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Thread: Quick PCT question

  1. #1

    Quick PCT question

    My Cycle looks like this Test cyp 400 mg 10 weeks Deca 300 mg 9 weeks. this is my 4th cycle and for some reason it has never taken me much to get good gains. i will be running letro through out cycle. question is when do i stop taking letro and replace it with the tamox? do i over lap them? and how long should i keep runing the tamox after my clomid thearpy?
    Thanx, bros

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by marvelousmic
    My Cycle looks like this Test cyp 400 mg 10 weeks Deca 300 mg 9 weeks. this is my 4th cycle and for some reason it has never taken me much to get good gains. i will be running letro through out cycle. question is when do i stop taking letro and replace it with the tamox? do i over lap them? and how long should i keep runing the tamox after my clomid thearpy?
    Thanx, bros
    run letro and nolva together during and nolva and clomid in pct, you also should get b6 for progesterone gyno and run that throughout as well

  3. #3
    this is my first time doing any kinda anti-e's or pct for any of my cycles, not sure what b6 is. also i have been reading that the letro would be fine by its self while on and that taking tamox and letro together could reduce the effectiveness of the letro. let me know what u guys think. btw i got some hcg when i was getting my gear for this cycle but have been reading that its not necessary.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by marvelousmic
    this is my first time doing any kinda anti-e's or pct for any of my cycles, not sure what b6 is. also i have been reading that the letro would be fine by its self while on and that taking tamox and letro together could reduce the effectiveness of the letro. let me know what u guys think. btw i got some hcg when i was getting my gear for this cycle but have been reading that its not necessary.
    Dude, it's Vitamin B-6. No big deal. lol...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    I would have opted for a weaker AI if I was you. Letro is really too strong for the doses your running, but it's what you got.

    Run the letro at .625mg EOD(1/4cc) throughout the cycle. Phase tamox in at wk 10 at 20mg and disontinue letro at wk12, start clomid at 100mg and run the clomid/nolva for 30 days

  6. #6
    Thanx for all the help!! this clears up a lot of my questions, so should i just 86 the use of hcg??

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