body is in catabolism. You have very low testosterone levels, yet high estrogen and cortisol levels. Without a good pct is place, prohormone users can expect to lose most/all gains as well. Respect your prohormone cycle as one would an AAS cycle. Been on prohormones cycles since 1997. Gained 40lbs., kept waist size the same.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Behind Ur booty
    Here is an informational article I wrote up for the members of the boards on gyno.

    Gyno or Gynecomastia Explained
    actually let me explain further what gyno or Gynecomastia is.

    There are four stages of gyno symptoms of which one the inflamation of the mammary glands is the most serious to worry about. This inflamation is brought on by elevated levels of estrogen and swells the glands around the nipple area uncomfortably. Effects can be permanent and surgory is usually the last resort to have them drained or completely removed.

    Competitive bodybuilders have them completely removed to save the time and money on the problem

    Other forms of gyno
    Type I: (pubertal or benign adolescent breast hypertrophy) refers to the common entity seen in pubertal males. Incidence may be as high as 60-70%. It is typically a firm, tender, subareolar mass anywhere from 1-5 cm in diameter. The pubertal adolescent frequently complains of pain in the breasts, particularly when wearing binding clothing. It usually spontaneously resolves within 2 years.

    Type II (physiological gynecomastia without evidence of underlying disease, or with evidence of organic disease including the effects of specific drugs) refers to a generalized, nonpainful breast enlargement. It is essential to differentiate between physiologic gynecomastia and breast enlargement due either to a pathologic process or to the use of a specific drug. Careful history taking regarding the time of onset, family history, duration of enlargement, history of systemic illness, weight change, and drug or medication use, is important. Physical examination should include height, weight, blood pressure, breast size, and Tanner staging of both breasts and genitals, in addition to a neurologic assessment.

    Type III gynecomastia is general obesity simulating gynecomastia.

    Type IV is pectoral muscle hypertrophy.

    Basically these types are the deposits of tissue around the nipple area. The last type IV is the over development of muscularity which would be us bodybuilders. The form you are concerned over (mammary inflamation) is the major concern.


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