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Thread: 14 weeker like this, do I need clomid??

  1. #1

    14 weeker like this, do I need clomid??

    My cycle:

    01-11 test enanthate (500mg/wk)
    01-07 deca (400mg/wk)
    04-03 DBOL (25mg/ed)
    09-13 tren acetate (dont know how much I should do just yet)
    12-14 test prop (75mg/ed)

    then jumping right into PCT (Clomid, 300first day, 100 days 2-11, 50 days 12-21, 50 EOD for 8 days after)
    I am not running nolvadex throughout my cycle, I find my results are better than imagine (week 7 I am +25 lbs) and my face does not look bloated with water

    DO I NEED to use HCG for this? Thanks bros!

  2. #2
    bump? does anything think I should use clomid during PCT or maybe even a little bit before?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    in some pu$$y
    clomid during pct. you stated it right in you cycle. start it two weeks after your last test e injection. imo you should run the deca to week 10 and drop the tren and prop. are you trying to bulk and then cut? if so you should not. pick one and stick with it.
    cycle should look like this:
    1-4 dbol 25 mg ed
    1-11 test enanthate (500mg/wk)
    1-10 deca (400mg/wk)
    clomid two weeks after last shot.

  4. #4
    Oops... I mean to say do I need HCG during PCT, I know I need the clomid no matter what. I just wanted to cut down to a six-pack in the last 4-5 weeks of cycle and I cannot extend my deca because I only had 2 vials to start with.

    so HCG yes / no ?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    in some pu$$y
    do you still have balls?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by vestax
    Oops... I mean to say do I need HCG during PCT, I know I need the clomid no matter what. I just wanted to cut down to a six-pack in the last 4-5 weeks of cycle and I cannot extend my deca because I only had 2 vials to start with.

    so HCG yes / no ?

    i would rather run my deca at 300mg/week for 10 weeks than 400mg/week for 7. You are not going to be able to cut to a six pack in the last 4-5 weeks of the cycle. You're using test/deca/dbol bro, all big bulkers. Stick to bulking all the way through and dont worry about getting cut till after the cycle. You wont need HCG IMO. Just do a nolva/clomid combo for PCT.

  7. #7
    My testicles are shrunk preetty **** small. I think i am only about 7lbs from a sixpack though, and I really want to throw tren in for the strength gains. I already put on about 27lbs in 8 1/2 weeks, only a few of those lbs were from fat too. I really just wanted to lean out a little bit on those last few weeks of the cycle.

    What are your recommendations?
    Will HCG not help me solidify more of my gains? I don't see how it can hurt

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    ACLU headquarters
    HCG won't help you gain but it will keep your nuts from shrinking, run it in the middle of your cycle at 500mcg per inject every three days 3to four injects, you can also run it right after your last shot BEFORE pct at the same rate

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    in some pu$$y
    hcg is for bringing back your balls that is it. it prevents testicular atrophy (sp?) clomid will help with keeping your gains. still imo you are wasting perfectly good tren prop on this cycle. y not run them together later this summer? you need to bulk or cut

  10. #10
    Well, can I run the tren but keep workign out as if I am bulking? I am interested in the strength gains you get off of it, and also this way for my next cycle I want to run tren/prop, this way I can see how I react to the drug/sides before investing all that money into a cycle i potentially might have to stop from horrible sides that people always talk about?

  11. #11

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