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Thread: Nolva and Letro Question for Begineer??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Nolva and Letro Question for Begineer??

    Hello just a question related to Clomid, Nolva, and Letro. Based on what I have been reading is that Clomid and Nolva will block estrogen while Letro will prevent estrogen build up.

    Now during a cycle I have read that estrogen in the body is beneficial as long as it does not cause side effects (gyno). So if Nolva will block estrogen during a cycle, does this mean you still get the benefit of the estrogen, meaning it will not hinder gains? And if you take Letro during a cycle it will prevent estrogen all together, does this mean it will hinder your gains?

    Is Letro only recommended during a cycle if you get gyno easily and Nolva is not strong enough for you to prevent gyno???Or is Nolva alwasy strong enough to use?

    Just not sure what situation calls for either Nolva or Letro.

  2. #2
    if you take nolvadex during a cycle it is supposed to hinder your results, however I have taken nolv during both of my cycles and still received good results. Just take nolva if your feeling side effects. If you arent then just keep some on hand in case you do.

    Letro and nolva can also be taken to reduce the water weight aspect of some AAS.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Your a little of base on that one guy Nolva will NOT hinder your gains whatso ever and it will NOT reduce water weight either only an AI such as letro or adex will do that.

    Nolva is in itself a weak estrogen that binds to specific tissue ie breast keeping the stronger estrogen that does cause gyno blocked from attaching to the breast.

    Nolva will NOT hinder gains in the slightest there is no actual pathway that can lead it to do so. It is always recomended to take nolva on cycle because its so cheap and will protect you from getting gyno. Why wait for symptoms to start when you can take 10-20mg ed and keep them from ever happing in the first place!!

    Now letro stops test from aromatizing in the first place so you never get any estro to form in the first place if you would like to stop bloat then this is the way to go. There will be hardly any estro to bind to the breast in the first place. But letro can cause blood lipids to head in unhealthy directions which normally isnt that bad of a thing as they return to normal post cycle but if you are worried take 10-20mg of nolva with the letro/adex and it will keep your lipid profile in check.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Thanks for the info it is much appreciated, especially the Nolva. Think I am going to add Nolva to my cycle next week to be on the safe side, escpeically if it will not hinder my results what so ever and that I don;t mind the extra water weight. Think I am going to try 10mg ED of Nolva.

    When sides do appear (gyno) which will kick in the fastest, ex) how many days for Nolva to start working and the same for Letro?

    (Must say this board is just so great, everytime I pop on I am learning somehthing new.Thanks guys!!!!!!!!)

    Thanks again.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    if you bump the nolva up to 20 you should have any problems at all.

    But if you do you should bump the nolva up to 60-80mg till symptoms subside and then drop back to 20mgs.

    Letro takes about 3 weeks to build up sufficently to block up to 98% of of aromatization if you use letro use it from day one and stop before your pct. search for tapering threads on letro because it can cause an estrogen rebound.

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