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Thread: PCT for M1T/Winstrol cycle

  1. #1

    PCT for M1T/Winstrol cycle

    I am getting ready to finish a cycle of M1T and winstrol tabs. I took 20 mg of the M1T/day and 50 mg/day of winstrol. I took the m1t for 2 weeks and laid off of it for 2, then back on for 2 more. But i took the winstrol tabs the whole 6 week span. what do you guys suggest for pct? i have a bottle of liquid clomid that i had planned to take until i read an article in the latest issue of musclemag, which totally changed my mind on the idea of using clomid for pct. Also, This is not my first time using roids. actually the last cycle I did I used the same clomid and I felt like **** and lossed all my gains. Any help is much appreciated...thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Lovin Alba's butt
    Well worthless cycle.... but b/c you already did it.... do PCT the way that Pheedno advocates...

  3. #3
    worthless? i gained 14 lbs, puts 30 pounds back of my bench press and look more filled out than i ever have. If you call that worthless for a cheap, 6 weeker, you must expect way more out of pro-steroids and 17-aa's than I do. anyway thanks for the advice.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Whetstone
    until i read an article in the latest issue of musclemag, which totally changed my mind on the idea of using clomid for pct. Also, This is not my first time using roids. actually the last cycle I did I used the same clomid and I felt like **** and lossed all my gains. Any help is much appreciated...thanks
    Would you value musclemag's info over the forums? Clomid therapy is the "gold standard". If you lost your gains last time, i would look at something else other than the clomid b/c I think you would agree most people PCT succesfully with clomid. I guess you cold try some of the alternatives (HCG, L-dex), but I still think you've got to have clomid in there.

    What did the article say in any case?

  6. #6
    basically the article in musclemag was bashing clomid saying that if you look at old bodybuilders who did not do any kind of pct they never got gyno and didn't have any trouble getting natural test levels back. i do value the forum much more it's just one of those things that bothers me when i here things like this. another question is how long should i wait after stopping the M1T to start the clomid?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Whetstone
    basically the article in musclemag was bashing clomid saying that if you look at old bodybuilders who did not do any kind of pct they never got gyno and didn't have any trouble getting natural test levels back. i do value the forum much more it's just one of those things that bothers me when i here things like this. another question is how long should i wait after stopping the M1T to start the clomid?
    Well then if you've done any research on this site at all, you know the article is complete BS.

    If you ran the cycle weeks 1-4, clomid should be 5-8.

  8. #8

    cycle description

    i ran:

    50mg/day-winstrol tabs-6 weeks
    20mg/day m1t -2 weeks,off for 2 weeks, and back on for 2
    also at what mg and how long should i take the clomid? its not like this is a hardcore cycle or anything. i moved in with my g/f and couldn't use any injects for a while
    Last edited by Whetstone; 02-27-2005 at 08:46 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Middle East
    PCT explained.... need to do a little more research before you start cycling, if you bothered to look at the stickys at the top of this post, then you would realise all the information for PCT is there...and by the way, when it comes to information on steroids&how to keep gains, stick to the information on these forums, and leave MuscleMag next to the toilet...

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